Every Garden carries a SpellA Spell of Beauty and Poetry*Every garden casts a Sparkle in your Heartand Awakens the Power to d r e a m in petals and seeds and walls
Lit with G r e e n e r y*The Garden is a Magician with a Wand of LightDazzling the Space with Enchantment and Life
A Garden can cast a spell in your SoulAwaken you to ExploreInspire you to CreateInfuse you with the Dance of Wisdom only plants could ever Teach
A Garden is like a Whispering Body..Telling you Secrets of past Ancient LoreA Garden Spell can Bind you with the Music of Memory, of New and Lost Loves*A Garden can become your Family..s h i n i n g with eyes of Hope
A Garden can create all kinds of Miracles and hold you to the Shine of PromisesEvery Garden is aS p e l l c a s t e r Weaving Miracles and Prose Within your BeingTelling you stories you R e m e m b e r from another Time and Space**
Gardens are Magical vessels..holding you in PlaceGazing into your Spirit...telling you to "let go of time" F O R E V E R*
The Garden will take you Gently and Keep you in it's Gaze E T E R N A L L Y*From Sunlight to Moonlight, You Walk between the Worlds of the Garden's V e i lIt has cast a Spell afteralland you are Living within it's Magical World of Awe*
The Eyes of the Garden's HeartHave Cast their most Potent SpellI am not afraid at allI Welcome this Bewitching EncounterMay the Garden be with me, until my Time to f a l l*
And in the Afterworld... I will Sing in F L O W E R SMy Body a Blanket where Seedlings become NEWand my Essence Becomes the Green of Shiny Petals and Sunlit Dew*The Garden has Cast a Spell in Life and in D e a t hThe Garden has Taken me into The F o r e v e r WorldWhere I B L O O M and Bloom and Bloomwith Each and Every NEW S h i n i n g B r e a t h*~Victora Pettella~
Awake With Charm and Spirit*All Content Copyright*All Magic Prose and PhotosVictoria Pettella