Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Updating The Ancient Wisdom Teachings Conversations With I F

Updating The Ancient Wisdom Teachings Conversations With I F
by Ragnar StorytellerConversations With I.F.I.F. was an elder brother of the Light who lived in Seagate, Brooklyn. I studied with him for 17 years. He was one of the last true teachers of the Ancient Wisdom that I know of. His is gone from the physical world but still exists in the Quantum Ocean and I still have communications with him.He taught before the Laws of Quantum Physics gave us an updated language with which to understand the Ancient teachings. But when I go back and review my notes or re-read his books, I can see that he knew about the Laws of Quantum Physics.The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists and infinite ocean of intelligent, thinking energy called the Quantum Ocean. There is no time there, only the NOW. It responds to our thoughts.I.F. taught the tenants of Ancient Wisdom through the Tarot, the Qaballa, the I-Ching, Astrology, Numerology, color, sound and meditation. He was unique in that all his teaching were verbal and one on one with the student.He would give me verbal seed thoughts, that I would copy onto my 3X5 cards. These were powerful ideas that would enter my subconscious, do their work, till they finally re-surfaced into my consciousness, months or years later. First I only understood them, Then I lived them. I would like to share some of his seed thoughts, that I copied during my conversations with him."Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled and stay in the middle of it." He understood that thoughts are things and that you attract what you wish for."Don't get too tired, don't think that you must have money and push. Fight for your free time instead." He knew that your free time to think, meditate and study the higher laws was much, much more valuable than a 50 hour, rush, rush, rush high paying job.A high paying job may temporarily take care of your physical needs, but free time to study, meditate and think will take care of all your needs, now and in future lives to come."All day long, Always think 'I am being guided.'" Everything that ever was, is or will be exists now in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. All the spiritually evolved teachers are there and they are constantly looking for students to guide."Watch your mouth." Control of speech is very important." Words are spoken thoughts, and thoughts are things we attract out of the Quantum Ocean."Take care of your every day life, it is a jewel." What you do today affects your tomorrow and all the rest of your tomorrows.Rest all you can. To raise your level of consciousness, you need to build the resonant frequency circuits within yourself. To do this, you need Prana, Life-Force. Resting stores them up."Refuse to tune in to the masses." The masses or the Race Psyche as I.F. called them, are not interested in higher teachings or spirituality. Look at the media and see where they are placing their attention. Don't resonate with them. A great teacher once said, "Come ye out from amongst them and let the dead bury the dead.""Patience is a form of training." Where are we rushing to? We have eternity, handed to us in small one at a time incarnations, to work things out.Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. His writings are unique and refreshing. To see more of his writings visit his websites. http://www.olevikingshop.com/ and http://www.runes-for-health-wealth-love-now.com/ Or Go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER.. contact: ragnarstoryteller2@gmail.com Visit his Blogs: http://ragnar-storyteller.blogspot.com/

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