Wednesday, September 10, 2014

For A Prayer Warrior Son

For A Prayer Warrior Son
Dear Friends,I know this will seem small in light of other much more serious prayer requests, but I hope you can find it in your heart to offer a quick prayer for this person and situation.The son of one of our kindest and most dedicated Prayer Warriors has had two items recently taken from him. The items taken are not of a high monetary value, but they were VERY meaningful to him. Moreover, he has been the victim of unscrupulous people many times in his life, due to having a kind and honest heart. He always tries to help others, but he is often taken advantage of by people who are seemingly without any morals at all. :( After many years of traumatic experiences in his life, events like these are magnified greatly for him, and become an additional source of pain, reminding him of all the other times in his life when he has been robbed by the unscrupulous in various ways. He struggles with depression, and it's possible that he may have undiagnosed PTSD, which is 'triggered' by certain events such as this. :(:highprayer: If you would, please pray that God would somehow restore the two items to him, and even more importantly, that the Holy Spirit will fill his mind and heart, and allow him to experience God's boundless Love and Mercy, which he so desperately needs in his life. :signofcross:Thank you so much, dear friends. Thank you more than I can say.:blessyou:

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