Very steadily essays or sermons on prayer highlight on the Lord's prayer (MATTHEW 6:5-13). This is good and upright, once upon a time all, the Disciples had asked how to pray and Jesus answered them. We continue a emphatically lesson from Jesus on how to pray.
But show are other crucial and add to prayers in the bible we can see as a Godly imitation. Hannah's prayer, (1 SAMUEL 1:10-18), Mary's prayer, (LUKE 1:46-55), and Hezekiah's prayer.
I'm reading 2 Kings. Hezekiah, 13th Ruler of Judah, was a king be level with no other at an earlier time him or once upon a time him. The Noble was matter with Hezekiah. In the fourteenth court of Hezekiah's family, a statement occurred. In the throes of the statement, Sennacherib king of Assyria sent Hezekiah a communication representing he was about to pierce. Hezekiah's acceptance and his prayer are recorded both in 2 Kings 19 and in Isaiah 37. Nearby is the prayer from Isaiah 37:14-20,
"Hezekiah's Summons for Supply
14Hezekiah traditional the communication from the hand of the messengers, and read it; and Hezekiah went up to the rule of the Noble, and walk off it at an earlier time the Noble. 15And Hezekiah prayed to the Lord: 16"O Noble of hosts, God of Israel, enthroned beyond the cherubim, you are the God, you deserted, of all the kingdoms of the earth; you continue completed nirvana and earth. 17Incline your ear, O Noble, and hear; open your eyes, O Noble, and see; and hook all the words of Sennacherib, which he has sent to sizzle the living God. 18Truly, O Noble, the kings of Assyria continue laid consumption all the nations and their lands, 19and continue cast their gods within the fire. For they were no gods, but the work of men's hands, wood and stone. From now they were destroyed. 20So now, O Noble our God, obstruction us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you deserted are the Noble."."
Isn't that honest beautiful! How without airs and fanatical and God-fearing!
I'll add some explanation from the MacArthur study bible.
Rhyme 14: Godly Hezekiah returned to the Stash of the Noble as he ought continue, bit Ahaz in a taciturn crisis refused to even as for a sign from the Noble.
Rhyme 16: The infer for Hezekiah's exclaim was God's layer as Royal leader and Novelist of the Formation, not Judah's worthiness to be delivered.
Rhyme 17: hook...see...hook...- in adapt to the gods of other nations the God of Israel heard and saw all.
Rhyme 18-19: Hezekiah exploded the Assyrian hint that the Noble was no speckled from other gods of the other nations that they may perhaps not recite their worshipers.
Rhyme 20: Hezekiah displayed the crest eagerness of all in requesting the link of Jerusalem- that the world may know that the Noble deserted is God.
I honest love that mental landscape of Hezekiah diffusion out the communication at an earlier time the Noble. It is so sufficient, such careful conference between God and His servant, the Noble such as so real and rouse to Hezekiah. I love how he went straight away to the Noble for help. We can learn much from Hezekiah's term.
Pleased take notice of these add to gear as you pray. Remember that God aimed of Hezekiah,
"And he did what was recompense in the eyes of the Noble, according to all that David his jump had done.... He trusted in the Noble, the God of Israel, so that show was none be level with him and all the kings of Judah once upon a time him, nor and inhabit who were at an earlier time him. For he said fast to the Noble. He did not investigate from subsequent to him, but kept the commandments that the Noble commanded Moses. And the Noble was with him"..." (2 Kings 18:3, 5-7a)
Reference: pagan-space.blogspot.com