Saturday, October 13, 2012

Eight Of Wands Tarot Love Relationship Outcome And Reversed

Eight Of Wands Tarot Love Relationship Outcome And Reversed
EIGHT OF WANDS - LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP OUTCOME The Eight of Wands in a Tarot reading could mean that you have been struck by the arrows of love and actively rushing into a situation or making preparations to do so with great expectation that things are going to work out. There is a connection with travel through the open countryside. REVERSEDIn the reversed position it could mean the arrows of jealousy with resulting conflicts.EIGHT OF WANDS - AS A PERSON, OUTCOME AND FEELINGS "Examination, interrogation, internal or inner conceptions, knowledge and disputes; misgivings, doubt and sometimes misunderstandings; quick response, reaction, and answer to unspoken words or meanings. The sensation of pleasure and pain, but at the same time the knowledge and the occasion to avoid both or to get the one and avoid the other. Life at or on the sea; sailors and fishermen. Searchers for the hidden side of things, students of occultism. Poetry, music and sculpture. Secret message; hidden meaning; sex questions. Private interview or rendez-vous. Bad weather". A. E. Thierens, [1930]
EIGHT OF WANDS PICTORIAL KEY TO THE TAROT - RIDER-WAITE-SMITHBy A.E. Waite (1911), tarot card illustrations by Pamela Colman Smith (1911)Description The card represents motion through the immovable-a flight of wands through an open country; but they draw to the term of their course. That which they signify is at hand; it may be even on the threshold. DIVINATORY MEANINGSActivity in undertakings, the path of such activity, swiftness, as that of an express messenger; great haste, great hope, speed towards an end which promises assured felicity; generally, that which is on the move; also the arrows of love. DIVINATORY MEANINGS - REVERSEDArrows of jealousy, internal dispute, stingings of conscience, quarrels; and domestic disputes for persons who are married. ADDITIONAL DIVINATORY MEANINGSDomestic disputes for a married person.
THE TAROT By S. L. MacGregor Mathers, c 1888EIGHT OF WANDS DIVINATORY MEANINGS"Eight of Sceptres" - Understanding, Observation, Direction. DIVINATORY MEANINGS - REVERSEDQuarrels, Intestine disputes, Discord.
GENERAL BOOK OF THE TAROT By A. E. Thierens, [1930]EIGHT OF WANDS TRADITIONExamination, interior disputes, misunderstanding, regrets, interior agitation, scruples, doubt, repentance, etc. But on the other hand it is brought into connection with everything that has to do with country life, the fields, gardens, woods, etc. Also: pleasure, amusement, enjoyment, recreation. Quite apart from all this: an express messenger, the arrows of love or the arrows of jealousy. "Great haste, great hope, speed towards an end, which promises assured felicity." ("Waite") THEORYThe card represents "Air" on the "Eighth house" and the influence of Scorpio will make the mind acute and sharp, so as to investigate and to examine the most hidden riddles, while in this house the mind comes to the sensation or consciousness of pleasure and pain, thirst and drinking. (The chalice will begin its suit later on the Ninth house.) It is the house of hidden and 'forbidden' knowledge or rather experience. The 'arrows of love' actually mean passion, and the 'arrows of jealousy,' the common counterpart of the same. The sensation of sex is born in this house and indicated by this card. As to swift or speedy messages, this may sometimes happen, because the Scorpion is sometimes very sudden in its movements. What the card should have to do with country life is less evident. We should say rather that it must stand in relation with the sea, fishermen and sailors. The mind in this house is very critical and sharp-witted, sometimes subject to doubt and misgivings, superstition and jealousy. It is in search of truth and enjoyment. Artistic abilities will run along the line of poetry, music and sculpture. It has always to do with the hidden side of things, the interior, or the inner life.
THE ORACLE OF THE TAROT - EXOTERIC TAROT By Paul Foster Case (1933) EIGHT OF WANDSIn the triangle is a peacock feather, symbol of illusion and Maya. This connects with Splendor, the 8th Sephirah, called also the Sphere of Mercury, and said to be the seat of the lower manifestations of Intellect. TIME PERIODFirst decanate of Sagittarius, November 22 to December 1st, ruled by Jupiter. WELL-DIGNIFIEDAspiration, foresight; rapid expression of force, but quickly expended; the acceleration of anything in which the Querant is interested. Also generosity, confidence, freedom. ILL-DIGNIFIEDViolence, warfare, rapacity, insolence, theft or robbery. KEYWORDSwiftness.Further Reading More information on the Eight of Wands Tarot card.Related New Age Posts: * Six of Wands - Tarot Love Relationship Outcome * Seven of Wands - Tarot Love Relationship Outcome * Five of Wands - Tarot Love Relationship Outcome * Three of Wands - Tarot Love Relationship Outcome * Four of Wands - Tarot Love Relationship Outcome


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