Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ostara Eggs Symbolism And Crafts

Ostara Eggs Symbolism And Crafts
Image Origin UnknownMy personal "favorite time of the year" is a toss-up between spring and fall. The Spring Equinox is celebrated as a time of magic, hope, and new beginnings. The "egg" has long been a symbol of "the seed of life", although it is unclear why we began coloring, decorating and displaying them. I would guess it began as a ritual to give honor and thanks for the blessings and promises unfolding once more. In any case, there are so many ways to decorate eggs and share in this festive time of year!MAKING ALL-NATURAL EASTER EGG DYES (Free, Printable Instructions, With Additional Colors And Variations Available At Better Homes And Gardens)BLUE: Cut 1/4 head of red cabbage into chunks and add to 4 cups boiling water. Stir in 2 Tablespoons of vinegar and allow to cool to room temperature. Remove cabbage chunks with slotted spoon.BLUISH-GRAY: Mix 1 cup frozen blueberries with 1 cup water. Bring to room temperature and remove blueberries.LAVENDER: Mix 1 cup grape juice and 1 Tablespoon vinegar.DARK PINK: Cut 1 medium-sized beet into chunks and add to 4 cups boiling water. Stir in 2 Tablespoons of vinegar and cool to room temperature. Remove chunks of beets.RICH YELLOW: Simmer 4 ounces of chopped carrot tops in 1 1/2 cups water for 15 minutes. Strain and add 2 teaspoons of white vinegar.ORANGE: Take the skins of six yellow onions and simmer in 2 cups water for 15 minutes. Strain and add 2 teaspoons of white vinegar.JADE GREEN: Peel the skin from 6 red onions and simmer in 2 cups water for 15 minutes. Strain and add 3 teaspoons of white vinegar.BROWN: Add 1 Tablespoon of vinegar to 1 cup strong coffee.If you lack any of the above ingredients, be sure to check out the color chart using other natural ingredients (located about halfway down the page) at What's Cooking America OR on page two of this article from Organic Gardening.TRADITIONAL COLOR MEANINGSWHITE: Purity, birth, virginity, youthfulnessYELLOW: Youth, light, purity, happiness, and wisdomRED: Passion, love, enthusiasmORANGE: Endurance, strength, powerGREEN: Renewal, freshness, hope, victory of life over deathBROWN: EarthBLUE: Sky, symbol of air and good healthPURPLE: Patience, trust, powerBLACK: Remembrance, eternity, constancy, and death. (A combination of black and white symbolizes protection from evil and respect for the dead) SHAPES AND DESIGNS (Many Shown Below Are Typical Of Ukrainian Pysanky, But Can Be Altered Or Modified To Meet Your Intentions And Traditions. This Link, From WWW.PYSANKY.INFO, Provides A VAST RESOURCE Of Shapes, Designs And Meanings)STRAIGHT LINES: Vertical for life, horizontal for death CIRCLES: Relate to the sun and the cycles of life, protection, continuity, and completeness TRIANGLES: The Trinity; Sun, Moon and Stars, or the Elements of air, fire and waterDIAMONDS: Knowledge SUNS: The life giving force, fire and warmth, enchantment, prosperity, good fortune STARS: Purity, life, giver of light, success, knowledge, beauty, elegance, and perfectionCURLS: ProtectionSPIRALS: Mystery of life and death, divinity and immortalityCROSSES: (Usually equal-armed crosses) representing the four directions, or the four elements SUNFLOWERS: Motherhood, life, love of the DivineWHEAT: Bountiful harvestWAVES: Wealth, rainRIBBONS: The thread of life, or eternityHORNS: Mobility, wisdom, triumph over problems, implying manhood and leadershipBEAR PAWS: A guardian spirit, bravery, wisdom, strength, endurance, the coming of springBIRDS: Messengers of the Sun and heavens, fertility, fulfillment of wishes, good harvestROOSTERS: Good fortune, masculinity, coming of the dawnHENS: Fertility, (hen's feet to offer protection and guidance for the young)GOOSE FEET: Symbols of soul or spiritBUTTERFLIES: Ascent of the soul, pleasure, frivolity of childhoodSPIDERS: Patience, artistry, industry, healing, good fortuneFISH: Abundance, sacrifice, regenerationPENTACLES: Elements, Earth, the DivineCAULDRONS: Rebirth, wisdom NOW FOR SOME FUN AND CREATIVE DESIGN IDEASCombine the homemade "TREASURE ROCKS COFFEE DOUGH" recipe (shown just below) with the "DRAGON (OR DINOSAUR) EGGS" DECORATING IDEA (below recipe) to create some really unique "Magical Treasure Eggs".Image from HomemadeMamas.netTREASURE ROCKS COFFEE DOUGH RECIPE2 cups flour2 cups used, fully-dried coffee grounds1 cup salt1/2 cup sand1 1/2 cups water Various tiny toy dinosaurs or dragons, "gems" or "crystals", trinkets, "fortune" messages written on slips of paper, coins, spells, spell ingredients, keys, or any other "treasures" you find appropriate. Perhaps you could make a treasure hunting game out of it for the kids by placing various colors of bingo chips inside. For example, a red chip might win a particular prize at the end of the "hunt", a yellow chip might give a half hour of television time, etc.Thoroughly mix all dry ingredients and slowly add water (you may not need to use all of it). Mix with your hands until a very "mold-able" dough has formed (you may need to add more flour and sand to achieve optimum consistency). Form into natural looking "rock shapes" or "egg shapes" with the "prizes and treasures" tucked completely inside. Air-dry for several days OR bake in an oven at 150 degrees Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes, or until dough is no longer soft.DRAGON EGG (OR DINOSAUR EGG) DECORATING: Carefully glue on various dried beans, split peas, etc. Note, you can glue these onto a regular hard-boiled egg or "blown" eggshell as well.I could not find "written instructions" for creating these, but the photos (especially HERE) are quite self-explanatory. To make the gradual "fade" shown below, let the egg sit in a strong dye solution for a while, gradually add a little more water, let sit, add more water, let sit, etc. These eggs have been tightly wrapped with various doilies, held tight with rubber bands, before dipping.The eggs shown here appear to be blown eggshells, dyed and dried, then melted chocolate was carefully poured into one of the holes. These are edible Rainbow Jell-O Eggs. See the link for instructions to create these colorful treats."Known in the Pagan Community as the "Green Witch", Polly Taskey is descended from Mary Bradbury (Perkins). She uses her writing talents to bring you PAGAN BY DESIGN BLOG and MESSAGE BOARDS. If reprinted, this byline and links shown here must be included."

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