Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Make A Psychic Dream Pouch To Have Prophetic Dreams

Make A Psychic Dream Pouch To Have Prophetic Dreams

By Tana Hoy

Psychic visions and messages from the spiritual plane can be obtained through your dreams. Your dreams are a means for you to gain higher forms of knowledge. However, in most cases, you may hardly remember your dreams or think you did not dream at all because you have forgotten what transpired in it. Other times, you do remember your dreams but realize that all you had were a replay of the day's events.

Your dreams are a very good psychic tool if they are the right kind of dreams - those which are psychic in nature. Dreams which simply illustrate your residual memories of the day are not always relied upon for psychic interpretation; moreover, they block out access to deeper parts of your mind where more meaningful dreams come from.

Psychic dreams are those which occur when you are in a deeply relaxed state and your subconscious opens you up to a higher level of consciousness. Apart from keeping a ritual prior to sleeping which aims to relax your mind and body, there is also a way for you to help bring about psychic dreams. You can do this every night. This means that you can have psychic dreams regularly and be able to take note of and understand patterns and meanings which arise from it.

This method for having psychic dreams is a very simple one. All you need to do is have a small drawstring pouch, and any of the following herbs. You can choose to have all, or just one of them, or just select which herbs you like.








Each of these herbs aids in making you receptive to psychic visions and dreams. When you have picked and prepared your herbs and your drawstring pouch, empower them by following these easy steps:

1. Sit down comfortably and place the pouch and herbs in front of you.

2. Take a few moments for deep breathing until your body and mind relax completely.

3. Get the pouch and open it. Start placing the herbs in it, in small amounts. As you do this, visualize the herbs' natural powers working together to create a powerful item which will bring about psychic dreams.

4. When you are done, tightly close the drawstring pouch, sealing the powers of the herbs together. Their energies are released through the pouch's cloth.

5. Hang your herb pouch over your bed or anywhere close to it.

Every couple of weeks, replace the contents of your dream pouch; you can also change them sooner, if you feel it is already needed. If there is hardly any scent, it is also an indicator that the herbs are too dried up already, and you can refresh your herb pouch.

Don't forget to take note of all the dreams you have in a dream journal. This will help you remember the psychic dreams you have had and what they signify, should you wish to refer back to them.

If you do not immediately have psychic dreams on the first night after making the pouch, do not worry. You will eventually be able to have and remember more psychic dreams. You also need to be completely at peace in mind and body in order to have psychic dreams. This is why it is important to make sure you are not preoccupied by the day's events before going to sleep, so that your mind has space to welcome your dreams.

About the Author:

Psychic Tana Hoy has helped many people enhance their psychic ability through his online classes, one of which is about dreams and their meanings. Visit his website to learn more!

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