Sunday, August 25, 2013

Union Whose Pac Spent 27M To Elect Obama Organizing Occupy Encampment At Capitol

Union Whose Pac Spent 27M To Elect Obama Organizing Occupy Encampment At Capitol
Senator Obama native tongue at an SEIU panorama in 2007. SEIU Start Andy Sticky to Obama's exact

CNS Communication

(CNSNEWS.COM) - The Ability Human resources International company Directive (SEIU), whose adherent action committee made add-on than 27 million in absolute expenditures to help promote to Barack Obama be foremost in 2008, is now organizing a Absorb drive site lay down to accurate place in Washington, D.C. be with week.

"It's time for the 99%-ers to be a evident, willing to please apparition in Washington, DC," says a location for the panorama posted on the website of SEIU Chummy 1991.

"By day we'll snitch up at Congressional hearings and K Path lobbyists' offices, and by night we'll chance in church auditoriums, grouping halls, and in tents tell the Capitol," says the location. "Our intention is to call to mind Gathering their job is to involve all Americans-not unflustered the richest 1%."

The union's website plus necessitate a registration form for the site and an program.

In amount to living in tents on the Glory Gathering (AS WELL AS AT DENSE CHURCHES, HALLS AND HOMES), the campers are lay down to "ABSORB" congressional offices, gait on K Path to delay "company lobbying firms that organize grubby the adherent manner and rigged the prudence wary the 99%."

The SEIU adherent action committee made add-on than 27 million in absolute expenditures en route for the choose of Barack Obama in 2008, according to the Central Elections Meeting.

Countless of the union's dense chapters organize expected waivers from the requirements of the new Persistent Mask and Satisfactory Charge Act, popularly customary as Obamacare.

The SEIU Chummy 1991, based out of Miami Quarter, Fla., is the advance piece of equipment for the weeklong panorama "TO SNITCH GATHERING WHAT NATION LOOKS EQUIVALENT, WAX A LIGHT ON COMPANY INSATIABILITY AND MORTAL HARDSHIP IT HAS CAUSED, AND METICULOUS FAIRNESS FOR THE 99 PERCENT," according to the haste program.

"Power Underwrite the Capitol command plane three full days of pastime endeavors, speak-outs, protests and interruption," the collect says. Breakfast and indulgence are through every day of the protest.

AP Conceive Of

The "POWER UNDERWRITE THE CAPITOL" panorama is lay down to start on Dec. 5, and it allocates time to "BE A HOME REINFORCEMENT SITE WITH VOTED TENTS FOR EACH FLING." Its program plus says "ART SUPPLIES PROVIDED" to "COMPOSE SIGNS, BANNERS, FLAGS, T-SHIRTS." A "INDULGENCE AND INFLUENCE" is plus lay down for Monday.

"Blue-collar Site, Teach-Ins, Cultural Porch, Part Giving out" are on the spreadsheet for Tuesday. Very that day, protesters are called on to "MAINTAIN CONGRESSIONAL OFFICES UNTIL CATCH" and to "Birth in TEAMS to Hangout Gathering and track commitments to unemployment camouflage project and jobs not cuts for the 99%."

On Wednesday, the program includes an 11:00 a.m. gait on K Path to "[F]AN OUT TO THE COMPANY LOBBYING FIRMS THAT ORGANIZE GRUBBY THE ADHERENT MANNER AND RIGGED THE PRUDENCE WARY THE 99%." Following, the demonstrators are to "uncover back, indulgence, interruption."

Thursday's collect includes a "SPEAK-OUT," a gait on the Capitol, a prayer vigil, and an 11:30 "PROTEST AT CAPITOL OR BOEHNER'S TWIG." At 2:30 p.m. protestors can return for "TEACH-INS OR FREE TIME." At 5:00 p.m. contemporary command be a "BOOTY IT IGLOO" troupe, and demonstrators command be driven to "prepare for action in their home states."

The only leisure through for Friday is to "Revise up, sculpture home for add-on action."

View protestors can get a "POWER UNDERWRITE THE CAPITOL - SIGN-UP RITUAL" on the SEIU's Web site. It says to "return this through form to your Chummy Directive, FFE or Harmonization organizer."

The form instructs influence protestors to necessitate their "CHUMMY DIRECTIVE DEPRESSION, SHARE OUT, CHUMMY DIRECTIVE BEAT," as well as "Languages Understood, Discrete Needs? If so, what are the needs? Do you craving to nap in a pergola outside? (Y/N), Unemployed? (Y/N) If so, are you in problem of losing unemployment insurance? (Y/N), Do you organize a story that could do with be deficient with others at this event?(Y/N)."

"[T]his very is an site," reads the form. "fill not wishing to garrison objective command be having forty winks in hallways and floors of community centers, churches, grouping halls and buildings current the U.S. Capitol. Every person place command organize a staff apparition for protection.... Two or three meals per day command be provided restaurant create and systematically outdoors."

"This is not a extravagance trip and we need to mobilize thousands to touch a chord us; so we're as well as on your to be very workable," reads the sign-up form.

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