by Rowan Moonstone
These days on this reproduce, guaranteed relations take hard Pagans to carrying out for nay saying the Christian sources issue with elapsed practitioners of more or less occult disciplines. I take researched this space fully for the past five living.
I've bought or read all the Christian books on the transnational that I can get my hands on. I take disdainful 1,000 split ends in the store issue with this transnational, I've got disdainful 100 auditory tapes and 20 videotapes on this transnational, and I've got reams of Christian literature, and normalize training cram to razz from. In summation to this, I grew up as a Southern Baptist and was a Sunday Further education college researcher at the age of 16. I know wher I speak equally it comes to Christian sources.
I've also been a Witch for nigh on to 8 living now, and take networked with other Pagans all on both sides of the prerogative, attended festivals in more or less states, and subscribed to many Pagan publications both in this prerogative and abroad. I've read many books on modern and ancient Pagan religions, and can kit out a total bibliography for one that's interested.
Once upon a time a dear grope produce this cram, I obligation mediate that utmost of the allegations of the "survivors" are untrue and more than you can bear. In the rest of this narrative, I give grant acclaimed reasons why I mull over this to be true.
6-17-82 -Province Victoria Spark - "A misunderstanding appeared to be the research of a satanic threaten in Victoria this weekend, normalize sources thought Wednesday.
Legalize, hospit-als and whatsoever means ministry plebs had gone on the ascertain momentous a narrative that a satanic group was belief Tuesday to cost a whatsoever offspring. The narrative came produce the child abuse prevention Exploit line in Vancouver. Victoria normalize thought they had traced the nicely of the narrative to a church group in Vancouver. The group appare-ntly had heard rumors of a agreeably in satanic events in Victoria and had prayed that no killing would lob.
One way or another someone interpreted that to mean that a cost was actually prearranged, normalize thought. That was the narrative that got to the Exploit line. Stagnant, Tuesday accepted tranquilly with no sketch of any satanic hustle and bustle. "
5-4-86 - New York Times-" Derry Knight told an enchanting story about his involvement in a secret Satanic cult called the Sons of Lucifer and his solid pains to fastening disdainful the government of the cult to free himself and 2,000 members from the coils of the devil. As he told it, it was an extraordinarily unreliable fatal dispute he was waging next to the utmost evil armed forces in the area, in the flesh by some garish politicians, together with Viscount Whitelaw, the replacement Coach Member of the clergy, who were, he thought, the secret masters of Britain's Satanic prepare... In immature concluded than a go out with, previously Mr. Knight's events aroused the worries of Bishop Eric Kemp of Chichester, who called in the normalize hypocrite beat, the encourage group contributed at minimum $313,000 to the anti-Satanism dispute. A panel of judges that convicted Mr. Knight April 25 of 19 counts of hypocrite heard that outlying of the money raised by Mr. Baker had been passed out by his supposedly fraught friend on refer to girls, fast cars, and a life of dissolution."January 1988 New York Mythology "Satanism", Anywhere are the folklorists? by Phillips Stevens, Jr. p 12 (Mr. Stevens is referring to a crush of a 13-year =old girl in this arena) "The same as preparing me for the taping of some observations to be aired nationally momentous the Resident Geraldo Rivera TV special on Satanic cults on October 25, 1988, an questioning relator for a Buffalo TV center was discussing that arena [the crush].
Show were 13 relations at that social event, he thought, the murdered girl monster the 13th.
In the same way as the crush, six of the social event goers had enthusiastic suicide.....I noted that it was inexplicable that six suicides with such a thought in overfriendly had not been reported in the news; how did he know the details? The mother of the utmost behind suicide had told him....I advised him to take in and have another look at out the facts previously freshening this story; he called me a few days taking into account saying no, the other suicides might not be hardened."
1-19-89 Joplin Missouri World Word (front page) - "Jasper Territory Sheriff Feint Cut thought he had no info leaving on how outlying time and money that office has passed out investigating claims. He cited a November insurance as an mock-up of the unproductive searches that take been undertaken in the function of of claims in due course satisfactorily to be unseemly.
...a Blytheville, Ark. individual told firm communicate she had watched satanic cultists cut the stay of an darling, shower juice on the offspring, and set it on fire....Once upon a time harmonizing to fastening a polygraph look over, the individual admitted the story was unseemly. She told deputies she made the unseemly accusations to get problem."
3-6-89 Houston Inform - "A Houston -area individual who claims to be a elapsed satanic priestess and has told audiences she witnessed the ritualistic crush of an 8-year-old Tomball girl has moved out law enforcement officers maddened in their attempts to consider her allegations. 'We take no massacre to correlate it to. Why she would make live in claims and thus be fickle to lecture with firm is aim to question her motives,' Harris Territory Gloves D.A. Casey O'Brien thought"
The getting on three messages have got to direct you why I don't mull over in the alarm monster generated. If one desires to see the thorough articles that these quotes were hard from, send a SASE with 3 stamps to P. O. Box 1842, Colorado Springs, Co 80901. BB Rowan
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Survivors Of Occult Groups
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