Friday, June 26, 2009
True Women Spirituality Dianic Wicca And Goddess Worship

I've talked about this paper on WT before, and I ideal I even posted it everywhere, but I understood it deserved a repost. I wrote it a blind date or so ago for a Women's Studies course during my higher blind date of college. I long for you grasp and that it answers a few questions ever since raising some outstanding. It is repeated knowledge that women grip been cast down by the forceful religions of our time. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all...
Why Mindfulness Is For Leaders And Not Just Monks

"Guest post from SCOTT EBLIN - a nice follow-up to my recent post at About.com, from someone that knows more about the topic than I do! Scott is the best at what he does - coaching and advising successful but overworked executives. Buy his new book!""You know a topic is hot when it makes the cover of Time". That's what happened with mindfulness last year when the magazine ran a cover story called The Mindful Revolution. When you're a busy leader...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Coligny Calendar Series Of Bronze Tablets

The Coligny Calendar was located in Coligny, Ain in France near Lyon in the year 1897 together with the head of a bronze statue of a young male figure.It is a series of bronze tablets which dates to the first century BCE and is a record of the Gaulic year which shows certain Roman influence since Roman numerals have been used. From what is known of the Celtic year, the names of the month are in Gaulish where the year is presumed to begin in November...
The Motive Behind The Boston False Flag Operation

Dave HodgesPetitioner ContinueAny cruel kingdom, such as the Obama control, requests to obedience the movement of information and make known factor that band are gone unprotected by seizing their armaments. This yarn is about how the Obama control has physical second hand the Boston Marathon bombing as a appearance to apprehend obedience manager the Internet, as a result eliminating the plainly true form of free rumor.Tightly Stability OF COMMUNICATIONSThe...
Magick Mirror Beauty Spell

online publicityYou order need:1 slump, handheld mirror3 candlesRose oilPatchouli incenseA low down quietSelect one color for the strongest effect, or mix and meeting to get a bit of each:Red if you are separation for sex drawAge-old if you long for to be the center of unrest and spot star-quality appealYellow if you are separation for accepted dainty and likeability.The ritual:On a night on every occasion the moon is full, find a reserved outer...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Calendar Creation For Fantasy Settings

As much as fantasy settings are an exploration of the strange, I find it helpful to myself and players to have some aspects of the setting be similar to what we are all used to. Years, months, weeks, and days that are radically different from our own promise to create extra work that does not particularly interest me or seem worth the extra effort. I am happy having a 7 day week and 12 year month of 30 days for a year approximately the length of...
Magick Chapter 4 Cornelius Agrippa

At first Story Of Occult Society (Cornelius Agrippa)Chap. iv. Of a three-fold idea of the Elements.In attendance are subsequently, as we munch assumed, four Elements, flaw the very great knowledge wher we can effect zip up in Magick. Now each of them is three-fold, that so the degree of four may make up the degree of twelve; and by condensed by the degree of seven inwards the degree of ten, hand over may be a expand to the supream Close association,...
Monday, June 15, 2009
The Descent Of Ishtar

One of the most famous myths about Ishtar describes her descent to the underworld. In this myth, Ishtar approaches the gates of the underworld and demands that the gatekeeper open them:"If thou openest not the gate to let me enter,"I will break the door, I will wrench the lock,"I will smash the door-posts, I will force the doors."I will bring up the dead to eat the living."And the dead will outnumber the living."The gatekeeper hurried to tell Ereshkigal,...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Freemasonic Roots Of The Anarchist Symbol

Detail of plate 1 from Spiegel der Kunst und Natur (Michelspacher Cabala), 1615, showing encircled A.Freemasonic roots of the Anarchist SymbolThe first recorded use of the A in a circle by anarchists was by the Federal Council of Spain of the International Workers Association. This was set up by the freemason, Giuseppe Fanelli in 1868. It predates its adoption by anarchists as it was used as a symbol by freemasons. According to George Woodcock, this...
Peace In Your Heart

By: Swami Kriyananda on Apr 20, 2012 ON INTERNATIONAL EARTH DAY, SWAMI KRIYANANDA SHARES WITH US THE SECRET OF BRINGING PEACE ON THIS EARTHPeace on earth cannot be brought about through treaties, social systems, or mere reforms. It must, and cannot but, be discovered in the heart of every individual. To bring peace on earth, we must first have peace in our own heart.And how can we be peaceful, if our heart is full of worldly desires? There is a...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Four Great Errors Of Humankind

1The mistake of puzzling go and effect. Existing is no upper unpleasant mistake than that of mistaking the effect for the cause: I complaint it the real sullying of rationalization. Yet this mistake belongs among the greatest ancient and brand new traditions of mankind: it is even sanctified among us and goes by the name of "religion" or "ethics." Every one of split decision which religion and ethics formulate contains it; priests and legislators...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Can Yoga Cause Spiritual Growth

Get some melodramatic Yoga Guidelines at Yoga Goddess Quite a few of us see the spiritual dreary of charisma in all clothing. Quite a few of us see nothing spiritual in life at all. Gift are variety who never decline to never decline to smell the vegetation or be inflicted with the company of others. Can Yoga brew a practitioner to open the gates of spiritual beauty? This is a deliberate that sparks unreliable debates and extremists of all kinds....