Monday, December 8, 2008

Luna Strikes

Luna Strikes
A few days ago, I posted a letter from one of my site visitors ( who felt that I was misinforming my readers. Today, I received the following reply. Please note that the email was sent to me as one long paragraph and so I broke it up into several paragraphs for easier reading, however I left all grammatical errors and misspellings in place.

"If u thought THAT was bitchy I wonder how you will take my next questions. 1 how can you call yourself a follower of harm ye NONE if you have spells for children and a section on curses? Did you not study ethics and what it entails? Did your teacher NOT teach you that you are responsible for the reactions to your actions? did you not know that if someone uses your info wrong, or takes it as wicca and someone gets HURT of DIES because a majority of ppl only use ONE site, then YOU are responsible. they are also responsible as it is their choice, but your incomplete info can cause harm in someones reaction. "

"That symbol ISN'T the "most commonly used". in fact I went searching for it (after I emailed you) as I am well aware of all the "new age" versions of things (and how a lot of ppl who only THINK a wiccan in merely a "good" witch exist). not a single reference to the symbol was found. Not to say their isn't one, just that I don't think you are truly doing your research. If you are so easily offended by a nice way of putting things, I wonder how you will take my lack of sugar. Hears one praise for you though. Your symbol for Uranus was pretty good. I found your site while doing some research of my own (which I usually avoid doing on the internet due to all the fakes and ppl who give "bad" advice and 'facts' that are not facts) on the symbol of Uranus (I actually never use the internet to look up Wicca due to nut jobs and such but I actually didn't notice until your site was on until after clicking... wasn't paying attention. "

"I admit it, I was irritated after two hours of research and so much BS it wasn't funny, so I didn't even look
). Once at the site though I looked through it a little. I did not notice certain things until after the email otherwise it really WOULD have been "bitchy". Just to clear something up. A wiccan in lamens terms in a HEALER and a protector (shield spells and protection spells). If in your options all cause harm, you must look for the least harm in the big picture. cursing is a no no as it is HARM and giving an innocent that kind of responsibility is close to the crime of just destroying them, in fact that is exactly what it is in some cases. Magik is a wonderful thing but in the hands of someone who does not understand what they are doing of the weight of it... "

I must wonder for how many innocents (children) you are responsible for the actions of. curses I see too much. a common misconception of ppl who have the "good witch" theology. thing is. you use them? you are NOT wiccan. pure and simple. The only exception to the rule with children is if they are of the stage in life (usually varying from ages 8-12, and never without parental knowledge and consent) where they are prepared in their own mind to decide what they wish to believe and have decided they wish to believe in this path. I chose my path rather young and my brother chose a different one years later. did that make it easy? no. Did my teacher teach me spells right off? HELL no. I was taught ethics first and then asked if I wished to continue. then I was taught healing remedies. THEN I was taught the bare minimum about spells and set unto it with her watching over me and letting me form my own comfortable style. Please note. this teaching style was used due to the highborn natural thing, so I am unsure of how it would work on someone who isn't one. I am not even NOW ready to take on an apprentice. Why? mostly personal reasons. I enjoy learning from others. My lady elder (respectable term for a dear one to me who is a crone as well as a high priestess and a shaman) also looked at your page. In fact I double check with her to see if, in all her years along the path, she had seen the symbol you used for Pluto. nope. that was before I e mailed you.

The next and final thing you need to understand for the total weight of understanding? People DIE. Not just in high magik (usually of the more powerful varieties than what you wrote about... and that isn't something I use anyway), but they die because they are KILLED. Their are still those today who die because someone does LIKE the fact that they are (what is actually only the term since burning times) a "witch" (before the burning times wicca were "village healer"-more common term, "priestess"-less common term unless you were one talking to others, but always respected in those things.) and guess what they do little one? they kill them. do you know why this continues beside some very corrupt ppl in a church somewhere?

"site like yours with incomplete or wrong information. every death your site could prevent or has helped cause is also your responsibility. for your sake, I sincerely hope the death I witnessed as a child is not one of them (though I already know it is not). I have studied for years. You have been studying how long young one? I am not meaning to pull the seniority thing (which is annoying in of its own) merely referencing experience level. Still. There are those who have studied longer and know more than me. be more careful with what you put out, and please, either remove your status as "wiccan" or change your site. otherwise I will be informing others and spreading the word because your site is part of the problem. This is not a threat. again. nobody would hurt you.... just make sure others knew your site was not credible as a wiccan site. If you need a reference book for your own studies, a good one author is silver raven-wolf of Scott Cunningham... although before anything else I recommend "Wiccan beliefs and practices" by Gary Cantrell (you need it little one)... and a book about the knights code (this is how one thinks as a healer... minus the fighting... though their is a path today that uses that code in full.. just not Wicca)."

Now obviously, this person has not thoroughly read my site because the section on curses contains philosophical information and notes hot to take them off. It DOES NOT contain curses that you can cast on others. The section on spells for children are spells designed to help and to heal them. But don't believe me, click the links and see for yourself.

As I states in my earlier response, I used the symbol for Pluto which I feel is most commonly used today. In fact, the original symbol for Pluto which combines the letter P and L is actually to honor Percival Lowell who is credited with discovering the planet (and yes, I know scientist no longer consider Pluto a planet). Again, I did not "forget" to include any information at my site (although I know there are places I wish to go back and add information and update old information). I purposefully left out some information, as many writers do, to encourage the seeker to do their own work.

I don't believe Luna's statement that most people use only one site for their information. The current trend in metaphysical circles (which is in itself a controvertible subject) is eclecticism. Today's seeker isn't as interested in adhering to tradition as earlier ones were, but rather pick and choose their beliefs and practices a la carte so to speak.

Out of curiosity, I used the email "Luna" used to contact me to find her on facebook in order to learn a little bit more about this person who keeps referring to me as 'young one'. I won't give her real name, but according to her facebook page Luna graduated from high school in 2007 which would make her about 22 years old.

So, Luna, as YOUR ELDER, I would advise you to tuck your pointy little hat back between your legs and head back to Hogwarts to get your facts straight. Better still, try practicing what you preach. Think about the harm YOU are creating with your negative attitude. YOUR thoughts, WORDS, and deeds come back to you for good or ill, isn't that the Threefold Law?

Carolina Dean

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