Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wicca On The Radio Who Would Have Thought

Wicca On The Radio Who Would Have Thought
It was really strange. I got a call last week from an old friend who is now one of the hosts of World Wiccan Pagan Radio. Who knew there was such a thing. I remember years ago being suprised to learn there was a site like Witchvox. To say we have come out of the closet is an understatement. We have kind of stormed our way out. And the cool thing here is it gives a great way for people getting involved to learn Wicca. So, I was invited to be on the program for the Summer Solstice show. This was an amazing experience. We chatted about what Summer Solstice means and how the wheel of the year still relate to today's society. We talked about community and building relationships. We discussed where the elements came from and why they have the properties they do. And before you know it, we had an hour program where people could learn Wicca in a whole new way. It was amazing.

I really feel the face of our religion is changing for many people. More information is available every day and people are finding the information easier and easier. Groups are available for those who would like to meet in person. Anyone who wants to learn Wicca is just a mouseclick away. We are not just a religion that is growing fast. We are a religion that is changing fast as well. I love that technology is keeping up.


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