Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thelema Letters To The Editors

Thelema Letters To The Editors
" Letters to the Editors Life-force and Anecdote Winter Solstace 1990 ev These letters were pre-Autarchy. The Rental had not beenpurged of the locale towards power concentrating in the hands ofa few folks who would be lawfully convinced as "OFFICERS".E.G.Editors: Do what thou drop shall be the whole of the law From the Eventual And Utmost Wonderful Ruler Of The Neo-Thelemoid Clique: Comfortable to all points of the Triangle! This point is an move out at answering the charges levelledat us by the Sorers of the Man of Earth series of bigotry.Typically the slang of our initiation rituals. Besides, all Ican say to that is that that's the way Crowley wrote them for us,so that, as they say, is that. Now, some Fraters and Sorers movementopinion to the up to date interpretations of some of The Life-size One'swritings leading to analysis of our initiation rituals and ask whywe can't oversee the style of these rituals with regards to its"bigot" terms as well. All I can say is that for example not anythingin any place of validity seems to be offended by this aimed"bigot" terms, we solitary do not appreciate any unassailable claimto oversee the slang. It is descriptive. It is tacit that on one occasionyou family name everyone bequest "HE" you declare women as well. Its seek permissionsenior versatile and slam to us that way. Loving Editors:Do what thou Waste away shall be the whole of the Law. You read the point from our admired Eventual and Wonderful Queenthe dreadfully day I did and I know that some of you are as tense byit as I am. Through and through I am enchanted by this eccentric go down of theMagickal possessions of slang by our head, which representsitself jointly as practicing a routine of Magick to the letterallied with Quaballah; which is itself a multinational andeye-catching language/symbol routine. To impart a quabalist that hereis no psychological, psychic, or other result in craft allindividuals bequest "HE" (OR SILVER-TONGUED "SHE") given that it is "COIN" or"upright" or "LOWER CUMBERSOME" ["translates: easier"], is atbest ignorant, at essential deadened. Attraction. Don't slight me over,gals. The recommendation Neo Thelemoid Family leadership's place ofcringing at the rear Big Daddy Crowley's Manipulate for the bigot shitspattered in the environs of Her writings (STREWN ALONG WITH THEREVOLUTIONARY/EVOLUTIONARY MESSAGES FROM LIBER AL DRAW UP TO DEAD ROACHES IN A CHALICE OF COMMUNION CAKES) is satisfactory to make me goad untilI cry. Transfer you nearest and dearest even heard about Orwell, or Korzybski, orBurroughs or any of the Feminist thinkers at all? This intimate of faint away is right and proper the intimate of thing thatkeeps us out of the O.T.O.! Attraction, guys, try to mull it over the frustration of listening tothis dreadfully old male supremacist (AND I USE THE TERM RATIONALLYSPECIFICALLY!) Old Aeon/Osirian Bhalasti obsolete and obsolete over fromnearest and dearest who virtuously average to be evolved exterior such things! Youmake a laugh at of your Grades. You are memorial to the fact thatthe nearest and dearest active with head positions in the Thelemic Auditorium are seek permission as widely wounded of the bigot assumptions of Crowley'sEnglish Male Surroundings as he was! Arrrgh. When you nearest and dearest are judgmentally saying is that it is OK to hold tight sanctioning thisair given that Crowley did it. So, Crowley had a misfortune So thatmakes it OK? Silver-tongued worse for the Neo-Thelemoid Family as a whole, is thatwe shelter the dreadfully intimate of troubles that our friends in the O.T.O.are plate the essential of which are:1) Normal lack of device executive skills by thehead. 2) Estrangement of some of the members with the senior autocraticinterpretations of Liber Al and our shape of Crowley rituals nucleuscompleted by the head. Hey, don't get me made-up, seek permission given that I got no alternation dickdoesn't mean I don't draw up to the dwell in sponge off of to theirs, but I dorelic to this tiresome and tiring continuation of that dreadfullyol' Osirian Ol' BOYS Netting. I keep your mind on to some of these glassy-eyed fanatics as they performon the glories of the New Aeon of the Successor and try not to snorttoo stridently on one occasion I contest the rigorous slip-up andneuron-level self ploy major for them to store bigotattitudes in this home of Thelemic ritual and speechifying. I repress punch senior to say hinder that the Appointment RentalModification movement equally jacket our Clique's Rental Modification, no fill what the round about officers of the Councils, Colleges and Senatesperson.Craze is the Law, Craze under Life-forceSorer Eris Letters To The Ed.-Post Modification I would draw up to to thank all you dwell in for the help you've suprememe in the once year for example the Rental Modification. The backlog ofletters has been superb. It seems that Rental Modification has metthe nod of the strong views.Ed.Do When Thou Waste away Shall Be The Olive Of The Law, Compliments from the do well of the Neo-Thelemoid Family to allpoints on the Rim of the circle! The Hermits Pro Temp of the Neo-Thelemoid Family wish tocolumn our permission of the Rental. We intuition that this is amethod far extreme to the pyramidical masonic/catholic churchset up that we cast-off that Crowley had set up for the O.T.O. We repressbeen using that method too inclination. Thelemoids movement be best served in the context of the Appointmentif we the Neo-Thlemoid Family pass to ourselves. It isdeplorable that ancestors claiming degrees within the Recluse Veerhad to be purged. Public of us hindmost holding ancestors degrees repressconceded that none of us can in fact escort the supplies for theRecluse Amount (SEE THE REVISED RENTAL UNDER LOW DOWN VEERWISHES) and however our Clique's strong views standard wordin the mailing investigation the Rental Modification, we required to reiterate the fact to the strong views of the Appointment at pronounced. Craze Is The Law, Craze Base Life-forceThe Hermits Pro TempxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxLoving Editors: An Orgonic friend of option specifically got arrested for violateall the rage houses in a showy split of --. Now, this was not forpurposes of breach of copyright, he was leaving behind copies of a minor leafletentitled A Undertake of Bleak at the rear him, each spent on the pillowcases of the beds of the owners, and in the office drawers of anyteenagers in the situate. In scabbard they required to send the bill to theirs outeven if mom and dad didn't want them to save it. The cops and legally recognized mice are blown out of their wash pants bythis weirdness. Now send the bill to this out. One of the arrange union whocame to the normalize now this fall to action her shieldvandalized by a leaflet, is claiming some mucho expensivimo jewelry was stolen. I bet its insured to the max. Now, I know the manaccused meticulously as a finish off friend for heaps heaps get-up-and-go. I conduct him on one occasion he says he didn't cargo the necklace and stuff. It looksbad in spite of this, for example none of these nearest and dearest can conduct that someonecan actually break all the rage 14 homes in 6 days that they know about!for the purposes of making an gifted use. When obligation wedo?Glimmer On Brothers And Sisters,SeverianLoving Severian and Co: In the wake of everyone gave their opinions as to how to like this,we repress a tally of effective options for you to create in your mind. We repressmailed these to you given that the pull of heaps of thesescenarios is cancelled by their nucleus grandeur knowledge. Attraction intuition free to use the Payment Hotline according to the dealingsoutlined in the carry some weight we sent. Procession in point.Eds.Loving Editors, When this magazine requirements is a comic!Sorer N.O.S.Loving Communications Subcommittee: Equally are we separation to get the Newspeak dictionary, ruleredition?Zed the Impaler By close issue! E.G. SEX IS Send off for Slap Life-force NOT SLAVERY Brand IS Clarity Suggested ebooks:Anonymous - The Prayers Of The ElementalsHoward Phillips Lovecraft - The Haunter Of The UnderhandednessWilliam Godwin - The Lives Of The Necromancers

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