Friday, August 9, 2013

Religious Studies Opportunities Digest 14 June 2013

Religious Studies Opportunities Digest 14 June 2013
We are not responsible for any content contained herein, but have simply copied and pasted from a variety of sources. If you have any content for future digests, please contact us via the various options on our 'contact' page.

In this issue:




Call for papers






Illuminating the Life of the Buddha

An Illustrated Chanting Book from Eighteenth-Century Siam

By Naomi Appleton, Sarah Shaw, Toshiya Unebe

RRP: lb35.00

Publication Date: 06 Jun 2013

Blog post about the book:


Religion and Gender has just launched a Call for Papers for a special issue on the Pussy Riot Case. Please follow this link,

CFP: The Journal Th'eoR`emes is devoting a special issue to this presence of the religious question in various philosophical studies related to "Speculative realism" or even "object-oriented ontologies", in order both to deepen the internal understanding of this question, and to develop critical approaches. We welcome contributions from a range of disciplines including religious sciences, philosophy and theology, and from a variety of perspectives.

There is a close link between Speculative Realism and religious issues. Openly or more implicitly those issues are crucial to Quentin Meillassoux's major book: After Finitude (2006). His dissertation's subtitle "An Essay on the Virtual God" (1997) attests the persistency of the question. However, this recurring presence of the religious question is not easy to interpret: Q. Meillassoux presents himself as a materialist, and his attempt as partly aimed at terminating what he calls the "religionizing [enreligement] of reason" that defines contemporary thought. At the same time, his ambition to give rational grounds to a thinking of the absolute (the "Great outdoors"), just as the connection he himself establishes between his main argument and the Cartesian argument for the existence of God, has striking echoes in religious thought.

Proposals (1 page max), in English or in French, should be submitted to theoremes[at] by September 15th 2013.

Every proposal will be considered for publication and final articles will be double-blind reviewed (

CFP: For Researching New York 2013 we invite proposals on any aspect of New York State history -in any time period and from any perspective. For 2013 we also encourage submissions that reflect on the long and complicated history of religion in New York, including the intersections of religion and church history with the secular, civic, and public life of its citizens.

Sponsored by the University at Albany Department of History and the History Graduate Student Organization and the New York State Archives Partnership Trust, the conference will take place on November 14 partial panels and individual submissions will be considered. For complete sessions please submit a one-page summary of your session and a one-page abstract and curriculum vita for each individual participant. For individual submissions, include a one-page abstract and one-page curriculum vita. Submissions must include name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Submit electronically to resrchny[at] Proposals must include all anticipated audiovisual needs and time constraints.

This annual conference brings together historians, archivists, public historians, graduate students, teachers, documentarians, and multimedia producers, to share their work on New York State history.

Researching NY Conference

Department of History

University at Albany-SUNY

Albany, New York 12222


Email: resrchny[at]

Visit the website at

CFP: Encyclopedia of Possession and Exorcism

Announcement ID: 204450 (H-NET)

Dr. Joseph Laycock is currently seeking contributors for the ABC-CLIO Encyclopedia of Possession and Exorcism to be published in July 2014. This volume will approach the concepts of "possession" and "exorcism" as broadly as possible looking across cultures and across disciplines. Below is a list of currently unassigned articles and their approximate word lengths. There is also still room to propose new entries.

Potential contributors should send a CV to Dr. Joseph Laycock at possessionandexorcism[at]

CFP: Regional Issues Research

We invite submission of abstracts, research proposals, and full papers on all topics broadly related to business and social science. We specifically encourage submission of research dealing with regional issues (Asia, Africa, Middle East, Latin America, Europe, and North America). Topics: Anthropology, Accounting, Area Studies (African, American, Asian, European, Hispanic, Islamic, Jewish, Middle Eastern, Russian, Women's and all other cultural and ethnic studies), Business Administration, Communication, Economics, Education, Energy Alternatives, Ethnic Studies/International Studies, Finance, Geography, History, Intergenerational Studies, International Relations, IT and CIS, Journalism, Management, Marketing, New Urbanism, Political Science, Preservation and Green Urbanism, Psychology, Public Administration, Social Work, Sociology, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods, Urban and Regional Planning, Women's studies, Other Areas of Social Science, Other Araes of Business, Cross-disciplinary areas of the above related to each other or other areas.

Damir Tokic

The Macrotheme Review~

Email: tokicd[at]

Visit the website at conferences/paris business and social science 2013

CFP: Envisioning the Eucharist: Medieval & Byzantine Art Symposium at The Art Institute of Chicago

ASCHA seeks papers that examine how Eucharistic doctrine was propagated - or challenged - in Byzantine and Medieval art from the twelfth to fifteenth centuries. We are especially interested in how artists envisioned the Eucharist theologically and transcended literal representation of the Last Supper to convey other dimensions of the Eucharistic mystery. The symposium's keynote speaker is Aden Kumler, Assistant Professor of art history at the University of Chicago, who will be presenting research from her forthcoming book "The Multiplication of the Species: Medieval Economies of Form, Accident and Substance."

Proposals of no more than 300 words should be submitted, with a cover letter and 2 page C.V. by September 1, 2013.

The symposium will be held at the Art Institute of Chicago on February 11, 2014, one day prior to the CAA's annual conference. Entrance free with museum admission.

For more information:




Visit the website at

The University of Nottingham

The Soul Conference

Oxford 2013

The Centre of Theology and Philosophy at the University of Nottingham, in association with the Centre for Theology and Modern European Thought at Oxford, will be hosting a conference entitled 'The Soul' at St. Anne's College Oxford on Friday 28th June, Saturday 29th June and Sunday 30th June. Keynote speakers include:


Marliynne Robinson (Pulitzer prize winning author of Gilead, Home and Housekeeping and the essay collections The Death of Adam, The Absence of Mind, and When I Was a Child I Read Books)


Iain McGilchrist (author of The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World)


David Bentley Hart (author of The Beauty of the Infinite)


William Desmond (author of Being and the Between, Ethics and the Between, and God and the Between)


John Milbank (author of Theology and Social Theory and Being Reconciled: Ontology and Pardon)


Mary Midgley (author of Science and Poetry and The Ethical Primate: Humans Freedom and Morality)

Further details of the conference including bookings and the schedule can be found here:

If you have any queries, please contact the organisers: thesoul[at]


Elon University - Assistant Professor of Asian History, tenure-track

Leiden University - Visiting professorship in Korean Studies (rank open)

Ohio University - Curator, Dr. You-Bao Shao Overseas Chinese Documentation and Research Center

Queen's University Belfast - Temporary Lecturer in Modern Asian History

Aarhus University - Assistant Professorship in Visual Anthropology

Museum of Islamic Art, Doha - Head of Learning & Academic Programmes

Institute of Ismaili Studies - Keeper of the Ismaili Collections

Teaching Fellowship in Enlightenment History, c.1750 - c.1850

School of History, Classics and Archaeology

University of Edinburgh

Teaching Fellow

School of Divinity, History and Philosophy

University of Aberdeen

Call for PhD Application in Cultural Approaches to Diagnostic Technologies in East Asia

Date: 2013-08-31

Description: Research area: Science and Technology Studies / History of Health / Medical Anthropology / Medical Sociology Description: Applications are invited for a three-year, full-time, funded PhD position in Cultural Approaches to Diagnostic Technologies in East Asia in the Centre for the Humanities and Medi

Contact: chm1 [at]

Announcement ID: 204288

Lecturer in New Testament Studies

Reference Number 2748

Location Durham City

Faculty/Division Arts and research projects in spirituality, theology and health, and Anglican studies. The Department has a welcoming and collegial atmosphere, and is beautifully sited between the Cathedral and the Castle on the World Heritage Site in the centre of the city of Durham.

The current post arises from the secondment of Professor John Barclay to a senior role in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities for the period 2013-16. Applications are welcome from those with research expertise in any area of New Testament studies. Those who currently teach in the area include Professor Barclay, Professor Francis Watson, Dr Lutz Doering and Dr Jane Heath, while many other staff in the Department have cross-disciplinary research interests that relate to the New Testament. There is a weekly research seminar in New Testament, at which papers are presented by leading scholars from the UK and abroad as well as by members of staff and research postgraduates. More information about the Department is available at

The successful applicant will be expected to teach modules in New Testament at undergraduate and taught postgraduate levels, to participate in postgraduate research supervision at an appropriate level, to undertake outstanding research leading to publications of international significance, and to play a full part in the life of the department.

The university is an equal opportunities employer and acknowledges a range of flexible working practices.Job Summary and Purpose

The main features of the job will be:

a) to conduct outstanding research leading to publications of international significance in the field of New Testament studies;

b) to teach at all undergraduate levels and at Masters level in the field of New Testament Studies;

c) to participate in the supervision of research students (MA and PhD) in New Testament studies;

d) to submit applications for externally-funded research grants;

e) to undertake administrative tasks in the Department of Theology and Religion, as agreed with the Head of Department.

The postholder will be responsible to Professor Alec Ryrie, Head of Department.


The key responsibilities of the job will be in teaching (lecturing, seminar leading, course organisation, marking, and dissertation supervision), research (writing and publication) and administration, within the team of staff constituting the Department of Theology and Religion.

Person Specification



1. Undergraduate and/or taught postgraduate degree in relevant area

2. PhD thesis submitted by the closing date

3. Track record, appropriate to career stage, of outstanding research publication

4. Evidence of planned programme of research that is compatible with and will enhance the Department's research profile, and with the potential to secure external research income


5. Appropriate to career stage, of teaching at undergraduate and / or postgraduate level in New Testament studies

Skills and Competencies

6. In relation to undergraduates and taught postgraduates, the ability to teach and organize courses, and mark assignments, in the field of New Testament studies

7. Excellent communication skills in English, both oral and written

8. Scholarly expertise in appropriate languages, including New Testament Greek

9. Ability and willingness to work as a member of a team, in research, teaching and administration

10. Good IT skills

For appointment at Grade 8, candidates will need to provide evidence of relevant teaching and supervising experience at university level and a significant record of publications at international level. A PhD is also essential for appointment at Grade 8.

Additional Information

Guidance for written application

1. It is essential that in your written application you give evidence of examples of proven experience in relation to the selection criteria.

2. A description (of up to 1,000 words) of the research project(s) you aim to pursue in the next five years should be included in your written application; this may be incorporated into your letter of application or included as an appendix.

3. You should include a sample of your written work (5,000-7,000 words) with your application.

Please note the presentation/interview dates are to be scheduled for (date to be confirmed). At interview, shortlisted candidates will be asked to give a 20-minute presentation on an aspect of their current or recent research to a mixed audience of academic staff and postgraduates from across the Department of Theology and Religion.

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