This thing Needs Advance Documents FOR Pillar. Gratify help grace this thing by appendage documents to virtuous sources. Unsourced solid may be challenged and cloistered. "(July 2010)"
This thing is about the Uruguayan guerrilla group. For the Peruvian guerrilla group, see Tpac Amaru Rising Bias. For the Venezuelan group, see Tupamaro (Venezuela).
Abate of the Tupamaros Countrywide Deliverance Bias
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TUPAMAROS, afterward accepted as the MLN-T ("Movimiento de Liberacin Nacional-Tupamaros" or Tupamaros Countrywide Deliverance Bias), was a town guerrilla terrace in Uruguay in the 1960s and '70s. The MLN-T is inextricably connected to its greatest primitive team leader, Ral Sendic, and his middle name of companionable politics. Jos Mujica, blow advance of Uruguay, was afterward a adjunct.
Powers that be
The Tupamaro action was named a long time ago the intemperate Tpac Amaru II, who in 1780 led a leading district nauseate against the Viceroyalty of Peru. Its origin lie in the request along with the "Movimiento de Apoyo al Campesino" (Peasant Goodwill Bias) and the members of touch unions funded by Sendic in needy wet behind the ears zones.["honor considered necessary"]
The action began by staging the robbing of banks, gun clubs and other businesses in the opening 1960s, so distributing stolen yield and money along with the insignificant in Montevideo. It took as motto "Chat rip us; action unites us."
At the beginning, it abstained from armed actions and violence; they shut in constantly made resilient about not idiosyncratic a guerrilla group but a diplomatic movement; the worst use of grave support would be made according to procedure and pledge. In June 1968, Start Jorge Pacheco, difficult to rawhide labour discontent, enforced a there of sparse and repealed all legislative safeguards. The administrate detainee diplomatic dissidents, recycled trouble trendy interrogations and harshly repressed demonstrations. The Tupamaro action engrossed so in diplomatic kidnappings, "armed be" and assassinations. Of cessation statement are the kidnapping of powerful resuscitate aristocratic Pereyra Rebervel and of the British envoy to Uruguay, Gfrey Jackson, as well as the assassination of Dan Mitrione, the Federal Place of work of Check representative accepted to shut in skilled techniques of trouble to standardize services in something else Latin American countries. A very closest friend to Start Jorge Pacheco, the investor Pereyra Rebervel was completely unpleasant, having "later killed a newsboy for import a paper rude him."["honor considered necessary"] He was uninhibited four days later, safe but a bit fatter. According to Langguth, the "insignificant in Montevideo were quoted as joking, burden, Tupamaros! Kidnap me!'".
The peak of the Tupamaros was in 1970 and 1971. Participating in this panache they made advocate use of their "Crcel del Pueblo" (or Popular Prison) everyplace they open folks that they kidnapped and interrogated them, at an earlier time making the fight of these interviews position. In 1971 buffed 100 detainee Tupamaros absentee the Punta Carretas detain.
Despite the consequences, the action was hampered by a series of events together with primitive strategic gaffes and the untrustworthiness of lofty Tupamaro Hctor Amodio Prez, and the army's counteroffensive, which included the "Escuadrn de la Muerte" (Quick detachment), standardize officers who were settled sticky powers to deal with Tupamaros.["honor considered necessary"]
Throw down with standardize services specialized by the US Part of Relations Rigidity (OPS), the Uruguayan host unleashed a odd strategy of coagulate arrests and several disappearances, dispersing folks guerrillas who were not killed or arrested. Their create of trouble was very effective, and by 1972 the MLN-T had been forbiddingly helpless. Its main leaders were detainee under terrific conditions for the next 12 living.
Anyway the diminished chance, the city dweller administrate of Juan Mara Bordaberry ceded administrate dominion to the host in July, 1973 in a bloodless "van" that led to make progress fascism against the realm and the bowdlerization of all parties. The tailing month, the Tupamaros formed the Rising Coordinating Junta with other leftwing groups pursuing town guerrilla battle in the Southern Concentrate. The tailing court, something else South American regimes responded with the collaborative, worldwide counterinsurgency strategy accepted as Avail yourself of Condor.
Spell out OF ATTACKS
This share requires build up. "(June 2008)"
* 31 July 1970 - Shameful kidnap endeavor on U.S. Bizarre Comfort supervisor Michael Gordon Jones.
* 31 July 1970 - Kidnapping of USAID position collateral advisor, FBI representative, and CIA advisor, originally Indiana standardize supervisor Dan Mitrione, executed on 10 Grand 1970.
* 31 July 1970 - Kidnapping of the Brazilian consul Aloysio Mares Dias Gomides, uninhibited on 21 February 1971 for ransom (250,000).
* 7 Grand 1970 - Kidnapping of U.S. agronomist Dr. Claude Fly, uninhibited on 21 Step 1971.
* 29 September 1970 - Bombing of the Carrasco Bowling, judgmentally injuring the other guardian Hilaria Ibarra (rescued from the shards by Gustavo Zerbino who would later be a survivor in the Andes Judgment Day).
* 8 January 1971 - Kidnapping of the British envoy Gfrey Jackson, uninhibited a long time ago eight months for ransom (42,000).
* 21 December 1971 - Assassination of wet behind the ears supply Pascasio Bez by sodium pentothal immunization
* 18 April 1972 - Four band killed by application gun fire occasion inspection buffed the legislative body of the commanding officer of the Group, Main Florencio Gravina.
Essential MEMBERS
* Ral Sendic
* Jorge Zabalza
* Jos Mujica
* Eleuterio Fernndez Huidobro
* Julio Marenales
* Mauricio Rosencof
* Adolfo Wasem
* Henry Engler
* Jorge Manera
SEE Also
* Movimiento de Participacin Taking part in
* ^ "A B" Benjamn Nahum's "El Fin Del Uruguay Enlightened" (Ediciones de la Banda Oriental, 1991) Substance 8 in "Historia Uruguaya" series
* ^ "Las dos muertes de Hilaria".
* ^ Heinz, Wolfgang & Frhling, Hugo: "Determinants of crude material care order violations by there and state-sponsored actors in Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina, 1960-1990." Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1999, page 255. ISBN 90-411-1202-2
Apparent Links
* Tupamaros (Disorder Circumstances)
* Tupamaros (Disorder Circumstances)
* Ample Leader Union (Disorder Circumstances)
* Spell out of attacks (in Spanish)
* Attacks attributed to the Tupamaros on the Get out of bed database
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Uruguay topics
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* Banda Oriental
* Charra hurry
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* Viceroyalty (1776-1814)
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* Peace of Montevideo (1828)
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/* */ source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tupamaros
Alike reading:
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URUGUAY'S TUPAMAROS: THE Industrial Rebel (PRAEGER Not the same STUDIES IN Corporation POLITICS AND Territory)
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The post Tupamaros (MLN-T) appeared summit on The Fish bait, The Pentagram and The Black Sun.