Monday, April 11, 2011

Jason And Sosipater The Apostles Of The 70 And Their Companions

Jason And Sosipater The Apostles Of The 70 And Their Companions
APRIL 29READING: All of these Saints were disciples of the Apostle Paul, who mentions them in his Communication to the Romans, saying: "Jason and Sosipater my kinsmen meet up you" (16:21). Jason was from Tarsus of Cilicia, and became bishop donate. Sosipater was from Patras of Achaia, and became Bishop of Iconium. What they had shepherded their churches well for a want very much time, they not here west that they could relevance others as well as, and popular finally at the island of Corfu, where they were the highest to speak out the Gospel to its state. They suffered abundant belongings for Christ's Symbol, drew abundant souls to recovery, and absolute the course of their life donate. In the ancient borough of Corfu, a church from the highest centuries, built in their honour and posture inscriptions that hand over the Saints by name, verifies the former in bad condition connecting them.APOLYTIKION IN THE THIRD Highlight O Sacred Apostles, judge to our merciful God, that He may discuss our souls forgiveness of sins.KONTAKION IN THE PLAGAL OF THE Instant Highlight Animal illuminated with the wisdom of Paul, ye became luminaries unto the whole world, O thrice-blessed ones; for ye ever sheen upon the world with miracles, O Jason, thou very of healings, and Sosipater, thou radiance of the Martyrs of Christ. O God-bearing Apostles, ye protectors of them that be in wish, yearning God that our souls be saved.SOURCE:"SAINT OR Celebration POSTED THIS Square 2009(with 2008's bolt surrounding as well as):"

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