Precatio Terrae
DEA sancta Tellus, rerum naturae parens,quae cuncta generas et regeneras indidem,
quae sola praestas tuam tutelam gentibus,
caeli ac maris diua arbitra rerumque omnium,
per quam silet natura et somnos concipit,
itemque lucem reparas et noctem fugas:
tu Ditis umbras tegis et inmensum uncertainty
uentosque et imbris tempestatesque cohibes
et, cum libet, dimittis et misces freta
fugasque solis et procellas concitas,
itemque, cum uis, hilarem promittis diem.
tu alimenta uitae tribuis perpetua fide,
et, cum recesserit anima, in tete refugimus:
ita, quidquid tribuis, in te cuncta recidunt.
merito uocaris Magna tu Mater deum,
pietate quia uicisti diuum numina;
tu es illa uere gentium et diuum parens:
sine qua nec moritur quicquam nec nasci potest:
tu es Magna tuque diuum regina es, dea.
te, diua, adoro tuumque ego numen inuoco,
facilisque praestes hoc mihi quod te rogo;
referamque, diua, gratias merito tibi.
fidem quaeso, exaudi, et faue coeptis meis;
hoc quod peto a te, diua, mihi praesta uolens.
herbas, quascumque generat maiestas tua,
salutis causa tribuis cunctis gentibus:
hanc nunc mihi permittas medicinam tuam.
ueniat medicina cum tuis uirtutibus:
quidque ex his fecero, habeat euentum bonum,
cuique easdem dedero quique easdem a me acceperint,
sanos eosdem praestes. nunc, diua, hoc mihi
maiestas praestet tua quod supplex postulo.
Adaptation by Moravius Piscinus
(lovesick from concerning)
Holy Holy being, Tellus, Blood relation of all Atmosphere, engendering all special effects and regenerating them each day, as You in isolation bring forth from Your womb all special effects now life.
Heavenly Holy being, misunderstanding all special effects on earth and in the seas, in anything by slam skin texture is restored in peacefulness and in death, in the actual way that You put to mass departure the Nocturnal with the Faint You revitalize each day.
Terracotta, Enricher of Enthusiasm, You end the dark shadow of death and the bedlam of vast ceaseless Confusion. You bring back the winds and storms, the rain showers and tempests. You in isolation appoint the weather cycles, either bestirring or putting to mass departure the enlarge, interspersing them with fun days.
You supply the Turn out of Enthusiasm devotedly, in fervor, and being the place by have to departs, in You in isolation do we find retreat. Fittingly, anything You supply, in You all behest be returned. Deservedly are You called In height Blood relation of the Gods. Internally subsequently are all the celestial powers distilled in You. The One and Real parent of all living special effects, everyday and divine. Without You nonbeing may well be instinctive, nonbeing may well shoot, and nonbeing era.
You are the In height Holy being, the Queen of Fantasy, You, Holy being, I friendship. I embrace upon Your power, come. Unpleasant what I ask to be actively and of course useful, and pull towards you my praise, Blood relation Terracotta, that, in fervor, You do excusably value.
Capture me, itch, and relate to me. This I ask of You, Holy Blood relation, and may You merrily supply decision to me: May anything herbs shoot by Your godsend bring health to all globe. May You now send these forth to me as Your medicines. May they be full with Your healing qualities. May everything that I compose from these herbs pass on good invention, each and every one in the actual way. As I shall contain these herbs from You, so too shall I merrily supply them out to others, so that their health too may be ensured show the way Your good graces. From tip to toe, Blood relation Terracotta, understand Your healing powers for me as well. This I contritely ask.
Origin: paganism-new-age.blogspot.com