Saturday, June 21, 2014

Your An Old Witch When

Your An Old Witch When
The ritual meal is pur'eed.

Shore up Beltaine the coven granted it would be decent to go out to dinner

to formalize.

The decisive time you tried to do a turn prance your oxygen feeds got


Viagra is distant in the coven supplies.

The maiden of the coven is a grandmother.

The ritual room is outfitted with defibrillators.

The coveners contend their RV's to Scottsdale for Mabon.

At whatever time you are at a event you go to bed at dusk.

It takes the whole coven to move the cauldron.

The high priest until now has a vendetta separation vs. Richard Nixon.

You find yourself using your pendulum snooty the company pages in the

term paper.

You divulge an present that in your day you had to mince for the duration of 5' of

blizzard in the air all ways when you did a Yule ritual.

You put down roots your teeth in the ritual cup.

At Samhain you see improved of your coveners in the Confused Search than you do

in circle.

You put your athame in the chalice now ritual but you can't

remember why.

You carry out an all night blow-out firkin euphoria and none of your neighbors


You use Glenn Miller annals for daydream music.

All of your ritual robes are tie-dyed.

Your coven has a 401(k) retirement make plans for.

A nitro pastille vial replaces the crystal on your pendant.

No one has triumphantly jumped the Beltaine fire for instance 1983.

You set comfortable chairs roughly the circle.

You sit on the lay down and can't get up another time.

You do anointings with Aspercreme.

The oak tree your coven planted died of old age.

You use Bran Muffins and Truncate Hot drink for Cakes & Ale what you consider

the fiber.

You don't use salt to sanctify your altar what you consider to put off

elsewhere from mean sodium.

You use a backpacker now the Confused Search.

You select to ferry a Lobby for rituals what the bathrooms are


You consider a flashlight to find the candles.


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