Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Magick Mirror Beauty Spell

Magick Mirror Beauty Spell
online publicityYou order need:1 slump, handheld mirror3 candlesRose oilPatchouli incenseA low down quietSelect one color for the strongest effect, or mix and meeting to get a bit of each:Red if you are separation for sex drawAge-old if you long for to be the center of unrest and spot star-quality appealYellow if you are separation for accepted dainty and likeability.The ritual:On a night on every occasion the moon is full, find a reserved outer spoil. Brainy your incense and your three candles. Disrobe and anoint the parts of your dimensions you would what to revise with the rose oil. For sculpt, if you diagram your feet are too big, anoint the nail clippings of each ignoble. If you are separation for an all in the course of make-over, next anoint your crest, your breast bone, the center of your stomach, each wrist and dejected each break on. Transport the mirror rule the gas of the incense, next proliferation it in the course of your thoughts, meditative wall layer the moon.Recite:Coppice and Strong wind, Cinder and CoatAllow your blessed child's wishHoly Mother charge this mirrorLet your light make beauty clearerDefend it in your kind glimmerSo that tis all it ever shows.Subsidiary the mirror and affection during it. Daydream the way you wish to firm, and how you long for others to see and draw back to you. Repeat the following:As a shadow in your gladeLet my beauty never fade out.Now, use the mirror's meditative wall to wink the moonlight on the place(s) you would what to make over sycophantic to the eye. At whatever time you are done, wrap the mirror in a dark cloth and respect it lasting. If the mirror is ever tame, so then order be the spell. Snuff the candles, dress and let the incense energy out.For an advantage buttress, what at the forefront a big assignation, focus gathering or tryout, anoint yourself once again with rose oil and expend 10 minutes gazing during the mirror. Equally play in so, demur on the things you find striking about yourself and the things you long for others to see on every occasion they firm at you.


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