Monday, October 8, 2012

What Important To Me Thoughts Of Passover

What Important To Me Thoughts Of Passover
I'm taking a couple of weeks off from classes. I resume again on April 6th, 2009. I'm looking for the day I can get my Bachelor's and get on with the work that my Lord Jesus Christ directs my path. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:6). It is said that we must grow where we're planted. As we grow we learn from the lessons that are taught us whether it be from situations that we encounter and people that we meet. It's up to us who we hold on to and what we let go.

In the next few weeks (April 7) will by the holy day of Passover. It is important to Christians because it reminds us the Christ became the Passover lamb for us all. The communion of the Lord is so fascinating. Not really many people know the true meaning of the communion Jesus instituted on the night his trial and death. God instructed Moses and the Israelites to begin their Passover (Exodus 12) while still in Egypt. They were to take a male lamb without blemish the symbol of our Messiah, Jesus and sacrifice it and shedding it's blood. The bones of the lamb were not to be broken. After the lamb was killed they were to take the lamb and roasted it and they were to eat all of it nothing was to be left over. Does all this look familiar to what Jesus would suffer for our sins? The night of his suffering, Jesus and his 12 disciples met in an upper room (John 13:1). Here Jesus said he would make the covenant of giving his body as a sacrifice (Matthew 26:17-30). He broke the unleavened bread and told his disciples take eat this is my body. By breaking it his body would be broken and bruised. Then he took the cup of the fruit of the vine, bless it, and gave it to his disciples. Jesus said this is the blood of the covenant that is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. He would not drink of it until that day when he would drink it anew with you in his Father's Kingdom. Many think that this wine is an alcoholic wine. It is not, if you study the scriptures it is the fruit of the vine what we called "grape juice" is used. So it is that we Christians celebrate the Passover until the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Plans for the celebration will be attending church afterward there will be a special dinner with the sayings of scriptures of out Lord's sufferings, crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection. We sing hymns to commemorate the hymn sung by Jesus and his disciples that night of his suffering. Some of the song selections include "In The Garden", "The Old Rugged Cross", "Love Is A Cross", "He's Alive, My Redeemer Lives". Then we get ready to eat we say a prayer of grace and thanksgiving. We lay out the table with vegetables, sauces, breads, passover crackers, dressed eggs, stuffed celery, potato salad, olives, apple crisps, all the foods resembling the one's used in the passover seder meal. We have fresh grape punch and other beverages like coffee or tea and for dessert "resurrection" rolls, decorated cupcakes, and jello salad. I always look forward to the holy days. They mean so much, and the presence of the Lord in the celebration blesses us the entire year!


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