Syria borough of Damascus (DAMASK) is an ancient borough with a history of 4500, pompous than a thousand being, stage is a attractive fib has been in the borough procreation, those silence indulge in elaborating on. In Arabia, the ancient books, stage is such a description: "IF STAGE IS A PARADISE ON EARTH, DAMASCUS APPARITION BE IN IT, IF PARADISE IN THE SKY, DAMASCUS APPARITION BE WITH ITS LEVEL". Reportedly, in one day in the adolescent seventh Century, the founder of Islam Mohamed came to the border of Damascus on a ridge overlooking the borough, stood for a want time, but not to go. The followers sound very distant, Mohamed explained: "life is plainly taking into consideration in paradise, Damascus is a paradise on earth, if I keep details the paradise, in paradise paradise at the bottom of how?"
Heaven, paradise, Xi, for us, is a very cold thing, not too meaningfully nail, as a paradise on earth, in all probability stage is a fall foul of, so, Syria, Damascus, in the field of we come.The Umayyad Mosque in Damascus
The Umayyad Mosque In Damascus
Damascus Umayyad Mosque, has qualms its lake free from blame bright and clean the stun and shadowy rumination, it in the Muslim empathy is "RELATING THE EARTH AND THE SKY VISIBLE OFFICE SYMBOLS". According to hadith, the Monday time reward, equivalent to 30000 time in other spaces of adore.The Umayyad Mosque, is the centre of Damascus City
The Umayyad Mosque, is the centre of Damascus City, to Damascus not to the Umayyads, then really a little not to the Terrific Wall is not a true man of shrewdness, keep details the mosque to shoes, female tourists but then to the bleep of the box workroom lure a gray robe from head to toe internal, can go, the limestone stun, shabby free from blame planed, winter ray of sunlight, excellent, children rolled on the stun, and the those sat in the sun, internal with faraway envelop, sun pulling the home, it is extra special to see a office spaces, so safe scenes.The sun from the top taking part in the mosque.
The sun from the top taking part in the mosque on the south wall, is the Umayyad era colossal medley pattern, Islam prohibits idolatry, so that plainly the vegetation rivers and palace. Reportedly, the pattern is a sticky tag of "PARADISE", Islamic paradise.
Nonetheless the inner way out, a mosque in the north-west corner, stage is such a wicket, to believers and tourists, and all from the right to use taking part in, stands in impudence of the staff is answerable for scrutiny the tourists dress provisions.
Sign & Primer.Qianyang