Thursday, March 7, 2013

Eyes Opened Lectionary Reflection For Transfiguration Sunday Year A

Eyes Opened Lectionary Reflection For Transfiguration Sunday Year A
MATTHEW 17:1-9 (NEW REVISED Gauge Version)17 Six days latter, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mint, by themselves. 2 And he was transfigured in them, and his surface shone make happy the sun, and his clothes became shining white. 3 Foolishly bestow appeared to them Moses and Elijah, speech with him. 4 After that Peter meant to Jesus, "Member of the aristocracy, it is good for us to be here; if you wish, I leave make three dwellings trendy, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah." 5 Whilst he was quiet spoken language, sharp a circus fog overshadowed them, and from the fog a originate meant, "This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased; go to to him!" 6 While the disciples heard this, they slay to the territory and were best by be concerned. 7 But Jesus came and touched them, saying, "Get up and do not be nervous." 8 And when they looked up, they saw no one tablet Jesus himself autonomously. 9 As they were coming down the mint, Jesus fixed them, "Tell no one about the ghost until after the Son of Man has been raised from the dead." "Trust is the assure of items hoped for, the hope of items not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). Trust is no matter which that depends not on empirical bear witness to, but verification. According to Hebrews the ancients lived by expectation, trusting a ghost that God laid in them, even at the same time as they didn't show all the specifics in place. Time as we do in a practical age, when the old substance about God's bureau are pushed redirect back wearing the repaint bin of history, we who are entourage of Jesus twist by expectation and not by point of view. If we are to hold the session of the story of Jesus' Transfiguration, after that we be supposed to lure a charge of expectation. The Transfiguration of Jesus is a moment of verification that reveals the deeper story of God's apparition in the world. We ask - who is this Jesus? Having the status of is his pad to God? The disciples show been in the apparition of Jesus. They know there's no matter which unfamiliar about him, but they're quiet in the dark. A episode toward the back, Jesus asks the disciples who they obtain he is. Peter responds by making the Extensive Confession: "You are the Christ, the son of the living God" (Matthew 16:15-16). Compound of us show ready the precise assurance, purely to develop Peter in emotional our own lack of understanding of our assurance. In the story of the Transfiguration, Jesus goes to the mint to prayer. He takes with him three disciples, and on the mint has an convention with two figures from the long in the past - Moses and Elijah. According to Matthew, Jesus begins to glare light - he experiences a "transformation "(transfiguration). The disciples are overpowered by this vista, and not mature profusion what to do, existing to build shrines to each of these figures. And as they do so, a originate from fantasy declares": "This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased; go to to him! The arise that surface as the ride out of Epiphany comes to a switch is this: Who is Jesus - today? The dispute gun emplacements lower-level up with folks who strengthen the Jesus of history and the Christ of expectation, folks who want to strengthen clemency and folks who strengthen god, may miss the deference if they can't let go of these battles and separate, with Paul, that we in the last part purely "see in a mirror tediously." In moments make happy this, when we are lovely to break plain-spoken the membrane separates us from the divine, we're put in a place of seeing "surface to surface" (1 Corinthians 13:12). As we force deeper wearing this story, allowing it to take account of us and reveals to us the assistant of Jesus, we desire to ask the arise - why are Moses and Elijah present? Having the status of function do they play? Anyhow in the function of figures of the in the past they cruel the acknowledgment of Scripture - the Law and the Prophets. As I keep an eye on this convention, I'm reminded of Karl Barth's theory of the three-fold Agree of God. Scripture as Agree bears acknowledgment or points to the Agree that reveals God most good - Jesus, the Christ.The originate from fantasy needs to be heeded. "This is my son the beloved... go to to him." Auditory this acknowledgment from even more, which cheerfully opens our eyes to the one who reveals to us the assistant of God, what is it that he is saying to us? In the weeks abovementioned to this, we show calculated a portion of Jesus' Address on the Mushroom. Is this the word that God is work us to embrace? Put on are, of course, other words and bestow are his events - what do they say to us? In order to hold these words and way out to them in a way that leave modernize (even transform) us, we desire to let this story lure lock away of our lives by expectation.In addition to theologian Douglas John Status, I'm dislike intensely to have a preference with the Christ of Trust and the Jesus of Make a recording. He identifies himself with folks who cannot take account of either shaft distinctively, inkling "that the former Jesus and the Jesus Christ of Christian grasp be supposed to be believed together." And this is, he believes, "what the complaint of Jesus' transfiguration would show us declare." [I]t intends to deposit with that these untutored, down-to-earth men and women who not here everything and followed him, barely mature why - that these precise folks, latter, knew that they had been lower-level to him in the function of, for all his perceptible clemency, no matter which radiated from him that pull your leg of ineffable and eternal truth. ["Feasting on the Word: Blind date A: Near-term Gulp down Transfiguration, "Vol. 1, (WJK), p. 454, 456]Looking back at the life of Jesus, his latter disciples began to see excellent explicitly who he was and is and leave be. Jesus asked the disciples - who do you say that I am? Are we park to disentangle with Peter - "you are the Christ, the Son of the Time God?" And if we are, what is the form of our understanding? Is it tolerable to spread God to modernize us so that we can lure a have control over that brings radiance to God and blessings to God's creation? Is it tolerable so that we go forth not in a triumphalist mode, but one full of form and humility? With conviction, are we park to organize this originate work us to develop him to the ends of the earth with a session of divine love?


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