Saturday, September 6, 2014

Epic Blogger Award

Epic Blogger Award
Today one of my dear friends left me an award on my blog. Vickie from Aoibheal's Lair gave me the "Epically Awesome Award of Epic Awesomeness".

The award comes with a few rules.

1. Display the award on your page.

2. Link back to the person that gave it to you.

3. List 10 things about yourself.

4. Nominate 10 other bloggers to get the award.

I got the first two done, now for ten things about myself... let's see.....

1. I love love love Tattoos! I just got a new tattoo yesterday...

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Tattooist - Elijah Olson

2. I love to work with Clay. I'm working on a new piece, it's a dragon coaster. The center dish is for holding a coffee mug. It's still in progress. I'm deciding on paint colors now while it dries.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

3. I have an amazing kid who just published her first book on amazon. She created the book to use as a fundraiser for a chest reduction surgery. Her current fund raiser status can be found here.

Photo Credit - A.L. Olson

4. I have a deep love for sexy music....

From Rap

9. I believe we should all have good food. GMO scares me. No one seems to think it's not a good idea to put different types of DNA into corn, soybeans or other food and then feed them to our kids. It's just crazy.

10. I have a shop called Sosanna's Closet. We're starting out vending at local events such as CNC Pagan Pride in Raleigh and Earth Day at Truely Unique in Wilson.

Now... I need to nominate 10 other blogs... let's see.....

I know many of these will probably have already been nominated but I'm going to add them just the same....

1. I adore Rhonda over at Good Green Witch. Learning about our environment and sharing information on everything from plastics to fracking, Rhonda has an amazing way of delivering the information in an upfront, clear and concise way.

2. Kallan's Sunday Stew is just one of the great things on the menu at The Secret Life of the American Working Witch. From current events, news to dealing with stress there's always something wonderful going on there.

3. Monica over at TransGriot tells it like it is even when it comes to calling out HRC on its treatment of the trans* community in the recent protests at the Supreme Court during the oral arguments around Marriage Equality.

4. Sam at Chronicles of an Anthropology Nerd, is not only a fellow tattoo and otter lover but also an amazing writer and a frequent shopper at Sosanna's Closet. If you haven't checked out her blog, I highly recommend it.

5. If you want to stay up on all the latest LGBT News and happenings Joe. My. God. is an amazing blog to follow. From finding the scoop on politicians on the down low to getting the dish on attacks in Paris at Marriage rallies, Joe offers up front and direct coverage of today's happenings.

6. Another of my favorite blogs is Pagan Culture. Magaly shares her dark fiction as well as a glimpse into her personal life. She's witty, strong and saucy. Everything I love in a woman. She's currently hosting "Witches Fiction 2013... To the Bone", with stories and giveaways galore!

7. Heartsong's Circle is always peaceful and enchanting to me when I arrive. Alan has a way of being the voice of reason when hotter heads are popping off around. He's centered and indeed sends out what I believe is a very positive loving energy. Adding his posts and comments to your day will indeed make it a brighter place.

8. Inciting a Riot is indeed a riot. If you're not following Fire Lyte, I recommend it. From serious stuff to the fun, Fire Lyte says those things out loud which many of us just think about. Over the holidays his confessions of retail kept me in stitches for weeks.

9. Fellow artist and blogger Tess, over at East Coast Craft & Curio has given us a glimpse into her life and what makes her tick. Tess is an amazing person and I'm grateful to call her a friend.

10. If you like current events, book reviews and general ramblings from a pagan mother prospective "I'm Not Hannah" is a great blog to follow. I cannot begin to say enough about how witty and touching this blog can be.

Well there we have it. My 10 things and my 10 Blogs. I believe these are all incredibly epic blogs!

Head over and have a gander.

Namaste & Blessed Be



Read Confessions of a Modern Witch

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