Saturday, October 6, 2012

Meditation Mystic Experience Visions Of Lights

Meditation Mystic Experience Visions Of Lights
A group of special phenomena may be observed all through the practice of meditation. These procedures are what tribe typically associate Clairvoyant EXPERIENCES. In my illustration, I never percentage my experiences to ego for example I was told these fill requisite be detached to oneself.

In spite of everything, submit were instances in the past I told someone about these fill, but that is unaccompanied for example the being I josh to is a trusted friend of search who is very established and at ease with my anomaly. Her name is Shanaz Al, an unusual being herself. Cheering limitation her out.

What I don't surround strategy to tell my intimate experiences, I selflessness it would be exceed if the character of what a mystical sample is came from an gifted in this multinational, Swami Sivananda Saraswati, one of the heap multifaceted spiritual masters from India.


"Sundry kinds of lights ruminate all through meditation for love to heed. In the beginning, a rash, white light, the scale of a pin's incident tendency film in the peak in Trikuti which corresponds apprehensively to the Ajna Chakra of the astral dignitary. In the role of the eyes are congested, you tendency find mixed dyed lights such as white, orange, red, smoky, down, green, various color, flashes equivalence lightning, equivalence fire, sweltering charcoal, fire-flies, the moon, the sun and stars. These lights film in the mental space, Chidakasha. These are all Tanmatric lights.

Each Tanmatra has its own release color. Prithvi (earth) Tanmatra has a orange light; Apas (water) Tanmatra has a white light; Agni (fire) Tanmatra has a red light; Vayu (air) Tanmatra has a smoky light; and Akasha (ether) Tanmatra has a down light. Yellow and white lights are very commonly seen. Red and down lights are intermittently conspicuous. Recurrently submit is a combination of white and orange lights. In the beginning, faint balls of white light hang about sooner than your eyes. In the role of you opening observe this, be assured that the mind is becoming beyond safe and that you are progressing in heed.

After some months the scale of the light tendency stand up and you tendency see a full arouse of white light, boss than the sun. In the beginning these lights are not safe. They come and pigskin moral. They blink out from better-quality the peak and from the sides. They lead to unnatural feelings of fanatical joy and pleasure and submit is an burning guide for a suspicion of these lights. In the role of you surround safe and neat practice for two or three hours of meditation at a allotment, these lights film beyond by and large and inhabit unemotionally for a crave time.

The suspicion of the lights is a multifaceted substantiate in Sadhana. It impels you to possess unemotionally to meditation. It gives you strong bank on in superphysical matters. The broadcast of the light denotes that you are transcending the physical consciousness. You are in a semiconscious dominance in the past the light appears. You are between the two planes. You poverty not tremble the dignitary in the past these lights ruminate. You poverty be satisfactory safe in the Asana. You poverty wisp very, very indolently.

One whose food is lessen, whose antagonism has been well thought-out, who has truth up all love for establishment, who has subdued his passions, who has subdue all pairs of opposites (Dvandvas) and who has truth up his self-centeredness, gets a suspicion of a triangular light all through meditation.

Sometimes all through meditation you tendency see a lively deep-seated light. You tendency find it awkward to peek at this light. You tendency be forced to go without your mental suspicion of this light. This deep-seated light is the light emanating from the Sushumna. You tendency see forms in the lights - either the profuse forms of demigods (Devatas) or physical forms. You tendency see your Ishta Devata or designate deity in enticing dress with four hands and arms. Siddhas, Rishis and other Devatas film sooner than you to put up you. You tendency find a massive bundle of Devatas and celestial ladies (Apsaras) with various pleasing instruments in their hands. You tendency furthermore see satisfactory flower precincts, fine palatial buildings, rivers, mountains, golden temples, regulate so skillful and appealing as cannot be amply described.

The experiences be dissimilar with mixed individuals. When one man experiences, may not be competent by out of the ordinary man. Multiple inaccurately cleave to that they surround realized the self in the past they get these experiences, rest their Sadhana and try to move in the establishment to go on a new cult and religion in the name of Loka-sangraha. This is a loud fail to appreciate. This is not execution at all. These are simple encouragements from your Ishta Devata to convince you of a leading spiritual life and insert you on in your safe, neat and continual practice of meditation with zeal and oomph. You tendency surround to let pass these fill and prize open them apart. You poverty not thought a bit for the suspicion of lights. You poverty fix your inconvenience on the Lakshya, the objective, viz., Brahman. These visions film in some citizens within a few days, to the same degree in others within six or nine months. It depends upon the dominance of the mind and aspect of heed."

Source: Kundalini Yoga, Swami Sivananda

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