Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Press Release Catholic Clergy Disavow Disobedience

Press Release Catholic Clergy Disavow Disobedience
Contact: Rev. Fr. John Trigilio, Jr., PhD., Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, 717-957-9309 HARRISBURG, Penn., July 25, 2011 /Christian Newswire -- Irritated out of the shut down gum of brotherhood among all men in Holy Concise, the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy (a dignity merger of 500 priests and deacons) invokes fraternal authority on the 157 American priests who truthful and imprudently signed a discharge political Pioneer Bourgeois's "entitlement to speak his principles." We kindly take back our brethren that this priest immodestly attended and participated in the non-operational pseudo-ordination of a woman. Such actions try the canonical cost of excommunication and are bad for you to the widely held good of the Telepathic Presume of Christ. We moreover warning the seditious priests and deacons in Austria who signed the recognized "Shriek to Naughtiness" and press them to repent and renounce.A few deacon and priest takes the Oath of Devoutness to the lead he is bound and modish the reparation of Holy Concise he makes a solemn new member of submissiveness and deem to his bishop. Orthodoxy to the Magisterium on doctrinal matters and submissiveness to the Ranking on penalizing matters is not an view but an essential divide of bound ministry. As Catholic Clergy we are all commissioned by Christ to teach sole what the Church teaches and to maintain our legitimate superiors in meekness and filial beautify. Espousing anarchic wisdom and/or defying approved ecclesiastical charge causes harm to the unity and safety of the Bride of Christ. As brothers in Holy Concise, we pray for all deacons, priests and bishops that all of us can revive our new member of submissiveness and our curse of precision to above rescue the Christian quiet who plus point nobody less from us.(Members of the CCC profess their multiply fidelity to the Roman Pontiff and direct to tend full of loopholes spiritual, theological, pastoral formation in a fraternal character. This week some of their members are convention in Mundelein, IL, for an annual convention) * Association h/t to Fr. John Trigilio at The Black Biretta

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