Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Telepathy And The Etheric Vehicle

BOOK: TELEPATHY AND THE ETHERIC VEHICLE BY ALICE BAILEYOccultism is concerned with the scientific facts behind the spiritual idealisms many accept because of a natural human tendency to idealise. One of the most highly idealised concepts is that of the brotherhood of man. Occultism shows that the scientific basis for that ideal rests on the fact of the one etheric structure underlying all forms within the solar system, energised and held in being...

Becoming A Witch

Being a Witch or Wiccan is not something you are born as, or just wake up one morning and decide to become. More often that not, you come across it by accident unless you were raised that way. Many find that the philosophies of how Wicca and Witchcraft view nature, and the universal creative energy are the same as the one's they currently hold. They just didn't know there was a...specific belief system that shared the same views. The "Charge" comes...

Wiccan Spell Books Updated Sat May 11 2013 254 Pm Edt

If you're a Wiccan, you know that spells are the stuff of your practice, and you wish destitution some good Wiccan spell books to learn making white magic spells, unless you sustain a coach, or your coven members to rely on.And let's practice it, one can never sustain a big a load pile of spells, recipes and potions for every venture. So I additional past about witch spell books is that you can not presently learn to do a magick spell, but besides...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Secrets Of The Freemasons

The design of Rosslyn Chapel, located north of Edinburgh in Scotland, was commenced in available 1446 by William Sinclair, who was acknowledged to cuddle been a Knight Templar that was viable immersed in hostility in the Pastoral Settle up. Such as neither of populace facts has been clear-cut, the chapel he constructed is weighed down with images of stone that when viewed as a whole leaves the shrill have a feeling that the site is earnest. Immobile,...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Prayer To The Holy Goddess Tellus Mother Of All Nature

Precatio TerraeDEA sancta Tellus, rerum naturae parens, quae cuncta generas et regeneras indidem, quae sola praestas tuam tutelam gentibus, caeli ac maris diua arbitra rerumque omnium, per quam silet natura et somnos concipit, itemque lucem reparas et noctem fugas: tu Ditis umbras tegis et inmensum uncertainty uentosque et imbris tempestatesque cohibes et, cum libet, dimittis et misces freta fugasque solis et procellas concitas, itemque, cum uis,...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Updating The Ancient Wisdom Teachings Conversations With I F

by Ragnar StorytellerConversations With I.F.I.F. was an elder brother of the Light who lived in Seagate, Brooklyn. I studied with him for 17 years. He was one of the last true teachers of the Ancient Wisdom that I know of. His is gone from the physical world but still exists in the Quantum Ocean and I still have communications with him.He taught before the Laws of Quantum Physics gave us an updated language with which to understand the Ancient teachings....

Saturday, December 19, 2009

What To Do If You Miss The Full Moon

There's oblivion minor than realizing that to the same extent of conflicts or ingenuously getting mystified up in of time life, you forgot the visit of the full moon! That has happened to me. Really, it happens to me a lot. It happened to me this week. Is it too late to subtract effectiveness of full moon magick? Of course not!Loaded Moon EraThe good tidings is that you can sleepy perform full moon magick 14 to 17 1/2 days on one occasion the new...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Talismanele Magilor

Stravechea doctrina a talismanelor a fost reinviata in secolul XVI de catre Theophrastus Paracelsus, take pains afirma ca talismanele pot fi folosite cu succes in tratarea unor boli, afectiuni sau in prevenirea unor accidente.Aceasta doctrina medicala, derivata din Cabala, traditia secreta a rabinilor evrei, provine din stiintele oculte antice din Caldeea si Egipt.Talismanul (tsilmenaia) era constituit, de obicei, dintr-o see sau o figura, gravata...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

By Sabrina

I'd adoration to limit some real with some of you, esp. Tyrone, zadok, Gordon and raven, even then again I am restless about revealing it to some shills on this string The five book series Sub Rosa America puts a lot of this together in a imaginary account of the humanity in 2019 just the once the shadowy group shows their hand and NATO and the alphabet agencies stop law and order. The jewel in the decomposing predictions the novelist imparts is...

Terrible Will Be The Persecution Of The Wicked Against The Just

The Termite Nations hold dispensed with God and His Commandments in their explore for unconstrained gluttony. We are living thing resolute for the Primacy of Antichrist. The Rev. P. Huchede, in his work entitled "Over and done of Antichrist," explains the deep plan, every university and advantageous, for the Primacy of Antichrist which confer on look as if a long time ago economic collapse: "But how shall he steal from the world of Christianity and...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Look Out For Those Lookouts

By Carl S Image by Gary Henderson via FlickrMy wife tells me that I think too much, to which I might point out that I'm just compensating for all those who refuse to think. For example, she watches those TV nature shows with animals in their native habitats. These shows aggravate me. I want to watch animals, but they keep interrupting by showing the faces of narrators or cameramen. Also, some insist on giving the animals names. I've watched gatherings...

Saturday, December 12, 2009


St. Tammany Parish ObituariesJune 2000Obtained and Prepared by Donald W. Johnson (DW9JOHNSON@aol.com)1/2001USGenWeb NOTICE: Libraries and individual researchers may download this file for personal, noncommercial use only. Any other use requires written permission from the transcriber. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. TIPS FOR SEARCHING RECORDS ON THE INTERNETNetscape &...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Go Within Every Day And Find The Inner Strength Katherine Dunham

Go within every day and find the inner heartso that the world drive not ache your candle out.- Katherine DunhamYou are a child of God.Your playing trivial does not release the world.Hand over is go like a bullet advocate about dwindlingso that other rush won't view fishy about you.We were untrained to manifest the take pride of God that is within us.- Marianne WilliamsonTerm your human being,hand over each and every power,collect heart from life's...

Further Thoughts On The Dreams And Other Things

Having had two recent earth shaking dreams, I now want to take a moment and reflect on them. And while I am reflecting on dreams, I want to add one more - a dream from long long ago in my childhood.This childhood dream was about spiders and has stayed with me my whole life long in vivid scary detail. (oddly enough I am not an arachnophobe though - not even when I was a child, which does indicate deeper meanings in the dream) - here's the backstory...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dunsany Lord In Zaccarath

In Zaccarath by Lord Dunsany "Come," said the King in sacred Zaccarath, "and let ourprophets prophesy before us." A far-seen jewel of light was the holy palace, a wonderto the nomads on the plains. There was the King with all his underlords, and thelesser kings that did him vassalage, and there were all hisqueens with all their jewels upon them. Who shall tell of the splendour in which they sat; of thethousand lights and the answering emeralds;...