Friday, June 27, 2014


Wizardry 7 explanation keeping :) from Eugen Zorin So long All!Charm of Emptiness Air 10% (Make germ-free Air 4)Charm of Renovate Lifeforce 50% regen+2 AC-4 SPCharm of Glisten (Ressurection 6)Charm of Moment SPCharm of Spiders Paralysis 10% (Web 4)Charm of Silence Paralysys 10% (Paralyze 5)Charm pro Numinous Numinous 30% (Numinous Supervise 4)Odorous Salts Paralysis 20%Bracers of Defence Missiles 10% Departure 10%Brimstone Nuggets Be passionate about 20%Take in of Consideration Lifeforce 20% Paralysis 10%Deadman's Overflow Hypnosis 20%Dragon Teeth Numinous 30%Ju-Ju Courage Lifeforce 30%Lion's Claws Missiles 30%Manta Ancestry Air 20%Mistic's Turn Psionic 10% (Mindread 4)Turn of Demons (C) regen-1 AC-4 SPTurn of Invisibility Missiles 20% Departure 10%Turn of Caring Missiles 20% (Defender Covering 3)Turn Pro Distant Sharp 40%Post Crystals Psionic 20%Scarab Necklace (C) Hypnosis 20% AC-2 SP Psionic 20%Controller Bones Spot 20%Principal FMPTRABPVBLSMNBascinet -6 F V L 6.5 -Bascinet & Camail -9 F V L 11.5 -Burgonet Hood -8 F V L 6.5 -Cap of Lie (C) +4 MP A P B M 0.5 Psionic 10%Fighter Turn -8 F V L 10.0 Be passionate about 10%, Sharp 10%Feathered Hat -2 F TR B V L 1.5 -Heaume -12 F V L 14.0 -Turn & Coif -7 F R V L 10.5 -Kabuto -6 S 5.5 -Fur Turn -3 F R V LS 3.5 -Redirect & Coif -5 F R V L 6.0Mitre -2 P B 3.5 -Necromatic Turn (C) -7 FVPTRABPVBLSMN 12.0 Glare 50%,Hypnos 50%Ninja Cowl -3 N 1.5Phrygian Cap -4 F TR B V L 3.5 -Skullcap -1 MP A P B M 0.5 -Steal Turn -4 F R V L 4.0Wizard's Focus -2 M A P 2.0 Numinous 10%Total FMPTRABPVBLSMNBreast Award -8 F R V L 18.0Sculpture Cuirass -6 F TR VBL 21.0 -Progression Hauberk -9 F R V L 28.0Progression Redirect +1 -10 F R V L 30.0 Be passionate about 10%, Sharp 10%Deathmail (C) +8 F V L 35.0 Regen-1Bludgeon Wrap -9 F R V LS 16.0Bludgeon Vest -7 F R V LS 12.0 -Fur Halter -2 F TR B V L 2.5Diaphanous Gown -1 FMPTRABPVBLSMN 1.0 Clearly FaerieGown of Divinemail -10 F P R VBLS 24.0 Regen+1Jazeraint Tunic -9 F TR B V L 20.0 -Fur Cuirass -5 F TR B V LS 14.0 -Fur Hauberk -7 F TR B V LS 18.0 -Ninja Even -3 N 3.0Award Redirect -10 F V L 33.0Award Mail+2 -12 F V L 40.0 Be passionate about 20%, Sharp 20%Award Mail+3 -13 F V L 44.0 Be passionate about 30%, Sharp 30%Bedspread Tunic -4 F P R VBLS 10.0 -Ceremonial dress -2 FMPTRABPVBLSM 3.0 -Ceremonial dress +1 -3 FMPTRABPVBLSM 3.0 -Ceremonial dress of Win over -6 MP A PVBLSM 3.0Stud Cuir Bra +2 -6 F TR B V L 5.5Studded Hauberk -8 F TR B V LS 22.0 -Suede Doublet -3 F TR B V L 5.0 -Tosei-Do -9 S 24.0 -LEGS FMPTRABPVBLSMNSculpture Greaves -7 F TR V LS 12.5 -Chamail Pants+2 -8 F PTR B VBL 6.5 Plize 20%, Spot 20%Chamois Be bounded by -3 F TR B V L 4.5 -Progression Chausses -9 F R V L 20.0Progression Redirect +1 -10 F R V L 21.5 Be passionate about 10%, Sharp 10%Fabric Slacks -1 F TR B V L 3.5Fabric Top -1 F TR B V L 2.5 -Fur Legging -4 F TR B V LS 5.0Diaphanous Gown -1 FMPTRABPVBLSMN 1.0 Clearly FaerieGown of Divinemail -10 F P R VBLS 18.0 Regen+1Jazeraint Be bounded by -9 F TR B V L 18.5 -Fur Greaves -6 F TR V LS 8.5Fur Legging -5 F TR B V LS 11.0 -Ninja Even -3 N 3.0 -Oliveskin Leggings (C) +2 F TR B V LS 19.0 -Award Redirect -10 F V L 26.0Award Mail+2 -12 F V L 32.0 Be passionate about 20%, Sharp 20%Award Mail+3 -13 F V L 36.0 Be passionate about 30%, Sharp 30%Bedspread Legging -4 F P R VBLS 9.0 -Ceremonial dress -2 FMPTRABPVBLSM 4.0 -Ceremonial dress +1 -3 FMPTRABPVBLSM 4.0 -Ceremonial dress of Win over -6 MP A PVBLSM 4.0Stud Chausses -8 F TR B V LS 17.0 -Stud Cuir Be bounded by +2 -6 F TR B V L 8.5Suede Slacks -3 F TR B V L 6.5 -FEET FMPTRABPVBLSMNBuskins -3 F PTR B VBLS 3.0 -Progression Hosen -8 F R V L 9.0 -Fur Boots -5 F TR B V L 5.0Fascinating Boots (C) +5 F V L 75.0 -Beach sandals -1 FMPTRABPVBLSM 1.5 -Gray Soleret -12 F V L 12.5 -Soleret -10 F V L 10.0 -Tabi Boots -3 N 2.0HANDS FMPTRABPVBLSMNChamois Handbag -3 F PTR B VBL 2.0Copper Handbag -10 F V L 8.5 -Cuir Gauntlets -5 F V LS 3.5Redirect Mittens -6 F R V L 6.0 -Mantis Handbag -14 F V L 6.0 - SPSleek Handbag (C) +1 F PTR B VBL 2.5 -Gray Handbag -12 F V L 9.5 -Foil Gauntlets -8 F V L 8.0CLOACKS FMPTRABPVBLSMNAnointed Cloack -1 F P VBL M 6.0 -Cloack of Luck -2 FMPTRABPVBLSMN Lifeforce 10%, SPCovert Facade -3 R 6.5 -Midnight Cloack -2 T B N 5.0 -Accuser Cloack -1 T B N 4.5 -SHIELDS FMPTRABPVBLSMNBuckler Covering -1 F TR B V L 4.0Dragon Kite -4 F V L 16.5 Be passionate about 40%, Sharp 20%Heather Covering -3 F V L 17.0Glare Covering -10 F PTR B VBLSM 4.5 Be passionate about 90%, Sharp 90%Just about Covering -2 F R V L 10.0 -Covering of Exalted (C) +3 F TR B V L 4.5 -Potion Prayer LEV FadingPungent Bomb Pungent Bomb 4/1Charm Glisten Ressurection 6/5Prepare Tidy Deplete 3/1Red Bomb Psionic Fires 3/1Cracker Stix Propel Blast 3/1 2-16Remedy Malignancy Remedy Malignancy 6/1Remedy Lt.CND Remedy Less important CND 6/1Remedy Paralyz Remedy Paralysis 6/1Remedy Stone Remedy Stone 6/1Faerie Tidy Surface 3/1Be passionate about Bomb Blaze 4/1Intensity Lipstick Blinding Intensity 3/1Sacred Wash Sacred Wash 3/1Hv.Do by Do by Wounds 6/1Hv.Continued existence Continued existence 6/1Icicle Stix Lonely Touch 2/1 2-12Unnoticed Potion Invisibility 3/1Lt.Do by Do by Wounds 1/1Shield Comprise Shield Covering 3/1Mod.Do by Do by Wounds 3/1Mod.Continued existence Continued existence 3/1Moser's Mojo Tea Magicfood 2/1Spot Bomb Spot Gas 4/1Save Renaissance 6/1Fly Stix Numinous Shield 4/1 5-40Carcass Lipstick Departure 6/1Bend Tidy Spot Gas 1/1Sneeze Lipstick Itch Shell 3/1Smell Bomb Unpleasant Gas 3/1Superman Superman 4/1Personnel of Winds Tornado 4/1 3-7/+1Armormelt Armormelt 4/1Fireball Fireball 4/1Healfull Healthfull 4/1Numinous Supervise Numinous Supervise 3/1Shield Comprise Shield Covering 3/1Save Renaissance 6/1Battering Rocks Battering Rocks 3/1Beat Fading Professions SA Hands P/SAXE FMPTRABPVBLSMNAxe of Countless Runes (C) 4-14/-8 F V L - 2 P (Regen-1)Chase Axe 2-8 F V LS N - 1 PBearded War Axe 1-5 F R V L - 1 P/SBipennis 4-14 F V L - 2 PCrusaders 2H Axe +1 6-18/+1 F V L - 2 PBOW FMPTRABPVBLSMNKeen Zoom 7-12/+1 - KIA 1 SElven Bow (for Elf) 0-0/+6 F R V LSMN KIA 1 P (Regen+1) SPMysterious Bow 0-0/+2 F R V LSMN KIA 1 PResonant Bow 0-0/+4 F R V LSMN KIA 1 PForager Bicker 7-16/+1 FMPTRABPVBLSMN KIA 1 SHv.Crossbow 0-0 F R V L M - 1 PLightning Prevent 10-30/+4FMPTRABPVBLSMN KIA 1 SAche Bow 0-0 F R V LSMN - 1 PLt.Crossbow 0-0 F TR B V L M - 1 PMistic Zoom 8-20/+3 FMPTRABPVBLSMN Pl,KIA 1 SBicker 3-9 - KIA 1 SSeige Arbalest 0-0/+4 F R V L M KIA 1 PBrusque Bow 0-0 FM TRABPV LSMN - 1 PShrike Zoom 4-7/+2 - KIA 1 SRat Zoom 8-14/+3 FMPTRABPVBLSMN Poi,KIA 1 SWillow Zoom 3-7 - KIA 1 SFIREARMS FMPTRABPVBLSMNBlunder Buss 2-48 F R V L KIA 1 PCobaltine Powerdglove 8-32/+2 FMPTRABPVBLSMN Pl,KIA 1 P/SSpecialization Phaser 3-30 F TR V LS KIA 1 P/SMusket 1-24 F TR V LS KIA 1 P/SStick & Worry FMPTRABPVBLSMNAnointed Worry 2-7 F P R VBL N KO 1 PBec De Corbin 3-7/+1 F V L KO 1 P/SBullwhip 1-4/+1 FMPTRABPVBL MN - 1 PCut'o Nine Trailer 6-18/+3 FM TRABPV L MN - 1 PHammer 2-5/-1 KO 1Stick 2-7 F P R VBL KO 1 PDawn Big shot 2-8 F P R VBL KO 1 PNunchaka 3-9/+1 N KO 1 P/SWar Scepetre 2-6 F P R VBL KO 1 P/SVulcan Hammer 7-16/+2 F V L KO 1 P (fireb 5)Zizka Big shot 2-10 F P R VBL N KO 1 PPole & Scepter FMPTRABPVBLSMNAwl Summit 3-8 F R V LS N - 2 PBo 1-6/+1 SMN - 2 PWhorl of the Serpent (C) 6-24/+3 FMPTRABPVBLSMN Spot 1 P (regen-1)Halberd 1-10 F V L - 2 PPrevailing Take captive 3-7/+1 M R B SM - 1 P (spook 3)Hayai Bo 4-9/+2 SMN KO 2 PSacred Basher 5-12/+1 P B KO 2 PJavelin 1-12/-2 V L - 2 PMonstrance 1-8/-1 P B KO 2 PPrivate grounds Scepter 1-5 FMPTRABPVBLSMN - 2 PRaven's Deduction (C) 6-18/+2 F V L Poi,KIA 1 P/S (regen-1)Knock Rod 2-7 F R V L N Evade 2 PBayonet 1-6 F R V L N - 2 PBayonet +2 4-14/+2 F R V L N - 2 PScepter 1-4 FMPTRABPVBLSMN - 1 PScepter Coincidence 1-8/+1 P VBL M KO 2 PScepter Amiable 1-8/+1 P PVBL M KO,Singe 2 PScepter of 12 Stars (C) 6-12/+1 FMPTRABPVBLSMN Surface 1 PScepter pro Paralysis 2-5 MP PVBL M Plyze 1 PStave of Silence 2-5 MP PVBL M - 1 P (tranquility 4)Stave pro Undead 2-5/+1 FM VBL M - 1 P (disp und 3)Prevent from seeing Rod 5-12 F R V L N Plyze, 2 P EvadeShoot FMPTRABPVBLSMNShell Stone 1-4 - 1 SShoot 0-0 FMPTRABPVBLSMN - 1 PStaff Stone 5-11 FMPTRABPVBLSMN KO 1 SWrist Fly 0-0/+3 FMPTRABPVBLSMN KO 1 PSWORD FMPTRABPVBLSMNBaselard 1-6 F TR B V L - 1 P/SBastard Sword 3-9/-1 F V L - 1 PTable knife Cuisinart 6-18/+2 F R V L KIA 1 PBroadsword F V L 1 PBroadsword +1 5-12/+1 F V L - 1 PBushido Table knife 4-16/+2 S N KIA 1 PClaymore 4-10 F V L - 2 PCutlass 2-7 F TR B V S - 1 PDragon Slaughterer 6-15/+1 F V L - 2 PFauchard 1-12 F V L -Flamberge 4-12 F V L - 2 PKatana 2-7/+1 S N - 1 PGlare Sword 5-40/+6 F R V LSMN KIA 1 PLongsword 2-8 F R V L - 1 PNinjato 2-8/+1 KIA 1 P/SNo-Dachi 2-14 S N KIA 2 PRapier 1-7/+1 F TR B V L - 1 PSai 2-10/+1 N KIA 1 P/SSaint Bastard 7-13/2 F V L KO 1 PSword of 4 Winds (C) 8-20/+2 F R V LSMN Dr,KIA 2 PSword of Be passionate about 2-16/+2 F V L - 2 PTarnished Sword 1-5/-1 F TR B V LS N - 1 PVorpal Table knife 4-14/+1 F TR B N Spot 1 PWakizashi 1-6 S N KIA 1 P/SWalriblade 3-9 F V LS N - 1 PZweihander 3-15 F V L - 2 PSend on FMPTRABPVBLSMNSpine Darts 1-5 FMPTRABPVBLSMN - 1Spot Darts 4-8 FM TRABP SMN Spot 1 P/SShuriken 2-7 SMN KIA 1 P/SPersonnel & Switchblade FMPTRABPVBLSMNSip Switchblade 2-7 F TR B V LSMN - 1 P/SCracker Stix 2-16 M T ABP N - 1 P/SSwitchblade 1-4 FM TRABPV LS N - 1 P/SIcicle Stix 2-12 - 1 P/SChief Discomforted 1-5 F R V L - 1 P/SFly Stix 5-40 M T ABP N - 1 P/SPandora's Personnel 3-7/+1 M BP B SM Both 1 P/SPoignard 1-6/+1 F R B V L - 1 P/SSpot Switchblade 3-7 FM TRABPV LS N Spot 1 P/SCarving knife 2-6/+2 F TR B V L KIA 1 P/S Send onPersonnel of Winds 3-7/+1 FMPTRABPVBLSMN - 1 P/SYmmy's Paw (C) 5-8/+1 FMPTRABPVBLSMN Stone 1 P/S


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