Thursday, September 4, 2014

Art Of Ritual Magic Ritual Patterns For Advanced Magical Rites

Art Of Ritual Magic Ritual Patterns For Advanced Magical Rites
I am continuing the discussion of the system of ritual magic as practiced in the Order of the Gnostic Star, where a synthesis of Alexandrian Wicca and the Golden Dawn has produced an entirely new methodology for practicing ritual magic. This new methodology has produced techniques and ritual structures that go far beyond the limits of both systems. Keep in mind that this methodology didn't occur suddenly, but was the careful and tested product of over thirty years of occult practices and experiments.

From the writings of the "Disciple's Guide toRitual Magick" and the series "Mastering the Art of Ritual Magick", the basic or simple ritual working pattern has been described and extensively covered. I should note it here, as it occurs in the book, "Mastering the Art of Ritual Magick - Grimoire".

Simple Working Pattern

1. Circle consecration rite

2. Rose Ankh Vortex rite

3. Lunar Mystery rite

4. Assumption of the Grail Spirit (Godhead Assumption)

5. Western Underworld Gateway

6. Pyramid of Power rite (specific magical empowerment)

7. Closing the Western Gateway and Sealing all circle nodes

The above ritual working pattern is not part of the system of magic as found in the Grimoire of the Order of the Gnostic Star. This working pattern represents a prelude and a training device that will aid the student in being able to understand and perform the rituals as found in the Order of the Gnostic Star. You will notice that the assumption of the godhead occurs as part of the Lunar Mystery and is performed before the actual magical working, which is done as the climax to the other performed rituals. I believe that this represents a natural progression of ritual workings - where the vortex is set, the godhead is assumed before the actual magical power is generated, imprinted and sent out. Because this working is performed within a vortex, the release of power may be delayed until all of the ritual workings that make a working set (if they exist) can be assembled together and performed before being unleashed, which may be many days or even months later.

Complex Ritual Working Patterns

This brings us to the heart of this discussion. What were the ritual workings and methodologies that I created from the special synthesis of Wicca and the Golden Dawn systems of magic? I will confine my discussion to the first four Elemental degrees of the Order, since more complex workings would require a great deal of explanation and the developing of a sensible context. I think that we have already established the context for the first four degrees of the Order, and these workings are quite complex when compared to what one is capable of doing with the lore of the Golden Dawn or Alexandrian Wicca.

The first four degrees have associated magical lore and techniques that must be mastered (and proven to one's peer group) before one is able to advance to the next degree. The first four degrees have the following magical ritual workings that are a part of the lore of the Order:

1. First Degree - Elemental Magic (using the Enochian Godname Pair and Calls)

2. Second Degree - Talismanic Elemental Magic (using the Enochian Seniors/Kings)

3. Third Degree - Theurgy - Magical Evocation (Archangel Angel/ Demigod Invocations)

4. Fourth Degree - Lesser Archeomancy. (Full Angelic Theurgy and manteia - prophetic power. The word archeology is derived from the Greek words archai and logos, which means the study of antiquity or ancient remains, where archai is synonymous with archaic. Archeomancy could also be divination by the use of old statues, but I have chosen this specific meaning for the term - Divination or magic via the source or principal.

Lesser archeomancy is where the theurgic operation is performed within the context of the ten Sephiroth of the Tree of Life and one of the four Qabbalistic Worlds. The Qabbalistic World is invoked through a Pyramid of Power ritual, attuned to specific qualities of that world. The Sephirah is invoked through the artifice of the Eneagram talisman, erected in the center of the circle and overlaid with an invoking vortex. An underworld gateway is used to open one up to the specific inner plane domains defined by the combination of Qabbalistic World and Sephirah, which also happens to be one of the thirty-six decans (ten degree segment) of the Zodiac, and their associated Ruler, the Angel of the Decan. The Angelic Ruler of the Decan also controls the associated quinarians (five degree segments), which in this case would be ruled by the 72 Angels of the Ha-Shemhemphorash, and their demonic counterparts, the 72 demons of the Goetia.

Lesser archeomancy is used to perform inner plane workings as well angelic and demonic evocations.

Other structures -

Cross roads - devices or pylons drawn together crossing the center of the circle (Watchtowers or Angles). This ritual structure establishes a vortex domain, so it is similar to a gateway. Often an implied or realized godhead resides at the place where the cross roads cross.

Hexagramic Gate - Double gateway - both West and East, representing the full cycle of initiation as the Hero's Journey. Used for initiations and pathworking.

Enagramic Gate - Triple Gateway - West, North and South - representing the powers of creation and death that act as powerful transformation agents in the underworld domain.

Septagonic Vortex - Pylons set to the 4 Watchtowers, drawn together to form a magic cube. Over this is established an invoking vortex. A Western gateway is erected on the cube and invoking vortex, forming an inner trigon. Then all seven points of the magic circle (4 WTs and 3 nodes of the Western Gateway) are drawn together to form the septagonic vortex. This is an elaborate invoking vortex that can used as a simplified system of Theurgy.

Step Pyramid - four interlocking pyramids, one on top of the other, are erected to establish a highly charged and empowered inner domain, especially when a gateway is established at the apex. This ritual structure is used to stack all four of the Qabbalistic Worlds, beginning with Assiah and ending with Atziluth, to establish the greater Qabbalistic domain of the Absolute. I use this ritual structure as the base for the Bornless Rite, which is performed within the inner gateway of this rite.

This concludes my discussion of ritual structures as they are used in the Order, to empower and facilitate advanced magical ritual workings.

Frater Barrabbas Tiresius

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