Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Role And Progression Of Love Spells In Ancient Times

The Role And Progression Of Love Spells In Ancient Times

By Brenda Collins

Love spells have existed for as long as people have valued romance. Like religion, they pervade every culture throughout history. In ancient days, the most popular spell made use of a wax reproduction of the object of the spell-maker's affection. They were generally cast to convince the gods to grant a love connection with the desired person.

Love has always been the core goal in many forms of witchcraft, pervading many cultures and eras. Originally, they were cast in an attempt to force the desired to fulfill the caster's wishes. Sometimes, offerings were made to the gods to convince them to provide more romantic luck.

Druids were the magical Celtic leaders who made use of rites to predict the future, solve legal problems and heal the sick. Druids received authority that was almost equal to that of royalty. Contemporary druids focus their beliefs on nature. Charms are performed in oak groves, because they believe trees are sacred.

Druids encourage romantic spellcasters to have focused intent to avoid attracting an unintended target. They also insist on responsibility, with the caster being encouraged to be certain about what he wishes for. A positive intent is an important prequel to magic in love spells that work.

Sandalwood, myrrh, cinnamon and frankincense are used by druids to win the affections of a person. These ingredients are combined when the beloved is in the same room. The aroma produced is believed to magically merge the couple's energies. Wedding rings, red ribbons and wine glasses are arranged in another charm, and are accompanied by an incantation, which is recited each Friday over a period of 21 days.

The Ancient Egyptians believed that love was commanded by gods. Charms were cast to reunite partners, fix marriages and banish romantic competitors. Rites were performed to convince daimons, or divine spirits, to help do the caster's bidding. It was believed that these spirits would appear in the target's or caster's dreams. Evocations were spoken to convince the gods to help. Items that belonged to the desired person were combined or arranged during charms.

The gods of ancient Egypt were an important part of romantic life. Apis and Min were in charge of fertility. Bastet, the cat god, was seen to control affection, and Hathor lorded over romance. Myrrh was seen as one of Hathor's favored substances, so it was an important role in many charms of this time.

Ancient Greece and Rome were centered around a belief in the gods, so magic sought to influence their powers. Religion, philosophy and medicine were closely woven together, so charms were cast by religious authorities in temples. Herbs that were believed to inspire passion were sold in the streets.

The most popular romantic magic practiced during ancient times by women focused on improving bonds between two people. Men practiced erotic magic that intended to make the caster appear more attractive to the object of his affection. Prostitutes of the time used magic to promote their profitability.

Eros was the god of ancient Rome that created lovers' bonds. Love spells from this era went through a profound change after marriage was legally required to be monogamous. Charms became dark rites that were seen as evil.

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