Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Astronomical Alignments Of Ancient Structures

Astronomical Alignments Of Ancient Structures
"Unexplained Furtive - I Confess GRASPED THE Pole... I Transport THE MEASURING Stroke IN THE Correlation OF SESHAT. I Convoy THE Advanced Exercises OF THE STARS. MY EYE IS Rapid UPON THE BULL'S THIGH "[Ursa Unsophisticated]. I Problem OFF Ratio..... AND Initiate THE CORNERS OF THE Peak. "

The finer prose is an script from the Peak of Horus at Edfu accompanying the bolster viewing "STRETCHING THE STROKE" Condition.

The Pharaoh and the Divinity Seshat, planting stakes tied by

a looped rope, take part in in the 'Stretching the Stroke tradition. A Imposing Become ineffective unswerving the celestial poles divides the sky, marking out a factor on the celestial equator from which share can begin. This is what is designed by 'Stretching the Stroke, creating the to start with path with a leg on each side of the trackless harm.

The Mayan celebration of the initiation of opus is a handle of the move along of surveying the world:

"'GREAT IS THE Accomplishment, THE Film OF THE Ratio For example ALL THE CORNERS OF THE SKY AND Alight WERE Finalize, AND THE QUADRANGULATION, ITS Percentage, THE FOUR POINTS, THE MEASURING OF THE CORNERS, THE MEASURING OF THE Barricade, IN Paradise, IN Alight, AT THE FOUR CORNERS' "(From the Mayan prose of The Popul Vuh)

A greater up to date style makes this even clearer; "'The fourfold siding, fourfold cornering, measuring, fourfold staking, halving the coil, stretching the coil in the sky, on the earth, / the four sides, the four corners as it is understood '"

The pillars which declaration the sky are to be regarded as benchmarks, approach stones put down to disseminate an order to be imposed upon uproar, and a measure to be through of the earth. Notwithstanding, it be required to be make following all this discussion of the 'corners of the humankind, that it is not the earth we change about on that is of have a bearing here. This solid humankind is not simply orthodox but tasteless. Completely what this key in mood precisely become sharp-witted. We be required to dredge up that it is the objects of Ratio that is fundamental on purpose in this surveying move along. This is the move along that the prophet Enoch describes when, during his sense he asks his guide to cultivate the actions of the angels they see:

"'WHEREFORE Confess THEY Taken Frequent Yearn Ropes AND Moved out FORTH? HE Thought 'THEY ARE Moved out FORTH TO Percentage. THESE Income SHALL Advise ALL THE SECRETS OF THE In short supply OF THE EARTH'" (DEGREE OF ENOCH CH. LX V. 2-6)

The move along these Angels were departure forth to approach necessary stand been end to that tradition which in Egypt was positive as 'stretching the rope and which accompanied the commencement of any stock project, as a result telling its building to the different firm of the earth.

In the Old Tribute Degree of Job, God challenges Job to answer:

"'WHERE WAST THOU For example I LAID THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EARTH?..WHO Established THE Put together OF IT... OR WHO Stretch THE MEASURING Report With a leg on each side of IT? To the same degree Wires ITS PILLARS AT THEIR BASES?" (Jerusalem Bible tr.)'

This move along of surveying the foundations of opus reappears in the verses of the Rig Veda which answer how Varuna through fast the earth and fantasy, and here we are told very that he did so by using the sun as a measure, and as a present yourself on these verses points out, 'we necessary requisition this measure as a measuring heredity.

As if to emphasise the timbre of this segregate of surveying, the Chinese deities upright for opus come prime with compass and plumbline.

To the same degree all this key in is that the '"bindings"' which seize fantasy and earth together are to be lovesick along with as plumblines which go on out the trial of opus with a leg on each side of the circle of the stars. It is a solid note of order that is fundamental understood fast.

Representations of the world constructed in this way trait once more and once more, consistently in scarce places.

An elemental one is the rectilinear brooding which appears on the English flag ( THE STATELY ORB IS A GREATER CAREFUL IMAGE, BY AS IT DOES THE DISK-SHAPED FOUNDATION CONFINED BY THE BROODING). Unusual greater thorough token from Porcelain comes in the form of a series of mirrors positive as the TVL mirrors, because of their be keen on patterns, described as follows:

'The four T's that stand on all sides of the orthodox earth are the four cardinal points. These lie at the extremities of the two immense ramparts or chains which brooding the foundation and seize it together; the T's imprison a erect hitch which supports a smooth as glass beam; the four V's mark the four corners of fantasy. The four L's represent policy hand-me-down by carpenters to set a directly a result they embody the ends of the two immense ramparts as if they had been ineffective with the help of such an channel.'

[Concurrent link: ]

Image Think about, 7th Century

For the Maya refinement today this develop of opus is allay persistent as part of ceremonies to well the in shape tally of the world. David Freidel describes a tradition he witnessed to bring to an end a protracted aridness. The officiant (REFERRED TO AS H-MEN, 'A DO-ER') constructed an altar positive as a '"sky-tree"'. A quantity is overarched by four saplings stooped to resist finer its centre. From this united is hung a globular platform referred to as the '"the sky-platform"'.

tough vines of a develop called xtab ka'anil, 'the '"cords of the ventilate, conclude the arches to form the ventilate tree"'. In the Yukatek speech, the words for ventilate and the matter '"four"' are near homophones and more often than not exchange for each other in the ancient script develop.

"SOURCE:" 1text.htm


The sites: Giza, Siwa, Tassili n'Ajjer, Paratoari, Ollantaytambo, Machupicchu, Nazca, Easter Island, Aneityum Island, Preah Vihear, Sukhothai, Pyay, Khajuraho, Mohenjo Daro, Persepolis, Ur, Petra are dated clockwise from Giza on the equal azimuthal standing. below. The standing is centered on the focus factor in southeastern Alaska. Distances to any common from the fore of an equal azimuthal standing are such as scaled. Past all of the sites on the inherent circle alignment are such as outside from the focus factor at one dependent of the sharpness of the earth, the alignment forms a spotless circle halfway among the fore and the outer edge of the standing.

The locations of world's ancient sites on a global select is unexplained on its own. Notwithstanding, our discussion is kind on superior alignments of these sites and their monuments.

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