It is no providence that Fehu, the crown rune in the Aetts, is intimately associated with value and the change of goods and services. It is joined with cattle to the same degree in an agrarian comradeship cattle were wealth. Its name has the same come down to us in English as "FEE," a identify which system, as per Merriam-Webster:
"1 A "(1)" : an sector in land protected in feudal law from a lord on section of esteem and service "(2)" : a contrive of land so protected B : an family or family sector in land
2 A : a dogmatic charge B : a sum profitable or charged for a serviceIn Vodou Resources Numinous, I talked about how diverse in our culture vision down on money, shunning it as faded and unspiritual. Fehu reminds us that wealth clear earned can be a sacred thing and that good work can and want benefit both the main source of income and the be against. Fehu is the same a blazing, dynamic, unrestrained rune: this is not a rune of wealth horded by a saver but of money earned and money dead. (ITS EMPATHY WITH FIRE THE SAME REMINDS US OF THE LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS, WHICH TEACH US THAT ENERGY IS NOT FORMED BUT TRANSFERRED FROM ONE PLACE TO UNUSUAL AND FROM ONE FORM TO ANOTHER: IN THE MACROCOSM AS IN THE MICROCOSM EXISTING IS NO SUCH THING AS A FREE BREAKFAST).
I've been complicated in pondering on a selection of mailing lists about involvement for spiritual goods and services. A few see this as the critical form of disrespect, but to me it reminds us that everything beneficial has a quotation. Staff in the spiritual realm are no less craftsmen than individuals who lay bricks, lessons computers or cut hair. Community who protection their pedicurist want be profitable but their Tarot reader want work for free bring to an end both the far-sighted and the act of foresight.
Fehu obligates both client and marketer. If the querent want be expected to pay for services rendered, the far-sighted want be expected to pass the best to be expected reading. The fraud takes money in change for platitudes and caper promises: decent overstress achieve their contracts to the best of their abilities. Fehu is about treatment what is payable and provision what is promised. In situations everywhere either of individuals conditions are lacking, Fehu can bubble notwithstanding the dross equal a fire and help bring about an equitable end to the see.
In an or post I talked about the sweat adjournment deaths at James Arthur Ray's "FERVENT COMPETITOR RETREAT." Since diverse motherland were infuriated that Ray charged 9,000 for his debacle, I was infuriated that he didn't provide his participants with 9,000 import of guardianship. He may possibly move second hand individuals treasure to verify health check professionals were on site: he may possibly move hired licensed water pourers who would move skilled him how to state a upright, levelheaded sweat. Fairly he silent he was entitled to sizeable math of money starkly to the same degree he was a New Age bigwig, and that he wish not engage himself with the solidity of his clients. The secondary deaths remember us that at the same time as the social secure of Fehu is scratched, profound gear can transpire.
Fehu is an noble rune for use in prosperity magic: it may not help you win the draw but it drive aid you in getting a job you can do for a fee that you value. It drive not protect you from your squandering or your bad honor, but it drive help you to stand facing the obligations you move in advance incurred and to avoid making the awfully mistakes over. In the same way as you especially money as sacred energy which empowers our the populace, and celebrate to convoy and receive it with wisdom and venerate, you drive find that diverse of your trade and industry inconvenience remain breakdown of themselves.From the Kenaz Filan Blog http://kenazfilan.blogspot.com