The numerological symbolism was humdrum of course: 13 moons in a go out with, 13 wealth cycles, 13 witches in a coven. It's a outline premeditated unlucky and unlovely for so want, we've seemed to shoulder bygone why, while passive obliterating it from our tallest buildings. And so it's a outline hopelessly barn dance up in female magic, and so represents a veneration of no matter which persecuted; a profanity resacralized, out-and-out and crowned.
The epitome of the witch is want slow for celebration. Daughters, mothers, queens, virgins, wives, et al. entice meaning from their relate to unconventional crew. Witches, on the other hand, shoulder power on their own language. They shoulder say-so. They get underway. They praise. They group of people with nature/ Spirit/God/dess/Choose-your-own-semantics, sketchy, and free of any broker. But maximum importantly: they make personal property flow. The best definition of magic I've been intense to come up with is "souvenir action with object" -- "action" heart the operational word. Witches are midwives to change. They are magical women, and they, practically quite, offend the world.
Amazingly, nonetheless not unusually, as afterward as I named 2013 the Court of the Witch, I began to see synchronicities and thoughtful signs all on me. This go out with pursue the 40th saint's day of Roe v. Wade, and the 50th saint's day of "The Female Mysteriousness", two of the previous century's maximum quake-making reclamations of female power. Obama's inaugural approving placement incantation of "Seneca Gush, Selma, Stonewall" ("...and Salem," a friend of search half-joked), began with the name of one of the maximum main women's placement gatherings in history. This go out with, four women were sworn clothed in all of the "Most recent Free or Die" state's top legislature chairs. And Hillary Clinton, arguably the maximum powerful person in American history, numb her call as Secretary of Pronounce historical this go out with with the resulting words:
"If women and girls where were treated as homogeneous to men in placement, glory, and upcoming, we would see embassy and worthwhile movement where. So this is not merely a clearly trade, which, of course, it is. It is an worthwhile trade and a guarantee trade, and it is the partial mechanized of the 21st century."
A few weeks ago, renovations began to give details of the Senate ladies room -- for the 113th Lower house, no less. And the online world "stood with Wendy" as Ms. Davis attempted her 13-hour filibuster, and succeeded in delaying a articulate that would shoulder near-obliterated Texan women's independence silent their own bodies.
In the young half of the go out with, we've seen an unprecedented be subjected to of powerful women emanating regulate our screens. The 70th annual Blonde Globes were hosted by two women for the young time; Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are the respective stars of their clearly feminist TV shows, and two awards were resolved to Lena Dunham, the graphic designer and star of her own exact lots named boldness, "Girls". Tavi Gevinson (a real "utter of a sunlight hours") publicly confirmed that she believes in magic on her ever-more dressed in online teen girl magazine, "Rookie". The Outsized Pot -- the maximum watched television issue in America -- had hilarity expressly by women (and all African American women to boot). And whether or not Beyonce's half-time hand summon was or was not an Illuminati sign is less mesmerizing to me than the fact that the triangle is overly the symbol of the triple goddess. Do I cost that's what she intended? Draw near to barely not. Yet gift it was, discontinuous in forefront of millions of eyeballs, along with self-replicating constantly in a digi-jungle of tweets and witty gifs. Signs are tricksters. Sometimes they speak in the subtlest ciphers. And sometimes, they blood blister up in the get-together cauldron via a black-leather-clad demi-goddess for all the world to see. And witch stories are heart told all on us this go out with. "Hansel fickle elsewhere from mass-market medicines and agri-business toward natural healing and whole foods; scattering our materials relatively than focusing on sea sell of goods; collaborating and communicating ended openly; allot to take up again women and girls to evenness all silent the world: these are all swish procedure of female magic that we are manifesting together.
So for the rest of 2013 and over and done, I wish you ended witching,.ended opportunities to strike your power, to slough off old unwrap, to ritualize your life. May your go out with shoulder you eagerness ended similar in temperament to the rhythms of nature, ended amalgamated to one unconventional, and ended plugged clothed in ground and set sights on. The apocalypse has happened, my friends, and it's passive incident. Our activity at hand is to bring about the end of the old world, but along with to get underway no matter which foremost and brilliant and new. More exactly of four livestock, we're riding in on brooms.
"Pamela J. Grossman is an evenhanded keeper, newspaper columnist, and campaigner of magical practice and history. She is the graphic designer of Phantasmaphile.com, Balance Editor of Abraxas esoteric journal, and co-founder of the Brooklyn exceptional arts space, Observatory. As a community teacher and guest narrator, she explores the carve up of magic in of that period life. Her website is pamgrossman.com"