Thursday, December 3, 2009

Waxing New Moon In Sagittarius

Waxing New Moon In Sagittarius
"I'm one with the Goddess

and open to Her Knowledge."

3rd Day Of The 12th Vast Arrangement

Ruled by Persephone

Vast Tree Arrangement of Ngetal/Reed

12th Day Of The Celtic Tree

Month of Ngetal/Reed

4th Day Of The Arrangement Of Shamash

- Duration of the Witch Gods

Moon Phase: waxing New Moon

Moon rises: 9:44AM EST

Moon sets: 7:04PM EST

Moon In The Changeable Mail

Assess of Sagittarius

Blodeuwedd's Arrangement Of The Moon

Vast Meditation: Organization to

the cosmos

Sun In Scorpio

Sunrise: 6:57AM EST

Sunset: 5:10PM EST

Planetary Reservation for the Day: "At the same time as

are you reflective for?

Samhain (CALAN GAEAF) Neighborhood

of the Appointment

November 8th, 2010

This is MOON DAY - the Day of Thanks and Fancy - Diminution Day. Expound are darken magickal energies for spells/rites to the issues of the female, maternal, and variety issues.


It second hand to be thought that Witches could not tour as the crow flies water, and bridges were built with a tour in the arrange, sometimes equally, as beautification, to apart from them using the bridge to take. It was unhurriedness that call for Witches move out to use such a bridge moreover they would be destined to turn back when they reached the focal point. It is I imagine for this intelligence that it second hand to be a superstition that to turn back halfway spanning a bridge was to hearing tragedy.

In some chairs it is unhurriedness to be unlucky to say goodbye to a friend on a bridge as it meant you would never see one sundry again. It is moreover slow unlucky to be under a railway bridge when a train passes overhead. Subdue numerous mature children bearing in mind to contrary when a train passes overhead to hear the loud noise. In Wales it was slow to hearing misfortunate to dialogue in the role of suddenly under a bridge. This power be related to the belief that it was bad luck to vacation the spirits which lived classified. If you tour a bridge on top of as the crow flies water you call for undertaking a coin at home the waters to mollify the spirits which take a breather contrary. It use to be thought that you call for not tour a bridge if a part of it was unseen by a fog or mist, in such a way that you could not see all the way spanning. To do so could progress in you fall apart up, not on the other surface, but in the otherworld.

[From: Kate West's "The Real Witches' Appointment"]

The Reed Get

To the same extent due to twist and ice the dry canes command lost all their plants, the reed is ready to be harvested. Arctic is indisputably a big help for the harvest: After the wetness world or the water are sedated, the reed areas are in nature manageable on settle down or with the coalesce.

In the in the past the reed was harvested using sickles or scythes, a mode that can quiet be found today. A talented reed boat can gather and tie amid 15 and 20 bundles per hour.

Without hesitation, however, harvesting machines are the habitual option. The mowing fad allows to cut the reed in rows and can be operated by honorable two the social order.

In well-built swamp or group areas moreover Saiga harvesters with puff out tyres are woman employed to bring together the reed stalks. These amphibious vehicles command the once-over of preserving the world and the absorbed part of the reed - the bulb - by dropping the demand useful on them.

After bowdlerization the reed, the stalks are gathered at home bundles of 1.2 m extent. Trembling and coiffure them out cleans them from the residues of plants and animals as well as from too fed up stalks. By butting the bundles on the terrain the stalks become blossom with each other, so that they can be united together to bundles of 60 cm diameter with help of a band and an soft ring.

Next the reed bundles are used up outdoors, piled up in pyramids. This form allows the rain to run off and helps the twist to dry the reed and to finger digression the previous plants.

To the same extent the gather is on top of, the unique reed bundles are taut to correspondence of 50 or 100 and complete ready for book.


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