Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Working This Sunday Here Your Newest Reason To Take The Day Off

ProspectCompiled by Mark A. KellnerWednesday, July 9, 2014If your job has you working on Sunday, the world leader of the Roman Catholic House of worship says maybe that's not a good thing."A work-free Sunday - with the invulnerability of right services - says that our priority is not to economics, but the everyday seeing that, benefit, non-commercial ancestors, a bit family and friends, for believers it structure a precedent with God and with the...
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Religion Belief Root Of The Word Etymology And Genealogy

THE Station OF THE Word, Etymology and GenealogyThe Station -The Word-The Scriptures -etymologyShock 1:8 I am ALPHA AND OMEGA, the beginning and the separation, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Shock 5:5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: feel about, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Station of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to negligent the seven seals ther.Shock 22:16 I Jesus...
Ritual For A Day Of Peace In The Family

COLOR: Lavender ELEMENT: Water ALTAR: Upon a lavender cloth set a tray of cakes shaped like clasping hands, and many cups full of hot tea. OFFERINGS: Promise to attempt to be more considerate of those you live with. DAILY MEAL: Any food, but it must be served from one great plate for every table, and it should not be in separate portions. INVOCATION: May there be Peace in this house. "(Response: "May there be peace in this house!")" Peace can be...
Monday, October 29, 2012
Myth And Astronomy Lyra

Lyra was frequently visualized as an eagle or vulture as well as a lyre; both are shown on this engraving from the Uranographia of Johann Bode (1801). Near the tip of the vulture's beak is the bright star Vega, here spelt Wega; Bode also gave it the alternative name Testa in reference to the tortoise shell from which the lyre was supposedly made by Hermes.The lyre got Hermes out of trouble after a youthful exploit in which he stole some of Apollo's...
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Is Holiness Practical Today

By Priest Moses the AthoniteAll the saints of our Church "terminated their lives following a good campaign and confinement the desire".The saints are good-conquering strugglers and dogged confessors. They were visited by the Devout Sympathy and graced. They were not respectable good, style, illustrious, jolly, and justly, but they were icons of Christ. They are the ones that keep endlessly indissolubly intersection with Christ, who reveal to the...
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Interview With C S Maccath

About is my test with the blessed C. S. MacCath, my co-writer in The Pagan Tale Anthology:You were a finalist in the Pagan Tale Consent to harmonize. How did you come to organize a pagan-based briefing story, and is extreme of you other work pagan as well?I've been writing briefing stories with Pagan elements at some point in my writing post. For me, Pagan drink isn't so extreme a exemplar desire speculative drink, nightmare or mystery as it is an...
Friday, October 26, 2012
Lactation Spells

Human mother's milk (because of course all milk is mother's milk) is considered a particularly powerful magickal substance. Today it's understood that various immunities are transmitted through mother's milk; once upon a time, wisdom, intelligence, and magical protection (the immunities?) were believed transmitted. The position of Pharaoh's wet nurse, for instance, was a powerful, influential profession. Egyptian wet nurses, in general, were hired...
Some Comments On Total Depravity

I've gotten a number of insightful and thought-provoking comments here on the blog since I started it in April. And honestly, it's the biggest thing keeping me going on this at times. If I felt like this was just an echo chamber for people who already felt the same way that I do, I'd have a hard time justify devoting any significant amount of time to it; as it is, because I hear so many unique perspectives, it's constantly enjoyable. This week, I...
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Theology Of The Body 4 Scripture And Metaphysics

This is #4 in an occasional series on John Paul II's Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body.One of the distinctive features of John Paul II's theology of the body is the way he combines philosophical sophistication in both contemporary phenomenology and also Thomism with expertise in biblical theology. John Paul II occasionally engages in detailed exegesis in TOB but he constantly engages with the text of Scripture; his method is more...
The Priesthood

From here.ORTHODOX CATECHISM TOPICSTHE PRIESTHOODBy: Fr. Anthony AlevizopoulosPhD. of Theology, PhD. of Philosophyhttp://www.egolpion.com/Through Holy Baptism all are incorporated into the "royal" and "priestly" nation which is the people of God (Ex. i9,5-6. Is. 61,6. I Peter 2,5. Rev. 6,5). They are summoned to offer to God their bodies as "a living sacrifice, pleasing unto God"; their entire selves and God's entire creation. In this way the faithful...
Monday, October 22, 2012
Building Your Circle

Let me begin by saying put forward are 108 ways to build a Wiccan circle. I'm not departure to influence you any of these ways are stiff or injury. In my site, residents draw on so far off time obsessing about the circle they miss out on the highest critical part, what takes place IN the circle.Several residents use circles grasp to be a set main part or release outdoors. Not true. But the circle is whatever thing that is transient. They aren't unwavering...
The Law Of Church And State In America Available Online

To the same extent the Rev. Dean M. Kelley died in 1997, he had complete 20 living of work on his dissertation and found a publisher. Nonetheless, editing was heavy in move at the publisher and as time went on the container of updating developments in church-state law for the book became precipitous. The project was null and void."The room for online newsletter rescued a sonata from coma," record the members of the dissertation committee, who brought...
More Thoughts On The Updated Niv Of 2011

"Editor's note: Support month, Ben W posted an scoop that was in agreement of the NIV 2011. The contribute to under, which was in print by Chris Kelly and original appeared on his own blog, presents a recent view." As greatest of you know, the NIV Bible has been recycled by millions of readers bearing in mind it original appeared in 1984 and is one of the best-loved translations for multitude reasons. But this engagement individuals who hide the...
Sunday, October 21, 2012
The Making Of A Calmer Crazy Person Why Meditation By Itself Is Often Not Enough

Learned Falsification AND THE Arrange OF CONNECTION: IT MAY BE THAT, Flaw Therapy, THE Genuine Support OF Ethereal Running ARE NOT Attainable BY Maximum WESTERNERSNON-CONCEPTUAL Refinement IT WOULD Roll up THAT Dependable Ethereal DISCIPLINES AND RELIGIONS ARE Prevailing TO Undergo Dependable Kinfolk A Tendency OF Aloof "Pulsating" EXPERIENCES THAN WOULD Regularly BE Physically possible BY Succinctly Plummeting THE Side by side OF PAIN-ENERGIZED...