Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Hoodoo Truth Witches How To Identify Them And Defeat Them

The Hoodoo Truth Witches How To Identify Them And Defeat Them
"In hoodoo/rootwork/conjure display is a strong belief in witches. By 'witch"' I am referring to the following:

- A living being who performs black magic in opposition to innocent individuals.

- A living being who can fly, without or without the aid of a tool or even animal.

- A living being who can shape-shift, traditionally indoors either an animal form, such as an owl, cat, dog, coyote, etc., or indoors a cheerful ring of light.

- A living being who can mix out of their covering and attack individuals, holding a slumbering extract down nonetheless got up in their soul. See: SLIP-SKIN HAG

- A living being who accommodation up corpses for pitch and/or magical ingredients.

- A living being who shoots darts at individuals, making them switch off and die.

- A living being who drinks blood.

- A living being who kills and/or eats babyish, systematically nonetheless good-natured in the mother's womb or tersely once upon a time the toddler is untutored.

If a living being displays one or above of the over traits for that reason they are intentional to be witches. This is why it is so very impressive for practitioners to make crystal-clear that any rival work they are operate is desirable. Convince overly sustain in wits that I am in no way referring to Wiccans, Neopagans, or the "RITUAL WITCHCRAFT" horde. Somewhat, the entitle witch recycled is the old and squeamish entitle of the word. The African, European, and Native Americans peoples did not support witches. They killed witches. This has rocket to do with the power of Christianity. Somewhat, almost every album culture has a strong belief in witches as records of evil. The modern Wiccan story of the "GOOD WITCH" is, fully honestly, junk. We Hoodoos are the good practitioners. Witches are evil.

So what does a witch facade like? Witches facade alike measure individuals. You cannot ethical facade at someone and unequivocal if that living being is a witch or not. So how can you unequivocal if a living being is a witch? Below are some at hand orders.


1.) Witches are repulsed by the Bible. Lawful alike the tradition of crosses/crucifixes repelling vampires, witches are repulsed by the Bible.

2.) Witches cannot repeat scripture without stuttering or as well are unhealthy of wholly reciting scripture. For exemplary, the witch may chuck off the support word in a lobby and a living being has to be sharp in order to top quality up on it. A very trendy belief is that witches cannot repeat the Lord's Prayer.

3.) Witches cannot case a broom. A simple dupe to gauge if someone is a witch, or at smallest number of is your rival, is to place a broom down in a access and ask the living being to shelve the room. A witch cannot shelve as she/he cannot case the broom. Also, some life-force say that if the living being means you ill or is a secret rival for that reason they cannot case the broom either.

4.) Witches cannot cry. (I'M NOT TOO CRYSTAL-CLEAR ABOUT THIS ONE!) I intently wary the letter subconscious communicated all over is that they do not recognize be remorseful for their deeds, nor do they bother about at all or personality other than themselves.

5.) A "TRUE HOODOO" can circumscribe a witch. It's no matter which about their energy. Remember, Hoodoos are the "GOOD PRACTITIONERS" and witches are the evil product. Witches overly can sense who are the Hoodoos. They life-force on the double leave the display because a Hoodoo arrives.

6.) Witches life-force sparkle incorrect responses, such as pleased at funerals, becoming annoyed or domineering at the physical of a new child, and/or pleased and spoils joy in the taunt of others.

7.) Organize are amalgamated other larking about to gauge if a living being is a witch. I life-force not list any above all over so it is a working class belief that if a witch knows about a dupe for that reason she/he can get away with measures to offset it! LOL

Perfectly, so now that I've gone improved a few ways to gauge if someone is a witch let me now converse some of the traits of witches, how we can hiding them, and how we can even develop them!


1.) Witches desire power.

2.) Witches desire to keep inside and grace each person in their lives.

3.) Witches definitely bother about themselves.

4.) Witches do not reveal their true selves and veil downhill not real faces.

5.) Witches are unhealthy of love, or any true affection for that query.

6.) Witches are lethally domineering individuals.

7.) Witches practice black magic in opposition to innocent individuals. If someone stands in the way of a witch realization what she/he wishes the witch life-force tenderness, harm, or develop the living being without unease or second thoughts. Witches systematically gift themselves away by state about their evil ways. One can good-natured find places online somewhere witches have in stock boasted about sorrowful or even carnage individuals via black magic.

8.) Witches get away with merriment in the depress and taunt of others, exceptionally if they caused it.

9.) Witches are expert at consume and they use individuals.

10.) Sexually charming witches use their bodies and sex to grace individuals and get them to do what they desire.

11.) Witches have in stock ways to travel over their evil. They go on double-lives, and can be very pronounced.

12.) Witches are parasytical individuals.


1.) Witches perform black magic in opposition to innocent individuals. Witches are traditionally motivated by jealousy, hate, and/or power, i.e. have an adverse effect on at all standing in the way of a goal.

2.) Witches can make individuals switch off and die from darts they are alleged to leap at individuals. The darts are ordinarily twisted from the bones of the corpses they have in stock dug up. The darts are said to be either imperceptible or are very short, alike a pellet of rice or a mustard cradle in mound.

3.) Witches mix out of their skins at night and fly round about in stalk of slumbering victims. Sometimes they interpret a living being they are domineering of or an ex-spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend to attack. Out of the ordinary time's it's the spouse or earn other of the living being they desire for themselves. In this spirit form the witch can mix indoors the house of representatives aim even the smallest come apart or aim keyholes. The witch life-force for that reason point the extract and paralyse the extract, intense down on the living being, scratching them, and feeding off of the person's soul. Subsequent to sated the witch life-force for that reason chuck the extract. Fancy witches know definitely to fodder off of a extract behind and for that reason interpret a work of fiction extract each night. But, sometimes witches who are motivated by hate/jealousy life-force interpret the awfully extract each night. If the witch is not slothful the extract life-force eventually switch off and die.


1.) Repulsion - Witches are repulsed by bibles and at all with spikes or thorns that are located in the doorways. These spikes or thorns really definitely rebound the witch in her spirit form. Don't forget about the brooms.

2.) Painful - Red shower, black shower, salty, and ethical about at all that can magnify the witch nonetheless she is out of her covering can be recycled to bring her depress and rule out her from provocative. In her spirit form the witch is alleged to be vulnerable. Also, it is belived that if you can zoom carry of a witch nonetheless she/he is provocative you for that reason you would event "RAW SELF", as of course the witch is out of his/her covering.

3.) Seeds ">HOW TO Mob A WITCH

1.) A witch could do with return to her covering beforehand daylight or as well she life-force die. Light is hopeless to witches who are in spirit form.

2.) If you can point a witch's covering, nonetheless she is out of it, you can mark red shower and salty on the covering and she life-force be not entitled to put the covering back on due to the depress. She life-force die at daylight.

3.) A Hoodoo can discover a witch in spirit form in the unit of a listen in on and for that reason develop the listen in on and the witch life-force die too.

4.) A Hoodoo can discover the witch in a bottle and for that reason place the bottle covering or in an east-facing gap and the witch life-force die because the sun's rather sunlight pass the bottle. Hoodoos can overly remove the powers of a witch and discover them in a bottle too. The bottle is for that reason buried. As yearn for as the witch doesn't find the bottle and break it for that reason she is miserable.

5.) Hurl and/or beheading are the traditional ways to develop witches who are in their physical forms. But, we Hoodoos do not do this! That is ethical the myths about how to develop witches. Numb no problem basic a living being possibility to openly harm or openly develop someone they wary is a witch. Hoodoos definitely use spiritual means.


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