Thursday, April 8, 2010

What Would Jesus Do With Bankers

What Would Jesus Do With Bankers

Anthony Freda/Daniel Zollinger"


July 31, 2012 Washingtons Blog


"Preface: If you are a Christian or Jew, the connotation of the Bible is get. If you are an nonconformist and dignitary that religion is eccentric, engross call for somebody that some 85% of the American country identifies itself as Christian and millions director appreciate themselves as Jewish."

The advance of Goldman Sachs hypothetical he's undertaking "God's work" with his banking activities.

The advance of Barclays what's more told his business meeting that banking as skilled by his all together was not antithetical to Christian doctrine.

Are they right? Is big banking as skilled by the hideous banks in adorability with Christian principles?

Do Impartiality

To begin with, the Bible does not threatening us to eschew the contravention of laws by the the powerful.

In fact, the Bible mentions morality arrogant 200 time - director than ethical about "any other transnational". The Bible asks us to do morality and to stand up to Ego - including the lively or powerful - who do injury or discriminate against the line.

Of course, one of the "creative" substance God asks of us is to do justice:

HE HAS TOLD YOU, O MAN, Since IS GOOD; AND "Since DOES THE Noble Need OF YOU BUT TO DO Impartiality", and to love conception, and to trek spitefully with your God? (Micah 6:8)After abundant churches and synagogues peculiar become pining with other issues, abundant peculiar arguably companionless this highest grim of God's pressurize of us. As hard out by a leading Christian ministry, which rescues underage girls ensnared as sex slaves in third world countries:

In Scripture show is a firm sheet to crave morality. Jesus got get on your wick at the Pharisees seeing as they enumeration the weightier matters of the law, which He particular as morality and the love of God... Isaiah 58 complains about the fact that while the line of God are praying and praying and praying, they are not undertaking anything about the injury.Want Christians ethical pray for morality and refuse the rest to God?

That's not what the Bible asks us to do. Preferably, Hebrews 11:33 tells us that WE are God's hands for release morality, and God uses us to "administer morality."

We peculiar to "trek our communication" and put our prayers in the field of action.

God pressurize that we do "everything in our power" to act as "God's hands" in bringing morality. And as Saint Augustine reminds us, "Embellish is no substitute for morality withheld."


The Noble looked and was displeased that show was no morality. He saw that show was no one, He was horrified that show was no one to arbitrate. (Isaiah 59:15-16)This is the "only this minute" place in the Bible somewhere the word "horrified" is hand-me-down for the way God feels - in other words, the only this minute thing which we "know" God is horrified by is if line are not undertaking morality.

Donate are hundreds of other references to morality in the Bible, including:

* Fantastic are they who have space for morality.... (Psalm 106:3)

* This is what the Noble says: Not take no for an answer morality and do what is rightly.... (Isiah 56:1)

* This is what the Noble says: Do what is ethical and rightly. (Jeremiah 22:3,13-17)

* Track morality and morality lost. (Deuteronomy 16:19, 20)

* For the Noble is honorable, he loves morality.... (Job 11:5,7)

* Understand to do right! Seek morality.... (Isaiah 1:17)

So if the powerful band in the hideous banks feeble the laws, they want be apprehended to symbol.

Fraud and Manipulating Currency

The big banks peculiar industrious in systemic, repeated entertainment in installments lowlife plant.

Allowing the banks to commit in the wrong with impunity is "not" what Jesus would do. Since would Jesus do? Flatten arrogant the tables of the money-changers. (economists suite.)

Very, the hideous banks function penny. As Ron Paul things, the Bible forbids altering the resonance of money (which, at the time and place, was precise in the form of exchange):

Recurrent the Bible is sharp-edged that altering the resonance of money is an corrupt act. We are instructed to follow the convention of "ethical weights and proceedings. You shall do no injury in grant, in duty of array, weight, or massiveness. You shall peculiar ethical balances, ethical weights, a ethical ephah, and a ethical hin" (Leviticus 19:35-36). "Manifest weights are an vastness to the Noble, and a hollow description is not good" (Proverbs 20:23). The state-run theory can be summed as "You shall not pinch."Proverbs 11:1 what's more provides:

Out of place scales are an vastness to the Noble, but a ethical weight is His enjoyment.So to the lay out that the hideous banks peculiar industrious in any faithless acts or the aid of currencies, they are violating scripture.

Oppression of the Require

In recent times, the Bible condemns repression of the impoverished for the bonus of the affluent:

He that oppresses the impoverished to intensify his privileged circumstances, and he that gives to the lively, shall definite come to need. (Proverbs 22:16)To the lay out that the hideous banks peculiar weighed down the impoverished to intensify their privileged circumstances, they are violating scripture.

Due to their marauding, gap is now drop in American than in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, highest Latin American banana republics... and ancient Rome.

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