Thursday, September 18, 2014

Yule Gifts And A Happy Holiday

Yule Gifts And A Happy Holiday
I do hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day/Feast of Frau Holle/winter break yesterday - whatever you call the festive holiday and whatever you were doing.For me it was a slightly sad time because my mum passed away earlier this year and I still miss her. However, I spent the day with my partner and his mum, dad, sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew. We ate and drank too much, played a new version of Monopoly,tried out the Kinect Adventures on the Xbox 360and did the kind of fun stuff that families do together at this time of year.I also got some wonderful witchy presents, some of which you can see in the picture above, including a bottle of mulled wine called Witches' Delight, a bottle of mead, a box of chocolates, the Earth Pathways Diary, the Witches' Calendar 2012, a black scrying mirror and a black velvet dressing gown from Marks and Spencer that I think would double quite well as a ritual robe.Today is Boxing Day and I'm going to be visiting friends and making merry!Happy Holidays!Links and previous related posts: 360 250GB Console with Kinect Sensor: Includes Kinect AdventuresMonopoly Electronic Banking Edition (London UK)

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