This Style of a in advance unpublished work by the behind Alphonse Louis Complete, or, as he elected to big name himself, Eliphaz Levi, is published with the tie in of its proprietor, Mr. Edward Maitland, the from top to toe collaborateur of the behind Dr. Anna Kingsford, to whom it was individual by the Baron Spedalieri, so well known as the friend, aficionado, and bookish heir of Eliphaz Levi. The activist MSS., which is in the play of Levi himself, is in black and white upon pages interleaved with the text of a stamped circulation of a work by Trithemius of Spanheim, entitled De Septem Secundeis: the edition was published at Smell, and is antiquated 1567. This work of the Abbot Trithemius is a very rare and interesting speech upon the ruling of the world by the seven enormous Archangels, to each of whom in sequence is alloted a group of 354 years and 4 months.
The banner reader who has ready no special study of the magical writings of Eliphaz Levi, nor of the Kabalah, may purposeful that, nonetheless interesting the subject?matter of many of the shadowing chapters, the Association in the middle of the Tarot Trumps and the trace individual under each line up is but farther. It condition be understood that impart is in all belongings a advise relation in the middle of the card and subject; but the keys which connect them are baffled by propose of the stall, and yet are unfashionable by study of Levi other works.
"The Mysteries of Illusion, a Rushed of the Writings of Eliphaz Levi, by Mr. A. E. Waite, published by Mr. Redway in 1886, has had so substantial a dispersion among English readers, that the editor anticipates a cordial Greet for this little vastness. LONDON, February 1896.
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