"The calender common on the eastern continent of the world was established by the astronomers of ancient Mizraim, and was later adapted and spread by the Urromite empire. The calender is thus an amalgam of conditions and customs, as well as languages. "
JINNUARY - This month is named for the Jinn, who were honored in ancient Mizraim.
PHANTOMUARY - This month was an important month for dealing with spirits and the undead, esp. purifying places from haunting and unwanted spiritual influences.
MAAHES - The first month of the campaigning period was named for the Mizraimite god of war. Sometimes connected with Hextor.
ALLUVINTH - The first month of the annual inundation of the Satet River, it is also appropriately the rainy month in many lands.
MAIDENTH - "Month of the Maiden," the "specific maiden" here varies by region and culture, though originally she was Anqet. It is a general time of feminine coming-out, romance, engagement, and marriage. Among the tolk, it is dedicated to Kora.
JONDALLANTH - "Month of Yondalla" (from an archaic spelling*), a month honoring her and her domains. High month of the tolk.
JEIRONEONTH - "Month of Heironeous" (from an archaic spelling*), a month honoring him and his domains. The month of knightings and tournaments.
ARCHONTIC - named for the first Urromite ruler, high month of the imperial calendar.
SERPENFER - named for the festival of Usaht, which is honored in secret rites by her all-female worshippers.
ORCOVER - name commemorates the thwarting of the terrible threat of Orcus, when he sent orcs into the world a millennium ago, in this month.
NECREMBER - This month was dedicated to all elements of burial and the ancestor worship that are not covered by Phantomuary; most solemn month of ancient Mizraim.
DELIGHNTH - The month of delights, the month of the winter festival.
* I have not quite decided whether these are archaisms, derivations,vulgarizations, or simply variant spellings. But I think it is realistic, e.g., we got "Jehovah" from Yahweh, "Jesus" from Yeshua, and in Latin Jerusalem = Hierosolyma.
NB. I called the halfings, "tolk", in honor of their originator.