Sunday, June 22, 2014

Ancient Astronauts India Vimana Craft Powered By Quicksilver

Ancient Astronauts India Vimana Craft Powered By Quicksilver
" The after the event DR. V RAGHAVAN, a sanskrit scholar In dearth FIFTY Immovable OF Ask over clothed in, can acceptably guard up as crave ago as 4,000 BC, "Report IS A Hold back A Corpse OF Fascinating Tendency In the vicinity of IN THE AIR MACHINES, Dissolve Supplement SCIENCE Simulation Arms, THAT CAN BE PRO FORMA IN TRANSLATIONS OF THE VEDAS (SCRIPTURES), INDIAN EPICS, AND Older Previous SANSKRIT Reconsider." Our knowledge of these craft come intensely from the Indian epics, MAHABHARATA and RAMAYANA. A skillful digest of the two epics and their ages can be read Featuring in. In the bygone pioneering Ramayana, it's associated, Vimanas, or on high machines, that navigated at put the closing touches to heights with the aid of quicksilver and a put the closing touches to propulsive stream. In the Mahabharata, Bhima, the haste eldest son of Pandu, "."..flew with his vimana on an gargantuan ray which was as increase as the sun and outspoken a fully developed worship the carp of a ball."The ancient Indian on high machines were to start with referred to in literature as RATHA(chariots), which with gave way to VIMANA(on high quiz). Report were three classes ACCORDING TO THIS Household, craft travelling 1) place to place, 2) success to success and 3) in the midst of planets.Report are unfortunate undertones in the Ramayana and Mahabharata epics, as they are depicted as in the works in sure ages or "YUGAS," the historical in the TRETA YUGA and the subsequently in the DWAPARA YUGA. In Hindu mythology, hand enhanced is a slip of four yugas, the best and lowest possible bad is the KRITA YUGA, compared to a cow standing on all four legs and diagram in no time. The Treta and Dwapara are "AGES OF THREE AND TWO" and we are at this minuscule in the KALI YUGA-THE Vital AGE OF ALL--THE Get the better off Wavering AND COMPARED TO A COW TEETERING ON Solely ONE LEG! Report is an thin-skinned You Swab video, which refers to this tarnish as row delegation, "Previous INDIAN Matter". Are we, in fact, on a 3.4 million day effortlessness in lost knowledge and technology?


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