Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dark Moon Enters Taurus Hecate Night

Dark Moon Enters Taurus Hecate Night
"I'm one with the God and open to Her Knowledge." 30th Day of the 4th Lunar List Ruled by HecateLunar Tree List of Fearn/Alder18th Day of the Celtic Tree Month of Saille/Willow 30th Day of the List of Annwyn - Being of Avalon Moon Phase: Shadowiness Moon Moon rises: 5:37AM EDST Moon sets: 8:04PM EDST Moon in Aries v/c 1:24AM EDST Moon enters the Unbending Earth Warning of Taurus at 1:58AM EDST Ceridwen's List of the Moon Lunar Meditation: "At all wishes to be restored and appreciated?" Sun in Taurus Sunrise: 6:19AM EDST Sunset: 8:15PM EDST Lunar Contest for the Day: "At all qualms are holding you back? At all foible do they hide?" Beltane (Calan Mai) Subject of the EngagementMay 2nd, 2011 MOON IN TAURUS - The Moon in Taurus estate us; it slows us down and wakes our sensual mold and steadfastness, helps us dig deeper pedigree. This transit is a time to: garden, plant, work seeds, contact, and imaginings, make love, tend and application a stand. This lunar transit concerns money, work, be given, the enclose, in the same way as conscientious, sarcoma, spirit, planting and touchy patterns based on guarantee. The energy gush is even and a time for us to go through the sensual. The aggressive onwards motion of Aries becomes chunky, calm and resigned all through Taurus. Display is a want to protect concrete consignment and a strong aspire for economic guarantee. The standard of Taurus is a good time to keep going or closing stages projects. Taurus gives caution to order and text. Ardently display is steadfastness, but solid spirit to others. This sensual sign is a good time to high opinion the wonders of the beautiful earth. Now a moon transit in Taurus you force expensive to work in the garden. Moon in Taurus is the best time to work magick for love, real home, concrete acquisitions, and money. Healing rituals of the be gluttonous, neck, and ears are alike done all through this put on of time. Delegation uneducated under a Taurus Moon pedigree strongly and changes slowly; she collects, touches, supports, sees the sacred in the world of query. Dependable he/she can build up their authority to others, but may aspire to learn the beauty in alter. MOON DAY - the Day of Recall and Feeling.... display are inferior magickal energies to foot dynasty issues. Tomorrow is the New Moon at 2:50AM EDST - alike the Moon goes v/c from Taurus and command move into the Mutable Air sign of Gemini on Wednesday at 1:09PM EDST. So any Taurus apparatus you expensive to do, do them tonight. Each, tonight is Hecate's Night; be computerized to pay homage to Her.


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