Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How To Start Your Satanic Coven

How To Start Your Satanic Coven
Have you have found the benefits of Satanism and Satanic magic? If so, you are probably progressing in your new-found art almost daily and Satan is greatly blessing you for your time, diligence and tenacity. You are probably performing rituals and magical workings in the privacy of your newly formed ritual sanctum, whether large and well furnished or small, intimate and humble. At a certain point in your pursuit of all things evil, you will probably ask yourself "How can I find like-minded individuals to share my Satanic experience?" Perhaps the thought of forming a Satanic coven crosses your mind. Well, for many, this is only a fleeting thought that is never seriously entertained however, some determined, strong-minded individuals do more than just think about it; they actually do it!


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