Friday, September 5, 2014

The Natural Craft

The Natural Craft

Many newcomers to earth-based religions and mystery religions are often quite confused by the terms white magic and black magic. The bottom line is that all forms of magick are natural and neutral.

Despite what some people may think, psychic abilities (energy manipulation), precognition (divination), and postcognition (the understanding of past events), have no moral gradient or bias. They are neither good nor bad, they simply are faceits of the natural world. More importantly, they are the building blocks of the magick.

The fact that many people believe that there is a moral bias for forms of natural psychic abilities including telekinesis and psychokinesis. This comes from common superstition and the lack of self-education about these subjects. A person can be told many times over that these skills and forms of psychic abilities are natural and that everyone possesses them to some degree. If they do not understand these concepts, it simply goes in one ear and out the other.

As we begin the twenty-first century, psychism is still relatively uncharted territory for most of the world, but especially for the economically sound and politically correct United States. Spiritual faith in the United States has always waned in comparison to the more impoverished countries. Eastern Religions have worked with meditation, religious fasting and the pursuit of higher union with the Divine by means of personal introspection.

These inner abilities are becoming more accepted partly due to the New Age Movement, but they are far from New Age rhetoric. In regards to the practice of these crafts, it is important to remember that not all people are born with the same capacity for all psychic abilities.

Naturally intuitive people tend to gravitate towards the study of alternative faiths and/or the Mystery Religions. Peoples of all faiths, are equally capable of possessing these type of abilities that would cause attraction to alternative spiritual paths such as Wicca. Christian Wiccans with a higher sense of perception tend to believe that these abilities are natural and therefore of the Godhead, and see that there is no reason to hide them.

Fundamental Christians have a tendency to believe that a gift from God to any human can best be used in the service of the Godhead, why would this that different for Wiccans? Enlightened Christians tend to commune with the Divine in a more private form such as meditation. Wiccans encourage a more personal style of communion rather than going through a third party, such as a priest or minister. Since a personal relationship is encouraged, communion with the Divine can take place outside of a predesignated building.

Opinions or beliefs about the nature of these abilities are subjective and very greatly by who is is interpreting them. The abilities themselves remain the same and hold no bias in either direction until intent is applied by the individual. Forming these opinions and beliefs based on individual world views is a natural human trait.

Let us look past the black/white issue of magick in order to dispel the myth of unwanted results occurring during practical spell crafting. All forms of magick are derived from the conscious thoughts and the specific intent of the practitioner. Therefore, there can be no such thing as "accidentally invoking Satan". Rituals are multi-step ceremonies thoughtfully planned out to produce a specific result and draw heavily on the practitioner's intent. Therefore, an accidental mispronunciation or slightly incorrect gesture will not produce evil results so long as your original intent is pure.


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