Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Power Of Astral Initiation

The Power Of Astral Initiation
Everyday I receive letters from a sincere seekers of Light who live in a town, community or country that does not have a physical temple. Usually, the first question in their letter is: "Frater, do you have a temple near my city?" I must humbly apologize because often times our Order, The Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn, does not have a temple within a few hundred mile radius from where they live. Since the early days of re-establishing our Order of the Golden Dawn, when there were only a handful of members and adepts, we have managed to grow into a world wide community of dedicated Hermetisists, alchemists, healers and seekers after truth. Today, our Order continues the tradition as established by SL MacGregor Mathers and furthers the older tradition of the Second Order, which stretches back to antiquity. Yet, with all this work, and all the effort by so many brethren around the world, I am sad to say I don't have a temple in every city. The good news is that we do have sanctuaries and a temples in: Europe, a growing study group in London that will eventually be a sanctuary and grow into a temple; a temple in the southeast region of the United States; a huge temple or the healing and light center in the Midwest serving the Chicago area; a soon-to-be temple in Indiana; a temple serving Canada in the grand city of Toronto; a beautiful active temple in the Seattle area serving members in the northwest; a growing sanctuary in the Dallas, TX area; a sanctuary in South America; and of course the Grand Temple in Southern California just outside the city of Angeles - the Temple of Isis Mighty Mother. In addition, the world landscape is dotted with study groups from Alaska to Paris, and everywhere else in between. Our Order still has a long way to go; and in the tradition set forth by SL Macgregor Mathers, and carried out by the succeeding Chief of the Order, Moina Mathers (his wife), today we carry on the classical tradition of complete, legitimate astral initiation. Brothers and Sisters, if we believe in the magic of Light, then we must also disassociate our self from the time space continuum, and understand that the Magic of Light and initiation work outside of the normal laws of physics. Look, no one in the right mind is going to believe that people dressed with various colored robes holding painted sticks, provide true and lasting initiation. True initiation is a spiritual transformation that allows the individual to grow and move closer to the Divine Source. We cannot put physical constraints on true spiritual transformation or initiation. In all Golden Dawn initiations, the officers create something called, "godforms." These godforms act as energy centers and play an active role in carrying out the true and real initiation. The sacred theater of initiation, while important psychologically, may have no more lasting effect on the individual's psyche than watching a good movie or attending a play. Astral initiation works because ALL TRUE INITIATIONS ARE ASTRAL BY NATURE. While many so called temples today are running correspondent courses and charging hundreds of dollars for them, they are selling only the dry dust of information; information that the industrial student could discover on his own. On the other hand, the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn provides complete membership and initiation into a worldwide fraternity whereby spiritual transformation is the objective. In addition, we provide online classes, personal mentoring and proctoring, but most importantly, we connect you to the fabric of the Western Mysteries that stretch from today back to antiquity. In our Order, you are sharing the same energy that mystics before you have bathed their spirits in. While we are proud of our temples and sanctuaries, we are even more proud of our astral initiates who do not have a nearby temple to prop them up; we make no distinction between astral or physical initiates. Yet, as a courtesy for our members, we regularly hold conclaves and Power Weeks to provide the physical counterpart as well. Let me go on record now and say that you must question the authenticity, credentials, and knowledge of anyone who questions the validity of true, astral initiation. Your Brother in the Great Work, Frater PDR

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