Friday, August 16, 2013

The Annunaki Factor

The Annunaki Factor


Loosely translated the Annunaki means "those that came from the sky". This term finds it's origins in the first recorded civilization, the ancient civilization called Sumer established quite out of the blue in 2900-2400 B.C.E. The Anunnaki were the Gods of the ancient world and they were unforgiving and terrible deities that demanded complete obedience and subjugation of all. It has long been speculated by mystics, mediums and past life recallers that these Gods were actual beings that walked alongside man in his early history. It is further speculated that these Gods were none other than the Ancient Astronauts who brought and taught their knowledge and science that appeared to be magic by the indigenous population at that time. Their origins, according to the ancient clues and references were originally from the stars. All ancient civilizations revealed that these Gods, The Annunaki, the Neteru, the Olympians, angels, Demons and all Gods from all cultures were in actuality one in the same. They were in fact not of this planets origin. They came to this planet because their planet was dying and conquered the indigenous population by adopting the role of gods. We as a young species naturally gave in to them. Their planet was called by the Ancient Sumerians "Nibiru". This planet was at least 3 billion years old and their Sun was already a mature red giant. The Niribu's red sun is a twin star to that of our own and every 3, 600 years this planet's orbit comes dangerously close to our earth effecting our axis and magnetic poles creating massive devastation if not cataclysmic and possible extinction level changes on the earth. This is thought to occur in or around 2012.

The Annunaki were an old and highly technologically advanced species. Having fled their world, they were stranded on ours. They erected monuments and land markers that could be seen from space hailing they're brethren to come and collect them. It is believed that the Annunaki were the actual inhabitants of Atlantis. When their arrogance rose to gargantuan proportions and the enslavement of the indigenous population was discovered by other inter stellar races less inclined to tolerate the raping and enslaving of young primitive but evolving planetary and interplanetary sentient species, a war ensued and Atlantis was wiped clean from the minds of the slaves and they were taken to other parts of the planet. Those Annunaki that were allowed to survive were told to leave to other shores as well and to share what knowledge they salvaged and to undo the damage that was done. The other Rebellious Annunaki who were captured during this war were dispersed and told to stay away from this planet. Some Anunnaki ran from the war and went into hiding and siring children and teaching them the ways of Niribu over the many millennia. This is the origin of all psychics, mediums, spiritualists and others.

Though the Annunaki saw humanity as less than and primitive over time they acclimated to them and took some as wives and concubines siring many hybrid children. These children were called the Nephilim. These children were taught the sciences and technologies and secrets of their home world and to rule over humanity with that learned technology and science. Hence, the word magic. To the eyes of the unlearned, science, knowledge and technology can be seen as magic or sorcery. The Annunaki and their hybrid children, the Nephilim saw our evolving race as cattle and slaves and treated us as such. They made sure to instill genetic fear and control within our species towards them for purposes of control. Not all Annunaki were tyrannical, there were those that showed compassion for humanity. But those who were caught fraternizing or empathizing with Humans were dealt with swiftly and violently to dissuade further sedition. Annunaki's that were murdered for protecting or caring for humanity's plight were Osiris, murdered by his brother Seth, Prometheus who stole fire (fire being an allegory for enlightenment, spiritual truth, intelligence, wisdom) from the Gods and was punished by being bound to a rock and destined to have an eagle (allegory for those that came from the sky) eat out his liver (the eating of the liver has cannibalistic connotations which was especially frightening to ancient humans at that time.) only to have the liver grow back and eaten again the next day and so on for the rest of eternity. Enki who defended Humanity from the first flood and by whose hand saved humanity from Anunnaki punishment for multiplying so readily and draining resources. He saved not only humanity but Nephilim alike. The Anunnaki have three factions within their hierarchy. The serpent or reptiles Those who have always wanted dominance over humanity and retard humanities evolution, the winged serpents, those who are serpents who are at peace with humanity's evolution and protect humanity from their brothers and sisters and lastly, the winged ones those original and highest ranked of Niribu whose symbol is a red circle with to outstretched wings which is the planetary symbol of Niribu and it's red sun which is the orbiting twin of ours. In Ancient Egyptian Mythology the Gods or Neteru as they were called were seen with Red Solar discs above their head which signified that they were from Nibiru. The ancient Egyptians called Niribu Nu or Anu which was the great beginning or point of origin for the Neteru who were actually the Anunnaki. Most ancient civilizations made the sun the corner stone of their religion, however it is my belief that the sun mentioned in ancient lore is the red sun of Niribu. Considering it's red hue, it would be indicative of a short life span and eminent problems for the inhabitants of Niribu if they had stayed.

When the Annunaki arrived to our planet they called this planet "Ea"translated as "the house of water". They saw the earth and it's indigenous people as theirs to conquer because of their obvious superiority. Though the only defining difference between us would have been a couple of millennia and technology. The Annunaki were arrogant and narcissistic as well as gifted telepaths which along with their technology and spiritual principals made them seem godlike. Before they named earth Ea, they named it Tiamat. In Sumerian legend (Propaganda concocted by the Annunaki to indoctrinate the masses to their will as gods and subjugate them, Tiamat was slain by Marduk who was the son of Enki or Ea The First God and King of earth after they came from the dying planet Niribu. Tiamat was the symbol of the earth and it's inhabitants before the Annunaki. Tiamat was the ancient goddess of the sea and the life giving essence of this, our planet. The Annunaki brought ideas of money, currency, class, slavery, weaponry, oppression and lastly misogyny. The original budding religion of this planet was one of the Divine Mother. The very essence of this planet. Tiamat, primordial water. The most ancient female essence on this planet is associated with water. She had many names before the children of Nibiru came to bring the darkness, Tiamat, Nammu, Namma, Ti' amtum, Thalath, Thalatt'e, Thalassa and Olokun. From the Annunaki came the Patriarchal template which rules our world today. Now days the Annunaki live in our genetic makeup. Memories that come up in fantasy and stories are actually made up from bits and pieces of what our genetic memory tells us of what our race went through long ago. Even our souls reveal clues of what we have seen and experienced before. All religions teach that we are servants to the lord. Servants. I'm sure we have all heard the phrase, "I would rather be a servant in heaven than a ruler in hell..." Most orthodox religions teach that we are born in to sin, we are somehow imperfect and must prostrate ourselves to a higher power for our salvation and "meet out our salvation in fear and trembling..."We have been conditioned to believe this. Over generations and generations all the way back to the Annunaki. We were enslaved by the Annunaki. We were enslaved by the Nephilim who were the hybrid children of the Annunaki who mated with Human women and vice versa. We were enslaved by generations upon generations of their descendants and by the architects of currency, class, slavery, trade and religious manipulation and telepathic conditioning to fear anything other than what we have been told. Governments and orthodox religious movements throughout the millennia's have always implemented these strategies of control which were created and taught by the Annunaki. These strategies are designed to delay and /or retard the overall evolutionary process of the human species. However, the Annunaki genes have been sufficiently assimilated in our biology that we are no longer being denied our birth right which is human evolution not only on a physical but spiritual and inter dimensional level.

It was speculated that the Annunaki came here for the search of gold. I do not subscribe to this belief. It is my contention that the Annunaki's search for gold was a spiritual one rather than a mission of mining. They are an old species and as such should have been able to spiritualize the physical body and ascended. They have not and are at odds with those species that have in fact ascended. (Ascension meaning having no more need for ones physical body and thus transcending the physical plane all together while still having access to it and other less denser planes of existence and dimensions.) Humanity was next in line for ascension and the Annunaki did not want this to happen. The art of Spiritual Alchemy was an art form introduced by the winged serpents. Those serpentine Anunnaki that wanted to assist Humanity because they knew it a union with Humanity was the key to their own ascension. The Annunaki could not master this art form because of an overall fear to let go of the physical realm. Their tremendous fear of death and the cycle of life to such a degree that they have out lived there own planet and solar system and have traveled to others to rule, dominate and control. The Annunaki will never ascend on their own but eventually can achieve this through the Human species that are destined to transcend before the Annunaki.

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