Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Water Faeries From Working With Fairies

Water Faeries From Working With Fairies
Dampen Fairies (Plug up from In force Sooner than Fairies)

One life form of water, from the least drift to the older marine, has its own cynical fairy, living base the beauty. In Wales, fairy maidens called the Gwragedd Annwn aware less the lakes. They are extremely nimble and intermittently venture ashore to knock around whatsoever lovers and husbands. One such Lady of the Team, called Vivienne or Nimue, appears in the stories of Emperor Arthur, supplying him with Excalibur, a magical sword from the Otherworld.

The sea is as narrowly colonized with fairies as any place on earth. In its sad aware mermaids and mermen, nymphs, and others. These spirits direct the weather and the water, get bigger storms, and believe the power to rummage shipwreck, or cattle a ship competent. In ancient era, it was the practice to soothe the spirits of the sea with a willing victim beforehand experience out on a air travel.

Close by the sea, several sea fairies are embodied as acute and seductive, but uneven. The best accepted of these is the mermaid. It is viable that the narrative of the mermaid has its start in the goddesses who rose from the sea, dear Venus/Aphrodite, or the lure tailed Atargatis and Derceto. The sea is allied with the Great Close relative Divine being whose names clinch Maia, Mary, Mara, Marian, Maria, and Miriam; all names consequent from a vile word for sea. Sea goddesses are prevalently in addition goddesses of love and the moon, sketch the tides, rivers, dew and matter of whatsoever life. Overcast mariners would believe a tattoo of a star to honour the goddess Venus as they steered by her star. She was in addition the example of the ship figureheads.

In the least water fairies are unfriendly and horrible. Jenny Greenteeth lives in the River Ribble in Northern England. As soon as green weeds wave in the mellow water, it is a sign that Peggy is lurking less the beauty, accommodating to knock around sundry victim. She haunts the stepping stones present Brungerley and every seven excitement claims a whatsoever life by grabbing some ill-fated traveller and pulling him less the water to overwhelm. Worry are warned not to go present the water, or Jenny Greenteeth tendency knock around them.

Jenny is lately one such fairy. Up-to-the-minute is Peg Raider who haunts the River Tees. She is in addition green with long hair and wiry teeth. If population wade in the water she pulls on their ankles and drags them down to overwhelm. Peg O'Nell in addition difficulty the willing victim of a life every seven excitement and tendency be pleased with a thin animal or bird, bit if this is not imminent she tendency knock around a whatsoever life.


Dampen has repeatedly been considered to be a living thing, or certainly to believe the power of gratifying, bestowing and even restoring life- as well as self first-rate of steal it. One ancient village honoured springs, wells, and water sources as sacred. The Celts and others sacrificed treasure to lake and spurt spirits. Rivers were worshipped by the Druids and were whispered to each believe their citizen water spirits that required sacrifices to be completed to them. The River Tweed is alleged to solicit a yearly willing victim, but but the Ranch is bigger famished.

Tweed says to Ranch,

"Because gars ye Tin sae still?

Says Ranch to Tweed, "

"Then again ye run Wi' tear, and I Tin slaw,

Whaurye droon ae man,

I droon twa"

Fair as water takes the form of whatever it is poured at home, water fairies believe the power to alter their variety. If you anger them by polluting their water, they may increase as nauseating green uneven hags to bury you with a quick blizzard, or overwhelm you less the bearing. If they knock around a undergo to you, they constrain increase as creamy golden haired youths or maids, wooing you with harmonious fairy music. A example of water fairies is the Greek sea god Proteus, accepted as The Old Man of the Sea who is the maximum masterful shapeshifter of all. He is intelligent to suppose any variety he requirements. Record water fairies are alleged to be shapeshifters, maybe for instance of the willowy and debatable situation of water itself, which is lately certain variety by the send that holds it.

Dampen is glutinous, dear the blood that flows by our veins. Dampen can mirror in a impress of dew, a gentle rain to the frenzied torrent or the opening of the marine wave. A track of water tendency in due course wear banned a heap. All life started in the profligate raw chowder of the mass, exact as the uterine waters of your mother's womb assure you. It is allied with emotions and stance, the immersed sensitivity. Dampen can be the stability of the uterine waters of the womb, the cleansing drift, the highly seasoned fund of the immersed sensitivity, the decent spurt, the concoction of initiation, the evolution of the tides and the power of the sea to cede adequate or new idea with its hurricane.

Dampen is a sweeping symbol of cleansing and new beginning. In the least bodies of water believe healing powers, dear the Prize Righteous in Glastonbury. Dampen heals; rarely water that flows east to west is empowered by the mutiny sun at the vernal equinox, May Day and Midsummer. Any drift that runs north to south has magical properties as does the place somewhere two streams meet; these were repeatedly the places for magic and Otherworld communication. Pools and lakes are magical entrances to the Otherworld. Everyplace three streams harmonize was forever considered to be a rarely dedicated place for magic somewhere population gathered to downhearted the water as it had magical properties.

Dampen is ruled by the moon which pulls the ebb and matter of the tides, and several water fairies are alleged to increase by moonlight. Under the full moon is the best time to communication them. Our bodies too key to the moon's tides, as they are mainly water. We are won over by the moon tides practically as significantly as water elementals, bit bigger sensitively.

Dampen relates to the ebb and matter of actions, the natural tides of life, the emotions, love and the spiritual barrier of love. The social order with a lot of water in the psychological make-up can be jejune, idealist, psychic, enriching, poetic, farming and seer. On the other hand, they can in addition be self-involved, self-important, vapid, materialistic, ruthless, fickle, full, vulnerable, quiet volatile and out of true.


Symbols: cup, cauldron, hollow of water, seashells

Colours: miserable, sea green, grey, silver

Direction: west

Season: Autumn

Time: twilight

Manufacture Tide: old age

Exquisite Influences: belief, foretelling, fertility, divination, love, emotions

Gems: aquamarine, azurite, beryl, celestite, chrysocolla, coral, quartz crystal, moonstone mother-of-pearl, pearl, desolate, selenite

Quality: tumult, tinge

Vowel Sound: O

Sense: tendency

Key Words: end result, collect, mellow, decent, love, belief,.emotions, stance, belief, charity, empathy, frippery, precision, seek, aspiration, freshness, beauty, calm, attractiveness, joy.

Herbs: lemon cream, eucalyptus, gardenia, iris, calamus, camomile, jasmine, lemon, lotus, myrrh, orris, rose, sandalwood, parsley

Animals: fishes, dolphins, water creatures

Dampen Key RITUALS

Baths and Showers

You can use the power of the water in your home as soon as you bathe the dishware, or as soon as you knock around your essay bath or cleanse. Accuracy it as an ground to standardize to the water spirits and their power of cleansing. You can stand in the cleanse and feel the water bathe banned all the stresses of the day, all the hurtful bother and experiences, even the hard work of your life form. Let them bathe down the crevasse.

Sanitization Stain

1 lb salty

Few drops rosemary oil

Few drops frankincense oil

Few drops mauve oil

Agitate together and store in an airtight commission.

Gem Dampen

To connect with the spirits of water, strongest at full moon, place origin water in a screen jar with a quartz crystal and put it out in the light of the full moon. It prerequisite be consumed casing with the lid off so the moonbeams can quantity the water. Power it in beforehand the sun comes up, as you want it charged with moon energy. Nibble the water [within three days of making] beforehand assignment meditations or ritual uneasy with water elementals.

Roar Tempest Dampen

Harvest water modish a thunder blizzard and use it for rupture bad luck and deadlocked situations. Nibble the water and ask the blizzard spirits to bring you new insights in your meditation or in your dreams.

Storm Lucky charm Charging

Storms are era of powerful energy. Charge any talismans you believe completed, exactly inhabitants completed of oak, ash or hawthorn, or obsessive in the names of Thor, Thunor, Tan, Odin, Woden, Zeus or Jupiter, modish a thunderstorm.

Scrying Indentation

Scry comes from the Anglo-Saxon descry and machinery 'to tinge. It is a very ancient form of divination and makes use of mirrors, crystal balls or, as in this holder, a hollow of water. Compress a dark hollow with water. Spanking new a white candle so that it illuminates the water. Downward spiral some bottle green oil at home the water and observe at home it. Let the emptiness of the water help to aggregate your sensitivity. If you can convene this, images tendency begin to form along with your mind's eye and the beauty of the crystal. The secret with scrying is not to try too shrill to see images within the beauty.

Scrying with Moon and Cauldron

Compress a cauldron with water. Be marked with the moonlight to be reflected in it and observe at the image, reimbursement your sensitivity. Visions may hence increase on the beauty of the water.

Dampen and Wax Forecast

Downward spiral hot wax from a candle at home standoffish water. Shapes tendency form; try to read from the patterns. A hand constrain symbolise a gift, a bird a footnote, a argument love, for model, but as in all these hand baggage, use you own belief to interpret the messages.

Dampen as Visualize Initiation ceremony

The firm of bearing rising and falling on the seaside can help drive a slight frenzy soap suds in which such spirits can be seeming. Sit barely by the water and pay attention.

The Tides

As soon as you are working water magic by the sea, knock around recording of the tides and work accordingly. The matter is as soon as the stream is coming in, and is the time for magic uneasy with immaturity, appraisal and so on. In a state of high excitement stream is as soon as the stream reaches climax up the shore and is the time for healing and love magic. The ebb is as soon as the stream is thinning and this is the time for sanitization and banishing. Low stream is the lowest possible place the sea reaches on the shore that day, and this time is best disappeared in highly seasoned meditation. The climax stream in the month forever corresponds with the full moon, and this is the best time for water fairy communication.

MERMAIDS are untrue creatures who believe the high-class bodies of acute women and the tails of lure, bit the Scots say that under the lure scales are repeated whatsoever legs. They may intermittently be seen sunning themselves on rocks as they observe at home mirrors although blow-dry their long hair. Close by the Sirens, they believe harmonious voices and sing to lure whatsoever lovers at home the sad of the bearing, or to summon storms that flatten ships. The in advance church took a dim view of mermaids, saying that they were demons who tempted the sporting. In Irish narrative, St Patrick banished old Pagan women from the earth by veer them at home mermaids. The mermaid of Iona was imminent redemption if she relinquished her sea home, but this she was unable to do and her blubber became the grey-green gravel of the island's seaside. Close by other fairies, mermaids are alleged to believe no souls but they can extract one by marrying a whatsoever. They make good wives and paternal mothers and for this ground several men believe sought them. The People McVeagh in Sutherland clasp drip from a union along with a mermaid and a fisherman. To choose a mermaid it is in the early hours principal to deem her magic cap, her belt or comb and disguise it. If she finds it she tendency return to the sea, which is her testimony thrill. In a Scottish report Johnny Croy got criticize this by acerbic a seven-year marriage with a mermaid and film set to bestow with her at the end of the consideration. They legally sailed banned to sea on one occasion the seven excitement, together with six of their children, having to bestow the seventh for instance Johnny's mother had in demand the consideration of branding it with a meet. Common sense in mermaids was slothful comprehensive in coastal areas of Britain in the nineteenth century and as clearly as 1947 an eighty-year- old fisherman from the Island of Filth claimed he had seen a mermaid present the seaside, blow-dry her hair. The word 'mermaid' may deem from the French for sea, mer, or be a lying of meremaid or merrymaid. It is viable that the concept of mermaids derives from ancient beliefs of lure tailed goddesses such as Atargatis, the Semitic moon and love goddess, accepted in Greece as Derketo, and from consequent forms of such deities dear Aphrodite who was shallowness innate in the sea. Aphrodite [Roman Venus] is the goddess of love, fertility, and fair naval, repeatedly accompanied by her sacred dolphins, Tritons and Tritonids. Close by mermaids she is depicted with a mirror and comb, the Greek names of which result in the female vulva. In in advance astrology her mirror represented the furrow Venus. Close by the goddesses, mermaids are connected with love and the moon. In Tudor England mermaid was a prepare for a prostitute, with Anne Boleyn self characterised as a mermaid.

SEA MITHER [sea Close relative] appears in the lore of Orkney. She represents the powers of summer and life, is the mother of all that lives in the sea and brings drifting silence to the islet waters. Her enemy is Teran, the spirit of winter, who stirs up the bearing and winter gales. One origin, at the equinox, the Sea Mither begins to battle with Teran to bring in the summer. At the end of the quarrel, which may go on for weeks, he is leap and ensnared at the bring to an end of the sea. With the Mither tendency bring warmth and come up back to the sea and the islands until the autumn, as soon as the Teran escapes and they quarrel taking into consideration over at the autumn equinox. This time Teran is delighted and the sea Mither is banished. Concluded the winter, he tendency wreak chaos on each one sea and land, pounding up storms, bringing ice and standoffish, and drowning the fishermen. Cunning at the bring to an end of the marine the Sea Mither hears their cries and waits for origin, as soon as she tendency control taking into consideration bigger.

Lady OF THE Team is a nimble fairy that appears in one of the Arthurian tales. She quick the overprotect Lancelot from his real mother and deceased with him at home the sad of a lake somewhere she amorously brought him up in her marine state, preparing him for truth. She in addition offered Arthur with his magical sword Excalibur, a gift from the land of the fairy, whose skin defended its homeowner from harm. In the least grip her Vivienne, in the Morte d'Arthur Thomas Mallory called her Nimue and she has in addition been called Niniane. She may believe been one of the Gwragedd Annwn, the Welsh fairy maidens who aware less lakes in criminal world kingdoms.

Jenny Greenteeth is a water fairy of the River Ribble in Northern England. As soon as green weeds wave in the mellow water, it indicates that Peggy is lurking less the beauty, accommodating to knock around sundry victim. She haunts the stepping stones present Brungerley and every seven excitement claims a whatsoever life by grabbing some ill-fated traveller and pulling him less the water to overwhelm. Worry are warned not to go present the water, or Jenny Greenteeth tendency knock around them.

Jenny is lately one such fairy. Up-to-the-minute is Peg Raider who haunts the River Tees. She is in addition green with long hair and wiry teeth. If population wade in the water she pulls on their ankles and drags them down to overwhelm. Peg O'Nell in addition difficulty the willing victim of a life every seven excitement and tendency be pleased with a thin animal or bird, bit if this is not imminent she tendency knock around a whatsoever life.

The River Ribble was sacred to Minerva modish the Roman route of Britain, and to an foreigner water goddess beforehand that, and Peg and Jenny are normal to be folk musing of this goddess. Whatsoever sacrifices may taking into consideration believe been completed to the water deities, and this may testimony for marauding report such as Jenny.

Such practices sit out in folk tales, dear the story of the Scottish guardian water-demons. It is alleged that in melancholy era, as soon as a retreat was sacked, a clever servant constrain plan to throw away some apportion of the family treasure at home a block fund. On one attempt, a diver was brought in to bring the treasure to the beauty, but as soon as he dived, he encountered the water guardian of the lake who told him to bestow hurriedly and not come back. On the other hand, the diver disobeyed and moments on one occasion his zoom scrabble his argument and lungs were found afloat on the beauty of the water, tatty out by the demon.


Hand over are broad figures of water fairies in circles the world. These fairies are grumpy in forename and can either curse with storms or drowning or bless with treasure or the power of healing or magic. The females are largely acute and seductive, lyrics bewitching songs to lure undeveloped men at home their clutches. On the other hand, their looks are unreliable. They repeatedly want to overwhelm the undeveloped men and sneak their souls. Guy water fairies are prevalently bad tempered and monstrous with green hair, bit expound are exceptions.

A example of water fairies is the Greek sea god Proteus, accepted as The Old Man of the Sea who is the maximum masterful shapeshifter of all. He is intelligent to suppose any variety he requirements. Record water fairies are alleged to be shapeshifters, maybe for instance of the willowy and debatable situation of water itself, which is lately certain variety by the send that holds it.

The Celts and other tribes in addition sacrificed treasure to lakes and spurt spirits. At the site of Diminish Fen in Cambridgeshire quiet three hundred effigy artefacts were found amid PINS and costume jewelry, rings and a broad edition of arms amid swords and daggers and tools such a chisels and awls. The swords were either unsharpened or hurt, and expound was a join of effigy hedge clippers, which would believe been too out of condition to cut anything, the shields were too thin to be cast-off, the spears too broad, so they were for sure ritual matter. Whatsoever sacrifices may taking into consideration believe been completed to the water deities, and this may testimony for report such as Peg O'Nell of the River Ribble in Lancashire who difficulty sacrifices. She tendency be pleased with a thin animal or bird but if this is not imminent, she tendency knock around a whatsoever life.

Such practices sit out in folk tales, dear the story of the Scottish guardian water demons. It is alleged that in melancholy era, as soon as a retreat was sacked, a clever servant constrain plan to throw away some apportion of the family treasure at home a block fund. On one attempt, a diver was brought in to bring the treasure to the beauty, but as soon as he dived, he encountered the water guardian of the lake who told him to bestow hurriedly and not come back. On the other hand, the diver disobeyed and moments on one occasion his zoom scrabble his argument and lungs were found afloat on the beauty of the water, tatty out by the demon.

Dampen has repeatedly been considered to be a living thing, or certainly to believe the power of gratifying, bestowing and even restoring life. One ancient village honoured springs, wells and water sources as sacred.

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