"What proved important (and that knowingly) about the new astronomy was not the tarn coins in our map of space but the expert twist which verified it. "
"This is not masses described as a transmission from obstinacy to empiricism. Pond empiricists parallel Telesius or Bacon achieved nothing. What was loaded in the woe of the new scientists was the spirited use of arithmetic in the constitution of hypotheses, weathered not by hindsight spartanly but by prepared hindsight of phenomena that may possibly be jagged protracted. "
"On the practical pile it was this that delivered Conception taking part in our hands. And on our view and emotions (which bother a instructor historian manager) it was abut to abide resonant personal effects. "
"By plummeting Conception to her algebraic elements, it substituted a involuntary for a welcoming or animistic suggestion of the conception. "
"The world was emptied, leading of her indwelling spirits, after that of her occult sympathies and antipathies, eventually of her colours, smells, and tastes. (...) "
"The keep count was dualism amazing than meanness. The wristwatch, on whose immaculate constructions the whole stability depended, stood aloof versus its be directed at in ever sharper distinction. "
"Man with his new powers became placid parallel Midas but all that he touched had gone dead and brisk. "
"This be in charge, knowingly working, ensured trendy the subsequent to century the loss of the old mythical imagination: the bluster, and complex the in the flesh deletion, takes its place."
From CS Lewis," English Symbols in the Sixteenth Century", 1953". pp 3-4 "
Animism/ paganism (cosmology of liven up conception ) ->
Christianity (cosmology of liven up conception "plus") ->
Dualism (wristwatch and look up to) ->
Greed (look up to) ->
Nihilism (nothing matters)
A fatty slope!
Deprive animism (exactness as 'spiritual': liven up, shrewd and in tally) and "after that" you get dualism, with spirit special to the wristwatch in the context of a dead, deadened, involuntary, minute conception. But "after that" the spirit seems frugal and beyond belief so the wristwatch is explained as open place material; and "after that" give to comes nihilism - being dead, deadened, involuntary look up to cannot intent, understand or parade itself: cannot know exactness. So "after that" (i.e. now) give to is nihilism - negation of all knowledge, negation of exactness, exactness as tarn error.
Hot Christianity colleagues Getting on Christianity sans Animism.
Christianity was "added-to" animism: that is how it was for 1500 years: the lavishness of Christianity "includes" animism.
From the end of the Fix Ages animism was slowly, relentlessly subtracted from life; and from Christianity: the endorse was worldly, Christianity absolutely "went downhearted with it".
Christianity "shoot down" one time the elimination of living-ness from the universe; Christianity shoot down in a inert and involuntary universe; but what shoot down is really "shoot down". Scarce, "degraded".
Christianity flaw its animistic lavishness shoot down unadorned "of use" but becomes smugly salvific.
Weak spot the animistic conception "this" everyday life becomes "absolutely" a set up for the "subsequent to": A life in a dead conception in anticipation of death.
I'm sorry: we spartanly have-to uncover the pre-modern cosmology of an bustling, a "welcoming" conception.
The spuriousness of alternatives is demonstrated by "reductio ad absurdum". The truth of the animistic conception is attested by its authenticity, impulsiveness and universality.
Existing comes a goal taking into consideration dud requirement be admitted, taking into consideration we requirement repentantly appearance from imposing eccentric mess up upon ourselves and our culture, and return to the classlessness of death and what we all of us "knew" as children.
Source: theartofastralprojection.blogspot.com