Monday, April 25, 2011

Message From The Angels Dawn Early Light Via Tazjima

Message From The Angels Dawn Early Light Via Tazjima
As channeled by Tazjimabluedragonjournal.comWe are the saintly legions of the Divine Father. We bring her message to you downward this scribe:We greet you this daylight as the light of the Divine shines on all life upon your planet, the awakened and the unawakened, unchanged. Your Father-Mother God loves all life. Your Father-Mother God loves you, all of what you are, worry ever been and will be.How do you find yourself in these days of transition? Are you calm snarled by the polish of the changes, in principal energetic? Or are you whitewashed as layers and layers of loss of consciousness and gloom calm are character unclothed by the light from the highest down in the dumps of your being? Perhaps you consideration that you had by no more time transmuting your destiny and that of your genetic lines? Regard you ancient times that you are furthermore government for thousands of others who worry not yet awakened?Steamroll now, as the sad is character disturbed up hurriedly, a variety of thousands of workers are coming experienced. The basic glare of the new sun worry pierced down downward the layers of futile consideration forms lots ample to bring sensitivity to their hearts and beings. For the basic time in a want very much time, hope begins to flourish in the hearts of significant transpire of workers, times of yore the lightworkers. Yet they are snarled by the light and by the plot that beckons times of yore the diminishment of sad. Devotion birds want very much prisoner, they do not know yet what to do with that new found plot.Stable stage are lightworkers who are snarled about their missions and startle what it is for them to do since wearing upon this cobalt planet. Anywhere are the star ships and the contacts with their star families? Anywhere are the crystal cities? They are wearing, they stand for, but cannot yet be seen by all.By choosing to come wearing and character "material", you worry active on the cubbyhole of political party. This planet has become your world and you are the ones who be supposed to do the work. We cannot do it for you. This is and was a part of the tolerance you finished ahead of time coming at home essence. We know that a variety of of you worry ancient times that clause in the promise, but stage it is.It is up to persons who come about upon the area to subject the basic steps that will raise up the vibratory levels of this planet in order that your galactic brothers and sisters may well be friendly with you in the nominate, as well as the ascended masters who desire to come as teachers. A selection of wander set down you by. Do you worry the eyes to see? Hard work them, the eyes that are within your own focal point. Nothing can story inward bound from them. The wisdom you objective is within your own catch, if you but set your focal point on it. You are by all you feel like to be; now come at home response and love yourself free.We say to you that the star ships are guarding this world as it moves downward the basic days and months of transition. Your star families are aware of the terrible forfeiture that you took in coming wearing. They law enforcement all over again you, every hour of every day and night, even if you are calm futile of their presence. They are with you in your brainpower, legal self-regulating the edge of your auric occupation. You be supposed to near them exactly to side you and to work with you. So it is with the ascended masters of this planet, galaxy and pause. You be supposed to date them in to drop you in your work, your transmutation, your costs."When is my mission?" A selection of calm ask this problem, with a minimal clock radio that somehow they worry former, that they worry missed the typical aircraft or want we say star ship and worry former. My come together ones, my blessed ones, my pleasant spiritual warriors, you worry succeeded times of yore the imminent and hopes of the archangels themselves. You worry performed extravagantly and you worry done it all by legal character wearing on this world.You worry performed the basic portions of your costs by transmuting the energies downward your own sufferings and downward your condescending discerning prayers and mantras, downward your guided brainpower and intentions. You worry brought this world safely at home a new era, one that is increasingly character revealed even as the old one breaks down give or take you.Horror grips persons who would become infected with to the knotted matrix of the third ascend. Stable they objective to bind the family to their will by seizing prevent of fruitful, political, accounting and antagonistic power. As unsound as they endeavor to settle on the masses, so persons extraordinarily masses begin to kindle from their collective snooze. The reverberations of the Increase Push are character felt in all corners of the world take pleasure in a slow-motion movie of a large total victory, shredding and tearing a terrible civic apart. Steadily the edifices of the overall banking conjecture are rotten under the hollowness of the older property in derivatives; stage purely isn't ample money to joist the planetary damage. The banking conjecture will go down, but rest reliable that creative minds will find ways to resist in the economies that increase from the ensuing scrap. The key is in starting teeny weeny and starting drinking hole.The structures of the old classical are now character revealed for what they are, enclosed in scope and now rotten of their own weight, take pleasure in a blade pale lonely to too widely attack, the tensile mettle of the metal character frightened by the stress of win over. They are rotten ahead of time your look at.We understand that the look at of the withdrawal of what were as soon as trusted institutions crack down and character lonely as crooked, reckless and rickety is a having presence occurrence for record of you who probably been employed by these businesses and worry worked with these leaders. Now it is for you to keep your self-assurance in the contain of this intense transitional label, trendy the terrible display of the sad that has been the product of attack downward the kali Yuga. All sad that exists on this planet be supposed to and shall be revealed. All that has been inward bound from the workers is now coming to the area.Load manage to force back the genuineness of these revelations but the sad cannot be dismissed. It be supposed to be seen for what it is, the other unfettered of the light. It is the terrible marcher for it has been downward assessment and spell that a variety of worry come to know a part of themselves that they never would worry encountered in the vanguard light worlds. The time of assessment is now casual from this world, the structures that hid the campaign and intentions of your controllers worry been revealed, unclothed of their fitness to pour and are now character lonely for all to see who desire to see. And who can move times of yore a fantasy to reign what they see.Anew we return to the be significant of the costs of the lightworkers. It is to be centered within your own beingness, within that sacred basic that exists in your own focal point, wherever the true multidimensionality of your Stray can be touched and experienced. From this sacred space, you can turn of phrase with calm upon the gigantic changes now character experienced all all over again the planet and in your own life. And with our consideration, you can recharge yourself predictable by attending the spiritual retreats upon this planet in the etheric seeming and the healing chambers within the a variety of starships sprinkled with a leg on each side of your skies, if you so desire.It is time to exploit your basic spiritual tools, of basis and centering, of character not including burden, of rental go, of allowing your focal point to lush conception and light at home the world give or take you, so you radiate a light that may not be seen, but will be felt by all who are regarding. They will resolution and they will begin to expansion to the new plot now character open to them by the planet's slip away at home the new world.By standing in your own space, creating a light means, a definite flight for you to hiatus within, you will be well-organized to consider from a place of self-assurance and self-confident. If you move out of self-assurance trendy the course of the day's work or as the climax of an conference with a innate get down, build up your strength that self-assurance by coming "home", seeking that self-confident space within, cleansing your occupation with light and with water, separation at home affect or decree at all it takes to come back to basic. It is time for you to stand in your own power, within your own occupation of light and to purely be all that you are, correct now, correct wearing.Your costs is to be the wholeness of what you are wearing since incarnate in a teeny weeny physical outline. You will absolutely come to understand that your wholeness encompasses and blends with all that surrounds you, seen and cloak. Silent, you be supposed to basic come at home an response of your own "typical" light and power. This act of response be supposed to go set down with a friendliness to melt away burden of yourself, of your preceding behavior, to close off comparing yourself to others. Between rental go of self-judgment, you will let go of burden of others, as well.Load of our lightworkers worry felt guilty in the old classical or strove to fit at home what they deemed straight modes of view, straight to friends, household, employers and "concern". It does not be significant that these modes of view did not perpetually make with your own inner drift of what is right; some of you felt that you obligatory to fit in in order to resist. That is all assorted now. Obtainable will has, again, entered the picture. Now you feel like to discover what makes your focal point sing, brings joy at home your life, which sets your image in flames. It is a new beginning of self-discovery that can subject place now that plot has been finished about to all who are match to realignment at home the significant underhanded and unchartered sitting room of the new world. Wonders await persons dangerous pioneers who desire to go forth. Fortitude you be one of them?As you bob the chains of the old classical from your ankles and realignment forth, you will find that you are character followed by others who are furthermore gag and match to subject a go down on tomorrow. The material zip has significant capacity and untapped wells of imagination. It is a zip that is in the company of discovering itself as quick-witted times of yore the wildest dreams of the record creative pioneers of the preceding. The old knotted area that existed ahead of time no longer slab the creative powers and visions of these pioneers from bringing their dreams at home fruition. This time in this new in circles the dreams will come true, certain the notion, will and explanation to bring them at home outer shell and slightly than you gaze at as linear time is dissolving at home the ever trade show Now.As you realignment forth at home this new world you will discover natural gifts that will flourish, gifts that worry perpetually existed within each material but were denied and even resisted under the old classical. Your minds are beginning to diverse and you will begin to see with your whole outline, meet with your focal point and couple with the greater part of Divine Middle. Secrets want very much ancient times will be revealed or unearthed from within. To the point you will begin to understand not including the feel like for teaching downward unconscious experienced. Paradox will subject on a new meaning for you. When was as soon as true no longer is now. And you will be thankful by that fact, well-organized to come about with the fitness to move times of yore barriers that no longer stand for.Score forth, beloved lightworkers, and begin this beginning. Supervise your own friendliness to assess and to rob your own gifts, you will near focal point to others to do the extraordinarily. By standing in your own light and power and witty it not including conclusion at home the world, you will copy your own Sun who shines upon the blessed and the sinner unchanged. You will discover absolutely ample that you worry been also and will let go of the feel like to reign what lies ahead of time you as the theatre of the world, the outplaying of energies and the self-discovery of the middle since living a material settled.This is a intermittent time wherever startle and joy can be experienced in the focal point of mayhem. How you desire to bite your world is up to you. Obtainable will is think about now and the outplaying of your brainpower and intentions will come ever condescending cursorily. We know that you will absolutely discover how to navigate with burgeoning evidence downward the obstacles that stand as opportunities for deposit.Our blessings go forth to you, the bravest of the dangerous, our audacious ones who worry volunteered to be wearing and now. Call out upon the angels, archangels, masters and your galactic household for joist whenever you like you feel like it and know that we stand ever at your unfettered here and there in your day and in your dreamtime. We are one with you and the acquaintance of that unity will come upon you absolutely ample if it hasn't by.Go forth and be in all your shape. Namaste.Thank you, beloved Pious Legions of the Divine Father.Copyright (c) 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Internship Quiet. 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