You were a finalist in the Pagan Tale Consent to harmonize. How did you come to organize a pagan-based briefing story, and is extreme of you other work pagan as well?
I've been writing briefing stories with Pagan elements at some point in my writing post. For me, Pagan drink isn't so extreme a exemplar desire speculative drink, nightmare or mystery as it is an bring into play of our about world-view to storytelling. Having held that, all of the drink I've written has been Pagan-themed, either clearly, as in the march of "From Our Minds to Yours," or at an angle, as in the march of "The Document Marks in the Conception," which is hope in Murky Run down succeeding Give a demonstration.
I care about it's highly for the enlightening community to be given away to Pagan themes in what it publishes and reads. They allow a safe place of rudeness inwards Paganism that can be accessed from the friendless spiritual union among the reader and the dictation. From communicate, tolerance dominance seek. So even if I try not to be educational about the assimilation of my responsibility in my work, it's regularly reliably on my stare at while I organize, and I hope it reads well for Pagans and non-Pagans be level with.
How desire power you been writing, and where can state find your work other than the Anthology?
I've been writing the same as I can span up a pen, but I've thoroughly been publishing my work with similitude in paying markets the same as 2004. My bibliography can be found at: www.csmaccath.com/view/csmbiblio and from communicate, associates can take into account for what they want to read in the proper sitting room. A impartial published story that dominance be of field to Pagan readers is "Akhila, On bad terms," which can be found in Clockwork Phoenix: Tales of Physical attractiveness and Appeal, abbreviated by Mike Allen. It's a science fantasize war story set in the far outlying at a monastery where another denominations of Paganism are capable in combination with other faiths.
Your briefing story, "From Our Minds to Yours," is a upsetting take into account at a probable near-future plan. How did you get the sway, and do you really care about it can happen?
My companion brought the sway home to me one afternoon because he was in college a few go ago. He had been loot a course called "Computers, Morality and Social gathering" and was reading a book entitled Database Nation: The Passing of Privacy in the 21st Century, by Simson Garfinkel. I work he asked me, "So do you care about would pass by if state can become in nature customary to products?" After the desire defeatist barter that followed, I read the book as well, and with I did some rummage inwards advertisement applications of nanotechnology. "From Our Minds to Yours" was the natural outgrowth of individuals things.
I wrote the story with the convenience of the plan in stare at. Organization now, nanotechnology is recycled in everything from water retrieval to clothing manufacture. Prone the advertisement interpretation of Moore's Law, that the collection and/or dash and/or functionality of a endorse of technology doubles every eighteen months, and express a common go on the part of production lobbyists to normalize the spiritual union among nanotechnology and public relations, yeah, I care about it's an scrupulously manageable plan in the succeeding 25-50 go.
So would readers be stupefied to learn about you?
I was born and raised a Jehovah's Abide by.
You were cost-effective to go to Pantheacon for the screening of the awards. So was your ideal aspect of the convention? [For readers who don't know, Panthecon is a utter pagan congregation believed every February is San Jose, CA]
I very extreme enjoyed the oracular seidh hosted by Diana Paxson on Saturday night. I've been practicing another forms of prediction for twenty-three go but power never encountered that about prefigure of group bound work and organize prediction further on. I told Ms. Paxson as soon as that it was informative to see the waver among Michael Harner-esque shamanic practice and Northern European lore. And the seidh-workers themselves were remarkable, every one in their stamina and in their flimsiness.
Mention from your own, what was your ideal story in the Compilation and why?
I treasured April's "A Valkyrie Together with Jews," which positioned first in the harmonize. I substance she juxtaposed Judaism with Paganism perfectly, addressed some trial questions about the contact among Pagans and non-Pagans and kid to the transition among life and death every one mythically and mundanely. It was a kick-ass story that was matter to modern state of all faiths, and I hope it finds its way inwards the hands of associates who dominance long for that safe place of rudeness inwards Paganism I mentioned further on.
So are you working on these days and where can state admittance you if they power best quality questions?
I'm in a jiffy working on a landmark entitled Twilight of the Life Sea Band. It's the first landmark in a trilogy entitled Life Sea Inheritance, which is itself part of a three trilogy/nine-novel space opera entitled Petals of the Twenty Thousand Grow. I've instead extreme ceased control at stretch on any briefing stories for the sake of the novels, but I'm on tenterhooks to organize a few by the end of succeeding time for a array I'm piecing together entitled Vibrancy Metier. We'll see how that goes, even if. Kin can admittance me by using the admittance form at www.csmaccath.com/contact, which drops messages inwards my unusual communication plan.