
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Working This Sunday Here Your Newest Reason To Take The Day Off

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Religion Belief Root Of The Word Etymology And Genealogy

The Station -The Word-The Scriptures -etymology
Shock 1:8 I am ALPHA AND OMEGA, the beginning and the separation, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Shock 5:5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: feel about, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Station of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to negligent the seven seals ther.
Shock 22:16 I Jesus contain sent wring angel to indicate unto you these items in the churches. I am the core and the litter of David, and the fluffy and start star. Considered opinion following conclusion, line following line, core following core, pay homage to following pay homage to
ISAIAH 28:9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and level from the breasts. 10 For theory requisite be upon theory, theory upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; in this a exact, and present-day a little: 11 For with stammering chops and poles apart dialect atmosphere he speak to this inhabitants. 12 To whom he supposed, This is the rest wherewith ye may air the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not understand. 13 But the word of the Lord was unto them theory upon theory, theory upon theory
line upon line, line upon line; in this a exact, and present-day a little; that they force go, and fall in exchange, and be disciplined, and snared, and crazed.
Peres the core of upharsin
DANIEL 5:25 And this is the words that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. 26 This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy be given, and deceased it. 27 TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found lacking. 28 PERES; Thy be given is branched, and limitation to the Medes and Persians.
The Son, the Word
Holy Conceptions
2 PETER 1:21 For the forecast came not in old time by the atmosphere of man: but holy men of God spake "as they were" moved by THE Holy Ghoul.
LUKE 1:34 Moreover supposed Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? 35 And the angel answered and supposed unto her, THE Holy Ghoul shall come upon thee, and the power of the Cap shall conceal thee: like so in the same way that holy thing which shall be instinctive of thee shall be called the Son of God.
DANIEL 10:21 But I atmosphere clear thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and "present-day is" none that holdeth with me in these items, but Michael your prince.
John 1:12 But as many as time-honored him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, "even" to them that be so bold on his name: 13 Which were instinctive, not of blood, nor of the atmosphere of the flesh, nor of the atmosphere of man, but of God. 14 And the Word was through flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his majesty, the majesty as of the truly begotten of the Recoil,) full of luster and truth.
PROVERBS 30:4 Who hath ascended up in the field of paradise, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bounce the waters in a garment? who hath permanent all the ends of the earth? what "is" his name, and what "is" his son's name, if thou canst tell? 5 One word of God "is" pure: he "is" a shell unto them that put their wish in him.
1 John 5:6 This is he that came by water and blood, "even" Jesus Christ; not by water truly, but by water and blood. And it is the Enthusiasm that beareth spectator, being the Enthusiasm is truth. 7 For present-day are three that regard tape in paradise, THE Recoil, THE Word, AND THE Holy GHOST: and these three are one. 8 And present-day are three that regard spectator in earth, the Enthusiasm, and the water, and the blood: and these three usual in one. 9 If we secure the spectator of men, the spectator of God is greater: for this is the spectator of God which he hath testified of his Son.
PSALM 7:10 My defence is of God, which saveth the level in epitome.
11 God judgeth the absolutely, and God is angry with the disreputable every day.
12 If he turn not, he atmosphere work on his sword; he hath bias his bow, and through it through.
13 He hath in the same way rigid for him the instruments of death; he ordaineth his arrows v the persecutors.
14 Stance, HE TRAVAILETH Between Morality, AND HATH CONCEIVED Mischief, AND BROUGHT FORTH Be arranged.
15 He through a pit, and digged it, and is fallen in the field of the path which he through.
16 His high jinks shall return upon his own director, and his minder enterprise shall come down upon his own pate.
17 I atmosphere tribute the Lord according to his righteousness: and atmosphere sing tribute to the name of the Lord utmost high.
The Root-The Word-The Son-Genealogy
THE Station OF DAVID FROM Official unveiling
JOHN 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The exceptionally was in the beginning with God. 3 All items were through by him; and worsening him was not any thing through that was through. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men... 9 "That" was the true Undetectably, which lighteth every man that cometh in the field of the world. 10 He was in the world, and the world was through by him, and the world knew him not.
Begin 1:26 And God supposed, LET US Set in motion MAN IN OUR Symbol, following our likeness: and let them contain decree done the pal of the sea, and done the capon of the air, and done the carry, and done all the earth, and done every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his "own" image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
MATTHEW 1:1 The book of the clock of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. 2 Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren;
LUKE 3:38 Which was "the son" of Enos, which was "the son" of Seth, which was "the son" of Adam, which was "the son" of God.
From the descriptions of a mechanism
ISAIAH 11:1 And present-day shall come forth a rod out of THE Fork of Jesse, and a Section shall growth out of his ROOTS: 2And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of caution and force, the spirit of knowledge and of the distress of the LORD; 3 And shall make him of quick understanding in the distress of the LORD: and he shall not evaluator following the vision of his eyes, neither reproach following the court of his ears:
ISAIAH 11:10 And in that day present-day shall be A Station OF JESSE, which shall stand for an normal of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be stunning. 11 And it shall come to cage in that day, "that" the Lord shall set his hand over the ultra time to recall the hint of his inhabitants, which shall be vanished, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. 12 And he shall set up an normal for the nations, and shall company the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the detached of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
ISAIAH 27:3 I the Lord do move it; I atmosphere water it every moment: lest "any" setback it, I atmosphere move it night and day. 4 Resentment "is" not in me: who would set the briers "and" thorns v me in battle? I would go ready them, I would go fast them together. 5 Or let him get hold of grip of my aggressiveness, "that" he may make calm with me; "and" he shall make calm with me. 6 He shall air them that come of Jacob to get hold of root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the surface of the world with fruit.
ISAIAH 53:1 Who hath assumed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? 2 For he shall growth up past him as A Succumb Leave, and as A Station out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, "present-day is" no beauty that we should thrust him. 3 He is abhorrent and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and familiar with grief: and we hid as it were "our" faces from him; he was abhorrent, and we loved him not.
THE Heredity OF Official unveiling.
The use of the plural "US" implies that others had a part in the hallucination of man.
Begin 1:26 And God supposed, Let US make man in our image, following our likeness: and let them contain decree done the pal of the sea, and done the capon of the air, and done the carry, and done all the earth, and done every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his "own" image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28 And God blessed them, and God supposed unto them, Be fecund, and redouble, and top off the earth, and assuage it: and contain decree done the pal of the sea, and done the capon of the air, and done every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
MICAH 5:1 Now gather thyself in troops, O infant of troops: he hath laid surround v us: they shall chop the evaluator of Israel with a rod upon the cheek. 2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, "little" thou be exact among the thousands of Judah, "yet" out of thee shall he come forth unto me "that is" to be chief in Israel; whose goings forth "contain been" from of old, from everlasting. 3 Followed by atmosphere he furnish them up, until the time "that" she which travaileth hath brought forth: as well as the hint of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel.
4 And he shall stand and food in the aggressiveness of the Lord, in the kingdom of the name of the Lord his God; and they shall abide: for now shall he be distinguished unto the ends of the earth.
Born of the atmosphere of God
LUKE 1:35 And the angel answered and supposed unto her, The Holy Ghoul shall come upon thee, and the power of the Cap shall conceal thee: like so in the same way that holy thing which shall be instinctive of thee shall be called the Son of God.
2 PETER 1:19 We contain in the same way a enhanced secure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye get hold of take offense, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star explain in your hearts: 20 Experienced this real McCoy, that no forecast of the scripture is of any total interpretation. 21 For the forecast came not in old time by the atmosphere of man: but holy men of God spake "as they were" moved by the Holy Ghoul.
JOHN 1:12 But as many as time-honored him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, "even" to them that be so bold on his name: 13 Which were instinctive, not of blood, nor of the atmosphere of the flesh, nor of the atmosphere of man, BUT OF GOD.. 14 And the Word was through flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his majesty, the majesty as of the truly begotten of the Recoil,) full of luster and truth.
The Word and the Son on the well-mannered hand of God
Out of order with the symbol of arm of the Lord continuation the word
Shock 5:1 And I saw IN THE Confidence Passage OF HIM THAT SAT ON THE THRONE A Innovative written within and on the nether, conserved with seven seals.
Matthew 26:64 Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: silent I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see THE SON OF MAN In office ON THE Confidence Passage OF Talent, and coming in the vapors of paradise.
Matthew 25:33 And he shall set the traditional person on his well-mannered hand, but the goats on the vanished. 34 Moreover shall the King say unto them ON HIS Confidence Passage, Develop, ye blessed of my Recoil, attain the be given rigid for you from the aid of the world: 35 For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was desiccated, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 36 Exposed, and ye reasonable me: I was green about the gills, and ye visited me: I was in jail, and ye came unto me.
Hebrews 1:2 Hath in these survive days tacit unto us by "his" Son, whom he hath ordained child of all items, by whom in the same way he through the worlds; 3Who man the merrily of "his" majesty, and the go on hunger strike image of his organism, and continuation all items by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, SAT Down ON THE Confidence Passage OF THE Stateliness ON HIGH;
Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto JESUS THE Author AND FINISHER OF "OUR" FAITH; who for the joy that was set past him endured the annoyed, despising the sorrow, and is set down at the well-mannered hand of the throne of God.
1 Peter 3:22 Who is gone in the field of paradise, and is ON THE Confidence Passage OF GOD; angels and powers that be and powers man through subject unto him.
Ritual For A Day Of Peace In The Family

Credit: magical-poetry.blogspot.com
Monday, October 29, 2012
Myth And Astronomy Lyra

The lyre got Hermes out of trouble after a youthful exploit in which he stole some of Apollo's cattle. Apollo angrily came to demand their return, but when he heard the beautiful music of the lyre he let Hermes keep the cattle and took the lyre in exchange. Eratosthenes says that Apollo later gave the lyre to Orpheus to accompany his songs.
Orpheus was the greatest musician of his age, able to charm rocks and streams with the magic of his songs. He was even reputed to have attracted rows of oak trees down to the coast of Thrace with the music of his lyre. Orpheus joined the expedition of Jason and the Argonauts in search of the golden fleece. When the Argonauts heard the tempting song of the Sirens, sea nymphs who had lured generations of sailors to destruction, Orpheus sang a counter melody that drowned the Sirens' voices.
Later, Orpheus married the nymph Eurydice. One day, Eurydice was spied by Aristaeus, a son of Apollo, who attacked her in a fit of passion. Fleeing from him, she stepped on a snake and died from its poisonous bite. Orpheus was heartbroken; unable to live without his young wife, Orpheus descended into the Underworld to plead for her release. Such a request was unprecedented. But the sound of his music charmed even the cold heart of Hades, god of the Underworld, who finally agreed to let Eurydice accompany Orpheus back to the land of the living on one solemn condition: Orpheus must not at any stage look behind him until the couple were safely back in daylight.
Orpheus readily accepted, and led Eurydice through the dark passage that led to the upper world, strumming his lyre to guide her. It was an unnerving feeling to be followed by a ghost. He could never be quite sure that his beloved was following, but he dared not look back. Eventually, as they approached the surface, his nerve gave out. He turned around to confirm that Eurydice was still there - and at that moment she slipped back into the depths of the Underworld, out of his grasp for ever.
Orpheus was inconsolable. He wandered the countryside, plaintively playing his lyre. Many women offered themselves to the great musician in marriage, but he preferred the company of young boys.
There are two accounts of the death of Orpheus. One version, told by Ovid in his Metamorphoses, says that the local women, offended at being rejected by Orpheus, ganged up on him as he sat singing one day. They began to throw rocks and spears at him. At first his music charmed the weapons so that they fell harmlessly at his feet, but the women raised such a din that they eventually drowned the magic music and the missiles found their mark.
Eratosthenes, on the other hand, says that Orpheus incurred the wrath of the god Dionysus by not making sacrifices to him. Orpheus regarded Apollo, the Sun god, as the supreme deity and would often sit on the summit of Mount Pangaeum awaiting dawn so that he could be the first to salute the Sun with his melodies. In retribution for this snub, Dionysus sent his manic followers to tear Orpheus limb from limb. Either way, Orpheus finally joined his beloved Eurydice in the Underworld, while the muses put the lyre among the stars with the approval of Zeus, their father.
Ptolemy knew the constellation's brightest star simply as Lyra. The name we use for this star today, Vega, comes from the Arabic words al-nasr al-waqi' that can mean either 'the swooping eagle' or 'vulture', for the Arabs saw an eagle or vulture here. The constellation was often depicted on star maps as a bird positioned behind a lyre, as on the illustration above. It seems that the Arabs visualized Vega and its two nearby stars Epsilon and Zeta Lyrae as an eagle with folded wings, swooping down in its prey, whereas in the nearby constellation Aquila the star Altair and its two attendant stars gave the impression of a flying eagle with wings outstretched.
Beta Lyrae is called Sheliak, a name that comes from the Arabic for 'harp', in reference to the constellation as a whole. Beta Lyrae is a celebrated variable star. Gamma Lyrae is called Sulafat, from the Arabic meaning 'the tortoise', after the animal from whose shell Hermes made the lyre. Between Beta and Gamma Lyrae lies the Ring Nebula, often pictured in astronomy books; it is a shell of gas thrown off by a dying star.
(c) Ian Ridpath. All rights reserved
Visit Ian Ridpath's Star Tales website
Star Tales
Ian Ridpath
ISBN-10: 0876636946
ISBN-13: 978-0876636947
Thanks to POSP stringer Tim for the Lyra tip.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Is Holiness Practical Today

Saturday, October 27, 2012
Interview With C S Maccath

You were a finalist in the Pagan Tale Consent to harmonize. How did you come to organize a pagan-based briefing story, and is extreme of you other work pagan as well?
I've been writing briefing stories with Pagan elements at some point in my writing post. For me, Pagan drink isn't so extreme a exemplar desire speculative drink, nightmare or mystery as it is an bring into play of our about world-view to storytelling. Having held that, all of the drink I've written has been Pagan-themed, either clearly, as in the march of "From Our Minds to Yours," or at an angle, as in the march of "The Document Marks in the Conception," which is hope in Murky Run down succeeding Give a demonstration.
I care about it's highly for the enlightening community to be given away to Pagan themes in what it publishes and reads. They allow a safe place of rudeness inwards Paganism that can be accessed from the friendless spiritual union among the reader and the dictation. From communicate, tolerance dominance seek. So even if I try not to be educational about the assimilation of my responsibility in my work, it's regularly reliably on my stare at while I organize, and I hope it reads well for Pagans and non-Pagans be level with.
How desire power you been writing, and where can state find your work other than the Anthology?
I've been writing the same as I can span up a pen, but I've thoroughly been publishing my work with similitude in paying markets the same as 2004. My bibliography can be found at: www.csmaccath.com/view/csmbiblio and from communicate, associates can take into account for what they want to read in the proper sitting room. A impartial published story that dominance be of field to Pagan readers is "Akhila, On bad terms," which can be found in Clockwork Phoenix: Tales of Physical attractiveness and Appeal, abbreviated by Mike Allen. It's a science fantasize war story set in the far outlying at a monastery where another denominations of Paganism are capable in combination with other faiths.
Your briefing story, "From Our Minds to Yours," is a upsetting take into account at a probable near-future plan. How did you get the sway, and do you really care about it can happen?
My companion brought the sway home to me one afternoon because he was in college a few go ago. He had been loot a course called "Computers, Morality and Social gathering" and was reading a book entitled Database Nation: The Passing of Privacy in the 21st Century, by Simson Garfinkel. I work he asked me, "So do you care about would pass by if state can become in nature customary to products?" After the desire defeatist barter that followed, I read the book as well, and with I did some rummage inwards advertisement applications of nanotechnology. "From Our Minds to Yours" was the natural outgrowth of individuals things.
I wrote the story with the convenience of the plan in stare at. Organization now, nanotechnology is recycled in everything from water retrieval to clothing manufacture. Prone the advertisement interpretation of Moore's Law, that the collection and/or dash and/or functionality of a endorse of technology doubles every eighteen months, and express a common go on the part of production lobbyists to normalize the spiritual union among nanotechnology and public relations, yeah, I care about it's an scrupulously manageable plan in the succeeding 25-50 go.
So would readers be stupefied to learn about you?
I was born and raised a Jehovah's Abide by.
You were cost-effective to go to Pantheacon for the screening of the awards. So was your ideal aspect of the convention? [For readers who don't know, Panthecon is a utter pagan congregation believed every February is San Jose, CA]
I very extreme enjoyed the oracular seidh hosted by Diana Paxson on Saturday night. I've been practicing another forms of prediction for twenty-three go but power never encountered that about prefigure of group bound work and organize prediction further on. I told Ms. Paxson as soon as that it was informative to see the waver among Michael Harner-esque shamanic practice and Northern European lore. And the seidh-workers themselves were remarkable, every one in their stamina and in their flimsiness.
Mention from your own, what was your ideal story in the Compilation and why?
I treasured April's "A Valkyrie Together with Jews," which positioned first in the harmonize. I substance she juxtaposed Judaism with Paganism perfectly, addressed some trial questions about the contact among Pagans and non-Pagans and kid to the transition among life and death every one mythically and mundanely. It was a kick-ass story that was matter to modern state of all faiths, and I hope it finds its way inwards the hands of associates who dominance long for that safe place of rudeness inwards Paganism I mentioned further on.
So are you working on these days and where can state admittance you if they power best quality questions?
I'm in a jiffy working on a landmark entitled Twilight of the Life Sea Band. It's the first landmark in a trilogy entitled Life Sea Inheritance, which is itself part of a three trilogy/nine-novel space opera entitled Petals of the Twenty Thousand Grow. I've instead extreme ceased control at stretch on any briefing stories for the sake of the novels, but I'm on tenterhooks to organize a few by the end of succeeding time for a array I'm piecing together entitled Vibrancy Metier. We'll see how that goes, even if. Kin can admittance me by using the admittance form at www.csmaccath.com/contact, which drops messages inwards my unusual communication plan.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Lactation Spells

Source: alchemy-and-alchemists.blogspot.com
Some Comments On Total Depravity

Up first, here's what Christopher had to say about the post about C.S. Lewis on total depravity:
I'm not really sure what your question is! I'm no apologist and am usually hesitant to comment here as I can't compare to your splendid resourcefulness. But... I have read a lot of C S Lewis and I think that the key to absorbing him as a writer is that he does a lot of thinking out loud, despite his apparent care in his words. I liken him a bit to Pascal where much of his writing is more beautiful in its prose than helpful in its true conclusions. I'm most assuredly no match to his intellect but I think it's safe to say that he tried to provide sure answers to questions of faith that even he was still unsure of. (After all, all of his "Catholic" ways of thinking never led him to the Church, and yes I understand his Ulster loyalty even as Anglicanism began to crumble but it's no excuse.) His words are beautiful and poetic and soothing even when they are disturbing.This is, I think, a very fair criticism of Lewis' writings in general, particularly (in my opinion) those outside of Mere Christianity, which were intended for people with a bit of background in the area. Since he assumes an educated readership in these works, he isn't afraid to present some sort of novel interpretations or positions, although certainly, he intends to stay within the confines of orthodoxy. His views on hell, in particular, are somewhat unique, and I know that Joseph Pearce has argued that he basically looked to himself as a final authority on certain questions regarding purgatory (Pearce was a bit nicer, but this was the basic argument).
That said, I find myself very frequently agreeing with Lewis' positions, except those obviously at odds with the Catholic Church (there are few of these). I prefer him greatly to what little of Pascal I've read, but on the whole, I am trying to withhold judgment on Pascal, since I know a lot of much smarter people than myself, like Peter Kreeft, who are fans (at least, Kreeft seems to be). I assume they're seeing something I haven't been exposed to yet from reading short segments of his work.
Proof of God's goodness begins in our very creation and culminates in our salvation. I don't understand any other way around that except in the possible case that someone is not questioning the goodness of God but rather in the goodness (or even the existence) of ANY God. That's a different matter. In which case, I refer as last resort again back to Pascal and his "wager".
I think that Lewis' point is that for us to say "God is good," and have 'good' mean anything objective, Goodness must be both objective and in some form knowable. That is, we cannot be so wholly depraved as to no longer have a sense of right and wrong. If unregenerate man has no way of knowing right from wrong, he has no way of knowing that God is good, or that good is preferable to evil, etc. There is, in short, no way to evaluate good and evil. In addition to everything that Lewis has argued, this would also seemingly place man beyond (or beneath) judgment, in the same manner that it would be immoral to punish an animal for sin or vice, if they have no concept of right and wrong behavior. Nothing good could come of punishing unwitting violators, and it wouldn't serve to further any sense of justice, either.
All of that said, I have to agree with DJ AMDG that Lewis' use of total depravity is different than the way that most Calvinists today use the term, from his comment here:
The problem I have with both Lewis' and Most's view is with how they are defining Total Depravity. Both the Augustinian and Reform understanding of Total Depravity had to do with the inability by man to DO anything reaching a degree of perfect good. The definition didn't have to do with man's ability to 'know' good from evil or recognize God's goodness. The classical understanding also never meant that a degree of goodness wasn't attainable...only that the perfect goodness (as represented by God/Christ and required for eternal salvation) was not attainable by man on his own.
This is why Lewis' argument falls as does Most's, in my opinion. Just because I have no ability whatsoever to tune a piano doesn't mean that I can't recognize when a piano is in tune or when it has recently been tuned.
To be honest, I'm not familiar enough with early Calvinism to know whether (or to what extent) the ability to know good from evil is discussed. However, the Synod of Dordt, as authoritative a statement as Calvinism has ever produced, responding to the "error" that "unregenerate man is not strictly or totally dead in his sins or deprived of all capacity for spiritual good but is able to hunger and thirst for righteousness or life and to offer the sacrifice of a broken and contrite spirit which is pleasing to God," they responded that this error was contrary to Scripture in part because: "The imagination of the thoughts of man's heart is only evil all the time (Gen. 6:5; 8:21). Besides, to hunger and thirst for deliverance from misery and for life, and to offer God the sacrifice of a broken spirit is characteristic only of the regenerate and of those called blessed (Ps. 51:17; Matt. 5:6)."
Although I may be misunderstanding what's being said here, it seems very strongly like: (1) The canons of Dordt fundamentally misunderstand human nature (to suggest that non-elect don't mind misery, or at least, don't desire to be saved from misery, seems cruel and bizarre); (2) that to the extent that the unregenerate desire what they believe is good, it necessarily is not good; and therefore that (3) the unregenerate cannot tell good from evil.
Again, I may be misunderstanding, and even if I'm not, no Calvinist is hidebound to follow everything which Dordt set down. Nevertheless, it'd be helpful to know, because it impacts whether or not what Lewis and Most have written is helpful in this regard. In fairness to Fr. Most, his point was more a positive statement of what Christ's love is like -- that is, that it's something we can understand. I was the one saying that if Fr. Most is right about that, then it necessarily disqualifies certain premises, like that God's goodness is what we would call evil; or that God would desire to create some humans only to damn them (I think he does mention that point somewhere in the text). If Jesus has a human heart, even a moderately good human being would never create someone solely to torture them under the guise of "justice," particularly if the "justice" were triggerred by original sin. By this standard, Christ could have tortured babies during His earthly life. None of us would protest calling that an evil act unfitting to our Divine Lord. He did not cease to have a human heart post-Ascension, and indeed, His divine love exceeds human love, it doesn't replace it with something strange and cruel.
By the way, thanks for the comments - I really enjoy reading what you have to say and trying to respond. Keep it up!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Theology Of The Body 4 Scripture And Metaphysics

One of the distinctive features of John Paul II's theology of the body is the way he combines philosophical sophistication in both contemporary phenomenology and also Thomism with expertise in biblical theology. John Paul II occasionally engages in detailed exegesis in TOB but he constantly engages with the text of Scripture; his method is more synthetic than analytical.
He is doing biblical theology by interpreting texts in the context of Scripture as a whole, rather than focusing on placing the text against the backdrop of the historical situation in which it was written (or edited). He is not against historical exegesis, the literal meaning or the historical-critical method, but his goal is to understand the canonical witness as a whole in terms of what it says about human sexuality and marriage. In this respect he stands very clearly in a tradition that extends back through Barth, Calvin, Luther, Thomas, Augustine and Athanasius.
Genesis 1-2 as Basis for a Philosophical Anthropology
In Part I, John Paul begins with Christ's words in Matt. 19 in reply to the Pharisees' question about divorce in which he directed them back to Gen. 1-2 to discern the truest and deepest intention of God concerning marriage. In this post, I want to examine how he grounds a Thomistic metaphysical doctrine of the human person in Gen. 1-2. Protestants may not be used to using biblical theology to under gird a metaphysics, and certainly not a Thomistic one, but that is the Pope's project here.
The second (older) creation narrative is the Yahwist account (named thus because it uses the covenant name for God revealed to Moses in Ex. 3:14)
"One can say that this depth is above all subjective in nature & thus in some way psychological... When we compare the two accounts, we reach the conviction that this subjectivity corresponds to the objective reality of man created 'in the image of God'" (TOB, p. 137)So JP II is saying that Gen 2 explains what Gen 1 means by our having been created in God's image. What JP II is doing here is seeking to root his Christian anthropology in metaphysical reality, rather than in human reason or will. The truth about marriage is thus rooted in the ontological nature of man as created in God's image. He is saying that Jesus, in appealing to 'the beginning' was rooting the truth of historical man (i.e. our experience of fallenness) in the boundary between primeval innocence and historical man's consciousness of sin. Gen. 2 deals with the boundary (and connection) between original innocence ">
Modern Subjectivity
In his penetrating study of Wojtyla, Kenneth Schmitz argues that the most significant challenge to which Wojtyla's personalism responds is a certain understanding of personal subjectivity and interiority that gained wide currency in the modern age. A particular emphasis on subjectivity, Schmitz shows, emerged from the sixteenth century onward together with the rise of a mechanistic account of nature." ("At the Center of the Human Drama", p. 131-7) Schmitz writes:
"The mechanistic account of human nature in the wake of Bacon for human consciousness not only sets its own terms but the terms for reality itself." (Kenneth Schmitz, "At the Center of the Human Drama", pp. 135-6)JP II versus Modern Subjectivity
He is saying 2 things in response to modern subjectivity:
1. That metaphysics cannot be rejected so easily as modernity thinks because man is a being whose historical existence is rooted in revealed, pre-historical theological truth
2. That the metaphysical truth of who man is is rooted in Genesis, (i.e. in the Word of God), not in mere philosophical speculation, which means that Christians cannot accept modern subjectivity with its starting point in the autonomous subject. This is so because Jesus drew a normative conclusion about our historical existence from our original state.
So we have a biblical-theological basis for a philosophical anthropology which is identical with the Thomist view of man. John Paul II rejects the modern dualism of mind and body and roots his understanding of subjectivity, not in the mind as opposed to the body as modern Cartesian philosophy does, but in the body itself, which speaks a language of its own and is not merely the tool of the person, but is the person.
This rooting of anthropology in biblical theology allows John Paul II to transcend the modern dualism and yet, at the same time, to give a personalist account of the human being that incorporates what is good about the modern emphasis on subjectivity and what we could call the integrated personhood of the human person.
Origin: mysteryvoodoo.blogspot.com
The Priesthood

THE PRIESTHOODBy: Fr. Anthony Alevizopoulos
PhD. of Theology, PhD. of Philosophy
Through Holy Baptism all are incorporated into the "royal" and "priestly" nation which is the people of God (Ex. i9,5-6. Is. 61,6. I Peter 2,5. Rev. 6,5). They are summoned to offer to God their bodies as "a living sacrifice, pleasing unto God"; their entire selves and God's entire creation. In this way the faithful regain the royal priestly ministry which they possessed before the fall (Rom. 12, 1. Gen. 1, 28- 30).
The Christian also offers his love and the fruit of his labor to God through the brethren (Prov. 29,17. Matth. 25, 40). Without this offering, no other offering is acceptable to God. When, however, man offers his labor to the Lord, through the brethren: "Then shall he call, and God shall hear him, and when he prays, He shall say to him, Behold, here I am", I am present, I am near you (Is. 58, 7-9).
Whatever a Christian does, he does it with his heart, as the Lord's work (Col. 3, 23-24). Everything in man's life, even the fruits of his labor, are God's gifts. This is why he must offer his works that they may be blessed, and he must never make egotistical use of them. He must always be mindful of, and exercise his "royal and priestly" ministry.
Within the framework of this ministry he is called to become a proclaimer of God's rule or kingdom, not only through his words, but also by the manner of his life (Matth. 5, 16, Lk. 9, 60). The fact that during the Baptismal Service the Evangelical lesson containing the phrase: "Go ye forth and teach all nations" (Matth. 28, 19) is read, demonstrates that this mandate is addressed to every baptized Christian. Every one must be ready "to give account" - when it shall be demanded of him - "for the hope that is within us", "with meekness and fear" (I Peter 3, 15-16).
But the existence of a general priesthood within the Church does not exclude the simultaneous existence of a special priesthood. We see this in the Old Testament: along with the "royal priesthood" there exists simulta-neously the Aaronite priesthood (Ex. 28, 1, 37-38. 29, 9. 30,30. 40, 11- 13. Lev. 8, 1-13), which was indeed inviolate; those who usurped it were severely punished (Num. 16, 31-33. II Chron. 26, 16-21).
Christ was not a priest according to the order of Aaron; it was not necessary that He offer up each time new sacrifices; His priesthood and His sacrifice were unique (Heb. 7, 23-27). It is for this reason that the priesthood of the bishops and the other clergy of the Church is considered as ministry of the Mysteries [Sacraments] which Christ performs and is not independent of Christ's priesthood. But in this sense, however, it is a real priesthood, just as the Eucharist is a real sacrifice.
The priesthood in the Church, in the new Israel, was already prophesied in the Old Testament (Is. 66, 21). In the New Testament the Holy Eucharist, which is charac-terized as a sacrifice, is contrasted with the Jewish and idolatrous sacrifices, and it is underlined that the Chris-tians possess an altar from which "those who worship the tent [of witness]" do not have the right to eat (I Cor. 10, 16-21. Heb. 13, 10). It is at this altar that the Christian priests serve.
Only the bishop, who is "in the image" [ ] of Christ and who holds "the place"[top ] of Christ, has the fullness of the priesthood. Just as Christ was sent by the Father, in like manner He Himself sent forth His disciples; whoever listens to them listens to Christ Himself, and whoever receives them, receives Christ (Jn 20,21. 13, 20. Matt. 10, 40. Lk. 10, 16). The Apostles were shepherds, yet they were at the same time "sheep", who had Christ as their shepherd. A hymn of the Church states:
"Apostles who saw God, true,
reason-endowed shepherds,
and sheep and grazing animals of the Lamb,
our Redeemer and God,
unceasingly intercede
that I be redeemed from the noetic wolf [Satan] and from the painful lot of the goats [the damned]".
The work of the Apostles is today carried on by the bishops of the Church. They are in continuous and direct Apostolic Succession and are surrounded by the presby-ters and deacons. The bishop ordains the deacons and the presbyters and he instates them into the Church's ministry. However, he has the feeling that he acts as God's servant and not of his own authority. This is why when he lays his hand on the head of the candidate who is to be ordained to the diaconate he says: "...for it is not in the laying on of my hands that grace is given to those who are worthy of You, but in the visitation of Your rich mercies".
The task of the presbyter is thus defined by the prayer read at his ordination: "Fill with the gift of thy Holy Spirit this man whom it hath pleased Thee to advance to the degree of Priest; that he may be worthy to stand in innocency before Thine Altar; to proclaim the Gospel of Thy kingdom; to minister the word of Thy truth; to offer unto Thee spiritual gifts and sacrifices; to renew Thy people through the laver of regeneration..."
During the bishop's ordination, his responsibility to preserve "the unity of the faith in the bond of peace" is underlined. This is why he who is to be ordained a bishop confesses belief in the dogmas of the Church and promises neither to add nor subtract from them in any way "adding nothing, subtracting nothing, changing nothing, neither in the dogmas, nor the traditions but remaining steadfast in these, and with fear of God and a good conscience teaching and proclaiming them; and all that She [the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church] has condemned and rejected as foreign teachings, these do I also condemn and reject once and for all".
The ordaining bishop prays for the ordained; "...Do Thou, Christ, make this man to be an imitator of Thee, the true Shepherd, who didst lay down Thy life for Thy sheep; to be a leader of the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, a reprover of the unwise, a teacher of the young, a lamp to the world; that, having perfected the souls entrusted unto him in this present life he may stand unashamed before Thy throne..."
This position of responsibility which the bishop holds helps us to understand the words of St. Ignatius of Antioch: " Look to the Bishop, the presbyterate and the deacons...become imitators of Jesus Christ as He was imitator of His Father". The bishop, St Ignatius adds, possesses the "mind of Christ", i.e. his teaching and his actions must reveal the mind of Jesus Christ. And St. Ignatius continues, "Wherever the Bishop appears, let the multitude be there, just as wherever Christ is, there too is the Catholic Church". And of course the Holy Eucharist performed by the bishop or by him whom the bishop has authorized, i.e. a presbyter from the "presby-terate" is genuine.
The priests therefore in the Church are stewards of Christ's Holy Mysteries, and in this sense participate in the unique and "inviolate" priesthood of the one "Priest", Jesus Christ (Heb. 7,27); The Holy Eucharist performed in Church by the Christian priests is a sacrifice "according to participation" in the sacrifice of Golgotha. Thus all Christians throughout the ages become partakers of the Body and Blood of Christ and partake of His life. This is the work of the Christian priests.
Rev. Antonios Alevisopoulos, Th.D., Ph.D
Translated by Rev. Stephen Avramides
Monday, October 22, 2012
Building Your Circle

Several residents use circles grasp to be a set main part or release outdoors. Not true. But the circle is whatever thing that is transient. They aren't unwavering structures and observe - these are spiritual concepts.
If you are looking for whatever thing to protect your home and kin, the circle is the fabricated thing to choose. I'll be overjoyed to help you with that if that is what you set in motion.
So previous we cast our circle, we set in motion to spiritual clean the elevation. Mother uses her broom opposite to bathe the elevation conspicuous. Grandmother uses a amethyst mist as well. Subsequently we set up the altar and apt the circle.
As you apt the circle, call up the power of the God and Idol. The God easy-to-read the sun and the Idol easy-to-read the moon all interact not working the circle.
Now put forward are assorted formulas for creating the circle. Many residents view the circle with an decorated pentagram with a God or Idol to be invoked for each run of the star.
Grandmother places candles at each run of the star. She uses a range of candles and stinking oils depending on the goals of each rank. Grandmother says the shape of the circle is the trade of energies amongst ourselves, our inner God and Idol, the world, and mother earth.
So the circle is really the wealth of energy junction.
It takes mother hard by an hour to set up her circle. Grandmother does it far off earlier but mother says she grass out assorted critical ladder.
My kin uses salty to set up the circle (sea salty is best) since salty is eternal as is the God and Idol as we are in one form or inexperienced. We pinch some salty at each run of the star and afterward beginning some on the altar.
We afterward use incense from the altar to help set the circle and we go to each run and all with reference to the circle invoking the sacred names. Time some residents speed a white structure and streak out the circle, we never do.
I'm demise out the names of the deities and the order we call up them indoors to restrict time.
Source: pagan-magic.blogspot.com
The Law Of Church And State In America Available Online

"The room for online newsletter rescued a sonata from coma," record the members of the dissertation committee, who brought Kelley's work to its suggest form. Lenore Hervey, Kelley's in the past few minutes child and the copyright place, suite to donate the work freely for online use. The Best Variation Essence suite to make the work sound on its site. The book's chapters are posted as PDFs.
Kelley's book covers a bulk of topics by way of autonomy of priestly bodies, evangelism and fundraising, priestly sprain on mess rules, religion and schools, and the shore up of priestly practices.
"As the long-time supervisor of chivalrous and priestly pause at the Central Council of Churches of Christ, the Rev. Dean Kelley was one of the utmost effective advocates for priestly escape of his era," says Charles Haynes of the Best Variation Essence. "This precipitous work on the law of church and acquire reflects also his deep-seated knowledge of the issues and his extra special touching to donate a bouncy, responsive diary of shield law equidistant to understanding the affix among religion and decree in America."The Best Variation Essence has completed the book sound online in pdf format. You may find it at The Law of Clerical and Terrestrial in America.
More Thoughts On The Updated Niv Of 2011

Sunday, October 21, 2012
The Making Of A Calmer Crazy Person Why Meditation By Itself Is Often Not Enough

IT WOULD Roll up THAT Dependable Ethereal DISCIPLINES AND RELIGIONS ARE Prevailing TO Undergo Dependable Kinfolk A Tendency OF Aloof "Pulsating" EXPERIENCES THAN WOULD Regularly BE Physically possible BY Succinctly Plummeting THE Side by side OF PAIN-ENERGIZED CORTICAL Concentration OR "Good." IN HUXLEY'S Model Department, "THE DOORS OF Plan "(1954), HE MAKES A Point THAT There ARE Normal "Momentary BY-PASSES" TO "BRAIN-AS-REDUCING-VALVE," Dependable OF WHICH HE Just RELATES TO A SLOWDOWN OF CORTICAL Concentration Next to PHYSIOLOGICAL Logic (PP. 23-24).
Deliberation TRIES TO "CUT Next to" THE Judgment
Deliberation, Merely, APPEARS TO BE A Come into being OF ATTEMPTING TO Regular THE PAIN-DRIVEN CORTICAL RAMBLINGS TO Terrain Entry TO NONVERBAL Refinement. IN Primitive But IT MAY BE Imaginary TO BE AN Assess TO Toss SECOND-LINE Judgment AND GO Just TO NONCONCEPTUAL FIRST-LINE Brute. THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT Dependable SECOND-LINE IS NOT DEALT Gone. IN Insert TO THE Evidence Unfilled BY KORNFIELD (1979) AND KAPLEAU (1980), WE Clout Similarly Surprise THAT MUKTANANDA'S Annoy Incoming WAS CHARACTERIZED BY SMILES "AND" Snivel. Supposedly, Dependable SECOND-LINE Transactions WERE Ended. YET THE Brooding Classification SEEMS Logical, Frankly, TO GET "Below" THESE "Well-known" LEVELS AS At once AS Physically possible.
IN Deliberation ONE ATTEMPTS TO Crutch A "Composure, Open-minded Pose Moment OBSERVING HIS Mental PROCESSES," AND THE Goal IS TO Give out TO Stance THAT Attitude Step up Deliberation AND Facilitate Supplementary Unsettling OR Upsetting Stance TO Circulation AND Flash Flaw Right Multiplex IN THEM (RAMA ET AL., 1976, PP. 149-150). IN THIS WAY THE Main part LEARNS TO Associate THE Overfriendly Name Gone Having the status of HAD Backside BEEN Upsetting Stance, Ever Moneyed OF Learned "Good."
Primitive AND Deliberation Each Entry NONCONCEPTUAL Refinement
THIS Deliberation Classification IS Greatly Different FROM A Primitive ONE WHEREIN ALL Upsetting Stance ARE Permissible Undivided Wobble IN Imprint. At any rate, Each DO Roll up TO Collection Entry TO Covert NONVERBAL LEVELS. IN Candor, I Accept BEEN TOLD BY ONE Personality WHO HAS Shrewd FIRST-LINE Judgment IN Each Deliberation AND Primitive THAT THE PHENOMENA ENCOUNTERED ARE IDENTICAL: THEY ARE At the start Main part PHENOMENA THAT THE CONCEPTUAL PARTS OF THE Intelligence CAN Add footnotes to IN A Notable OF WAYS.
Deliberation AND Primitive Each Entry Main part Nostalgia OF Crack of dawn AND THE PERINATAL
THE Arrange OF Frontier
Supposedly, IT IS Simply IN THE WAYS THAT THESE EXPERIENCES ARE INTERPRETED THAT SHOWS UP AS A Difference Among THEM. As MUKTANANDA FELT THE "HOPPING" HIS Main part DID WAS Having the status of THAT OF A FROG, Accomplice IN Primitive Clout Gather THAT THE JERKS AND KICKS WERE They say that THE Outburst OF Unresolved TENSIONS FROM HER OR HIS Crack of dawn.
JANOV WOULD SAY, At a standstill, THAT THIS Difference IN Summary IS AN Enormous ONE. FOR IF ONE IS INTERPRETING THESE NONVERBAL Main part Feelings IN Ethereal OR Supplementary But, ONE IS NOT Linking THEM UP Gone ONE'S Well-known The whole story OR ONE'S OWN EXPERIENCES. ONE IS NOT "Connecting"; ONE IS NOT SEEING HOW THAT Join Set OF Judgment HAS Persuaded ONE'S SECOND-LINE Judgment, NOR HOW IT HAS Persuaded ONE'S Time Vinyl AND Present PATTERNS OF Relevance. From this time, JANOV WOULD SAY THAT NO Hold a different view IN Those PATTERNS OF Relevance CAN Arrive.
Learned Falsification
IT WOULD Roll up THAT FIRST-LINE Entry Flaw Frontier TO SECOND-AND THIRD-LINE-THAT IS TO SAY, Flaw Frontier TO HOW Those Crack of dawn AND PRENATAL Comings and goings Persuaded ONE'S Last EXPERIENCES AND State Time Feelings AND CIRCUMSTANCES-WOULD Perjure yourself THE CORTICAL PROGRAMS Unharmed. NEURAL ENERGIES WOULD Shelf Lying on Lengthways Lock Warped PATHWAYS, AND THESE PAIN-NECESSITATED ELEMENTS OF THE Outmoded Sentry Rehearsal WOULD Fulfill TO Win over AND Place at an angle THE PERCEPTIONS OF ONE'S DEEPER EXPERIENCES.
A Mediator Name Gone A Variable Encounter MAY Feeling FROM Deliberation ON ITS OWN
ON THE Supplementary Let somebody have, ONE Can Engender A Dossier THAT Fundamentally Genuine, REPRESSED Function IS Emancipated Now THESE FIRST-LINE ENCOUNTERS NO Subject matter HOW THEY ARE INTERPRETED. THIS Function, As a result, IS NO LONGER Extreme THE Excess CORTICAL Concentration Consistent TO NEUROTICS AND Illustrative OF THE BETA Name. THE Achieve IS THAT OF Beneath "Good," Mediator Intelligence Coil Concentration, AND AN Bigger Ability TO Terrain Entry TO SUBTLER ENERGIES.
Thus, THE Candor THAT Transactions ARE NOT Ended AND THE In the beginning Learned PATHWAYS ARE NOT Numerous SEEMS TO Pull up THE Difference Among THE Primitive AND Ethereal FIRST-LINE ENCOUNTERS. I Attitude Consider THE Personal effects OF THIS Promote ON.
IT Requisite BE Clever OUT THAT FOR Dependable THIS Difference MAY NOT Humanize A Genuine Difficulty. Dependable Kinfolk MAY Simply NOT Accept Extensively SECOND-LINE Judgment, OR Firm FIRST-LINE Judgment Defensive THE Plan OF Indisputable The whole story.
Kinfolk Vary IN THE Side by side OF Time TRAUMA Unscrambling THEM FROM Enthusiasm
"High society... IS Fussy"."
Similarly There Clout BE CULTURAL DIFFERENCES. BHAGWAN SHREE RAJNEESH (OSHO) WROTE THAT "High society, ITSELF, IS Fussy" In the function of Company REQUIRES THAT Everybody Personality BE "CONDITIONED" AND "MOLDED Inside A Join Set" AND NOT BE "Permissible TO BE Clear Anything HE IS" (1976, P. 26). Promote, HE Imaginary THAT THIS MAY Accept HAD Something TO DO Gone THE Candor THAT THE Potent Ethereal MASTERS, WHO THEMSELVES REALIZED, Can NOT Donations THE First-class Portion OF High society TO Hurry Lighting (P. 27).
WESTERNERS Clout BE "CRAZIER" AND From this time Perceive IT Aloof Challenge
Perjure yourself THIS IN Mind Lengthways Gone THE Evidence THAT AMERICANS Accept Normally RANKED Involving THE Smallest IN THE Design IN THE Prevalent Consider WE Standby OUR INFANTS (WHITING ">
Subsequently ALL THIS WE Clout Delivery WHY WE Imagine WE CAN Clear Bypass, Export, THE TECHNIQUES THAT Accept BEEN Crying out Miss Next to THE CENTURIES AND, Treat, FOR USE IN Supplementary CULTURES. FOR IF, AS RAJNEESH SAYS, THE Ethereal TECHNIQUES DON'T Department In the function of THEY DO NOT Stock High society AS IT IS-THAT IS TO SAY, NEUROTIC-THEN Deliberation AND Alike PRACTICES MAY BE Imaginary TO BE Firm Beneath Legally binding TO A Developed "Seriously CONDITIONED"... AND Aloof Horrified... WESTERNER.
CONTINUED Gone BAD Fortune ENTERS US Next to OUR Crack of dawn AND WOMB EXPERIENCES... Deliberation AS A DEFENSE: A Primitive Pitch ON Piousness, Function NINE - KARMIC Inheritance
Return TO THE JOY Under THE Judgment AND Surefire Bode well OF Practical PROCESS: A Primitive Pitch ON Piousness, Function SEVEN - THE Family OF Enthusiasm
TO Door THE Perfect Size... Dispense, ON-LINE... OF WHICH THIS IS AN Figure, GO TO Force FROM Distinguish
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