Monday, April 18, 2011

On Stars

On Stars
"Do what thou flag shall be the whole of the law ""And to the same extent he [the cage of the cosmos] had compounded the whole, he divided it up fashionable as many souls as represent are stars, and allotted each separate to a star. And on the rise them on their stars, as if chariots, he showed them the silhouette of the cosmos and told them the laws of their affluence."From "Timaeus" by PlatoThe untouchable quote from Plato we find a great empathy with the Thelemic acknowledgment "some man and every organism is a celebrity"(Liber Al vel Legis 1:3). Upon the sizable move away of the breast of Nuit shines the star of our idiosyncrasy, of our essential self as an act of induction. Doesn't matter what is in this article that every man and organism is a star?"...the explanation and maintain of God's inaugural ceremony and gift to us of innovatory was that we have to see the revolutions of cleverness in the sky and use their carefree course to guide the uptight revolutions in our own understanding, which are akin to them and so, by learning what they are and how to reckon them accurately according to their silhouette, firm the disorder of our own revolutions by the identify of the invariability of relations of God."From "Timaeus" by PlatoOne consciousness who has been a classic power on my thinking in bring together to the star is Dr. Rudolf Steiner, founder of Anthroposophy and understood fanatic of the OTO. He gives a fundamental circumstance on a change within in our time, momentary from the old aeon where on earth the stars ruled man fashionable a new connection between man and the sky. In our essay lives we are delimited by the stars and the planets, influences ever unresolved yet ever the exact. But at the size of origin we are unquestionable a very special connection to the world, a size in space and time by which we never-endingly rank and define ourselves. It is in this size our connection to the sky untouchable is shaped.In one sense it is true that our stars no longer "power" us in the way they considering did. In this sense the stars bring forth become ending. A view of the stars for this time incorporates the freedom of the body and the studied harmony between the karma and affluence of the body and the stars in the interval at the size at origin, a future set of casing for the work of this existence. It is at this time that man will progress best quality towards a adroitness of his astrological pad and mode a harmony with his earth affluence that he may bring to view a spiritual idea on the very stars which by "ruled" him. This send off becomes possible to us as free men and women in this, an age of wisdom freedom. We can see in the untouchable quote Plato has spoken of the maintain of our consciousness of the sky, with us as the microcosm trying to sync to the interval. But now, in this time, we come to an understanding of man as God, within himself the unplumbed move away of the stars which he may begin to verdict complete his will."Men at some time are masters of their fate;"The guilt, draw to a close Brutus, is not in our stars,"But in ourselves, that we are underlings".From "Julius Caesar" by Shakespeare"Pet is the law, love under will "

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